
This is the main applet class which implements a Thread interface so that the applet can run as a thread. This class contains the "run" method which instantiates the User Interface Panel and the Drawing Canvas which contains the images. The event-handling method of this class processes the user input values from the interface and passes them to the paint method of the respective canvas.

This class sets the layout for the drawing canvas and also instantiates the canvas for the world space, view space, screen space and the screen projection.

This class is used to layout and process the user interface panel. The layout used is the GridBagLayout which provides flexibilty in laying out the various components. Some of the components that have been used are Labels, Buttons and TextFields.

This class contains the methods that are used to draw the object in the World Coordinate Space. The vertex list and the face list for the object are read from a .obj file. All transformations are done on these vertices. Using the input values from the Interface Panel passed down by the MainProgram it calculates the inverse camera transforms and draws the viewing frustrum in the world space. This class also contains the methods to display the coordinate axes and to rotate the object, frustrum and the axes when the mouse is dragged on the canvas.

This class contains the methods that are used to draw the object in the View Coordinate Space. From the user input values it draws the frustrum in the view space. This class also contains the methods used to calculate the view transformation matrix (Tview) values which are used to transform the object from the world space to the view space.This class also contains the event-handling methods required to rotate the object and the frustrum in view space.

This class contains the methods used to draw the object in the screen space. From the user input values of the Near Plane, far Plane and the Screen Height it calculates the frustrum in the screen space and displays it. This class also contains the methods used to calculate the perspective transformation matrix (Tper) values which are used to transform the object from the view space to the screen space. This class also contains the event-handling methods required to rotate the object and the frustrum in screen space.

This class contains the methods used to draw the screen projection of the object. It contains the methods required to clip the object before displaying it.

The Matrix3D class provides basic Matrix operations such as Scaling, Translation and Rotation. These methods are used by other classes such as WorldModel3D, ViewModel3D, PerspModel3D, ProjModel3D to carry out the different transformations.

This class is used only during the Clipping Operation in the PerspModel3D and ProjModel3D classes. This class contains variables used to keep track of the intersection point between the view plane ansd the line intersecting through it.

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