Getting the files / Setting up

In order to use the landscape module, you will need to obtain the source, and compile it into your Data Explorer exec. This is not half as difficult as it may seem. Hopefully the following steps will get you up and going.

  1. First download the tar'ed and gzip'ed files. To do so set "Load to local Disk" (under "Options") to on. Then click here . Then turn "Load to local Disk" off.

  2. Make a landscape directory "mkdir landscape". And copy the file to the directory "cp landscape.tgz landscape". Goto the directory "cd landscape"

  3. Uncompress the files "gzip -d landscape.tgz". Untar the files "tar -xvf landscape.tar"

  4. The files are now on you system and ready to be compiled. If you have an RS/6000 and a setup similar to the Theory Center, you can simply type "make landscape" and the dxexec will be compiled for you. If this doesn't work, nag your local system administrator for help, or mail me with the problem ( ).
The files should now be set up and ready to use.

Starting up Data Explorer

When you compiled the new "Data Explorer" you simply created a new "dxexec" in your current directory. In order to use the module, you need to tell DX that you want to use the new exec and the location of the module. Follow these steps:

  1. Type "dx -exec ./dxexec" to start the new data explorer session.

  2. Now choose "Load Module Description(s)..." under "File".

  3. Choose "landscape.mdf" from the file dialog.
Under the "Realization" list a new module "Landscape" should have appeared. If not something went wrong. Start again, and if it still doesn't work contact your sysadm or me.

Using the module

There really isn't much to using the Landscape module, as long as you are familiar with Data Explorer. There are a few points to note however:

Included with the files are two Data Explorer "nets" ( and Hopefully these will get you started in creating your own worlds. The first net is almost as simple as it gets, the landscape takes one input from a "construct" and the three parameters are feed in by scalars accessible through the "control pannel". The output of the landscape module then goes thorugh a "colors and "normals" and finally to an "image" module. What follows is picture of the "simple" net. Click on the picture to see a full size view.

Final Notes

I hope you enjoy playing with this module as much as I enjoyed creating it. I'd like to extend a gracious thanks to all those who made this possible, as well as all those who helped with "Data Explorer's cryptic programming":

Cornell Theory Center