Independent Study Project:

For the Fall '94 semester, working with Bruce Land in a CS 790/Independent Study course and with Alan Hedge in a DEA 600/Special Problems course, Simonetta Rodriguez developed scientific visualization techniques applicable to the study of carpal tunnel syndrome. Two-dimension angular deviation data of wrist motion, obtained with an exoskeleton measuring glove worn by human subjects using keyboards, had previously been obtained by Hedge. While human factors researchers had long used such measuring devices to obtain wrist motion data, this data had not previously been visualized.

For the results of this work, click on the study name below:

Intervention for Prevention/Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, the Cornell/Honeywell Keyboard Systems Study

The study may also be found imbedded in the National Science Foundation's Metacenter research repository.

Additional pictures (click on them to enlarge) from the study:

(Mpeg Movie 1) (75 frames).

These pictures show the main effect of the treatment in the study:

Click on the images to enlarge.

(Mpeg Movie 2) (143 frames).

For more information on scientific visualization, contact:
Bruce Land, Cornell Theory Center,

For more information on human factors research, contact:
Alan Hedge, Department of Design & Environmental Analysis, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University,

For more information on how to develop an individualized program of graduate study, cutting across the traditional division of "hard science" and "social science" professional/scientific fields, contact:
Simonetta Rodriguez, B.S. Architectural Engineering (UT Austin) '88; M.S. Human/Environment Relations (Facility Planning & Management Concentration) '95, Department of Design & Environmental Analysis, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University,