Classes defined:

The following are the basic classes for each polygon

1. Cone

This class sets the vertices and faces for Cone.

2. Cube

This class sets the vertices and faces for Cube.

3. Cylinder

This class sets the vertices and faces for Cylinder.

4. Tetrahedra

This class sets the vertices and faces for Tetrahedra.

5. Torus

This class sets the vertices and faces for Torus.

Individual window for each polygon is needed because the data is updated in its own class.

6. ConeWindow

This class sets up the threads for the animating window for Cone.

7. CubeWindow

This class sets up the threads for the animating window for Cube.

8. CylinderWindow

This class sets up the threads for the animating window for Cylinder.

9. TetraWindow

This class sets up the threads for the animating window for Tetrahedra.

10. TorusWindow

This class sets up the threads for the animating window for Torus.

Individual control on thread is needed for each polygon.

11. ConeMain

This class controls the interface and threads for Cone.

12. CubeMain

This class controls the interface and threads for Cube.

13. CylinderMain

This class controls the interface and threads for Cylinder.

14. TetraMain

This class controls the interface and threads for Tetrahedra.

15. TorusMain

This class controls the interface and threads for Torus.

The following classes are commonly applied on each polygon.

16. Vertice

This class keeps track on the vertices and calculates the perspective of the polygon.

17. RotateCalc

This class generates the calculations for the amount of rotation on each frame for the polygon

18. FaceCalc

This class handles the calculations for each face; it also checks to see if the face is visible or not.

19. FaceRender

This class handles the color for each face.

20. PPanel

This class handles the input and the update of the interface
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