
There are two parts to the applet - one is the User Interface Panel and the other is the Canvas where the images are displayed.

User Interface Panel

The Interface panel allows the user to input the values necessary to control the camera and perspective transforms. The input values are The default values can be changed by two methods. One method is to change the values directly in the textfield. The value is accepted only when you hit the ENTER key. The textfield accepts only integer values, both positive and negative.Another method is to increase or decrease the values by 1 by clicking on the ">" and "<" buttons.


There are four different canvases which display images of the object and the viewing frustrum.The objects along with the frustrum can be rotated by dragging the mouse over the particular canvas. This is possible only in the World, View and Screen space. By rotating the images, you can view the object from all sides of the viewing frustrum.The Far Plane of the frustrum is colored blue, and the Near Plane is colored Yellow. This color coding is consistent in the World Coordinate Space, View Coordinate Space and the Screen Coordinate Space. The UP vector is indicated by the Green Arrow.

Click here to see the JAVA Applet for Camera and Perspective Transforms