Human Facial Modeling Project

The Human Facial Modeling Project Team:
Project Deidre (I): Modeling Human Facial Expressions - Human thespians conveys an extraordinary amount of information from facial expressions. A good thespian could convey a slight disapproval by a simple arching of an eyebrow, a mocking contempt with a flaring of the nostrils, and encouragement with a slight smile at the corner of the lips. As one might imagine, modeling human facial expressions is both a difficult and complex topic. We examine some of the researches done as well as taking a first crack at the problem.

Project Deidre (II): Animating Human Facial Expressions - Continuing our work from the previous project. We modeled some key features (such as eyebrows, interior of mouth, hair) on the human face that are as important to facial expressions as the distortion of the facial skin. We also build on top of the previous project by using the muscle primitives built in the previous project to construct macros that express the six universal emotions.

Write to us with any comments: Dan Hung, Heji Kim, and Steve Huang