P3D Help Index

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Creating P3D scene files

Creating P3D object files

Modifying the Document


File menu

Edit menu

View menu

Options menu

Window menu

Help menu

Rendering Options


Gouraud Shading

Phong Shading


Graphics pipeline

Window architecture


P3D design

Known Problems

Bug list

Future Enhancements

Work to do

Creating P3D Scene Files

P3D scene files contain global scene definitions. Scene file names are of the form filename.p3d, and contain the following sections:
Camera Specify camera position and orientation
Frustum Specify the view frustum.
Light Specify light location, intensity, and color.
Ambient light Specify the ambient light value of the scene.
Objects Specify the objects contained in a scene and indicate transformations for each.
Sample A sample file containing a cube and a cylinder.

White space can appear anywhere, but there is no comment character.

Creating P3D Object Files

P3D object files define 3D objects that can be included in scene files. This level of indirection makes it easier to compose complex scenes by aggregating and transforming a small number of objects. Object file names are of the form filename.obj, and contain the following sections:
Vertex list Specify a list of vertices for the object.
Surface countSpecify the number of surfaces on the object (and in the surface list).
Surface list Specify the list of surfaces, in terms of polygons, that make up the object. Polygons are specified in terms of vertices in the vertex list.
Sample A sample file containing a cube.

White space can appear anywhere, but there is no comment character.

View menu commands

The View menu offers the following commands:
Phong Renders the 3D model as solid objects using Phong shading.
Gouraud Renders the 3D model as solid objects using Gouraud shading.
Wireframe Renders the 3D model at wireframe objects.
Do Culling Toggles culling of backfacing polygons in wireframe objects. By default, no culling is performed when Wireframe rendering is selected.

Options menu commands

The Options menu offers the following commands:
Camera Displays a dialog box in which you can position the camera.
Frustum Displays a dialog box that allows you to control shape and location of the view frustum.
Ambience Displays a dialog box in which you set the ambient light of the scene. Only affects non-wireframe rendering
Light Displays a dialog box in which you position the direction of the light and set the intensity.

Graphics Pipeline

P3D implements the standard graphics pipeline where a data representation is transformed in various ways until it is in a form suitable for rendering. This pipeline is shown below:

Graphical data representation Rasterization and shading
Compose scene Coordinate systems
Cull backfaces Modeling Transform
Define lighting, camera, and view View Transform
Clip to view frustum Perspective Transform
Hidden surface removal

P3D Windows Architecture

P3D uses the Windows Multiple Document Interface (MDI) architecture. This allows the user to have multiple documents, possibly of different types, open at the same time. P3D only supports one document type, a scene, but several scene documents can be open at once.

In the Microsoft Foundation Class library, CDocument derived classes handle I/O and data management; CView derived classes are responsible for displaying data controlled by the CDocument classes. P3D provides four views on the data: a tree view of the data, a wireframe rendered view, a solid rendered view using Gouraud shading, and a solid rendered view using Phong shading. The class relationships for windowing are shown below:

The P3D classes are described below:
CP3DAppTop-level application class; required by MFC. Contains CDocument.
CP3DDoc Manages P3D documents: opening, closing, saving, etc.
Scene Contains P3D in-memory graphics data representation.
P3DTreeView Displays a tree control for traversing and editing the P3D graphics data representation.
CP3DView Displays graphical rendering of the P3D graphics representation. Either wireframe or a solid rendering is displayed depending on user selected parameters.
P3DDataFrame Frame containing a split window of P3DTreeView and CP3DView windows.

P3D Design

P3D is designed for flexibility: alternative implementations can be easily plugged into the graphics pipeline. The data representation is static, but the reader and the renderer can be changed to support different file formats and different renders or rendering algorithms. The high level design is depicted in the following diagram:

Document Controls P3D documents.
View Displays P3D data. Different views show the data in different ways (e.g., tree data or wireframe rendering). A view may do the drawing as in the case of the Tree representation, or it may delegate the task to a renderer as in the case of the wireframe and the solid representations.
File Reader Reads a particular format of graphics data file (e.g., *.p3d format). Instantiates the in-memory data representation from a file.
Data Representation In-memory graphics data representation; contained in a Scene object.
Renderer Draws the data representation into a view on the screen.
Linear Algebra classes Utility classes that support linear transforms and linear algebra.

P3D Bug List

The following P3D bugs have been discovered:

  1. If the tree view is expanded more than one level deep and a window refresh occurs, say after a dialog is dismissed, then the tree is collapsed to only one level deep. There is some dysfunctional code in P3DTreeView.cc.
  2. Rendering should be halted when resizing the window. Resizes are awkward because P3D renders during the operation.
  3. There is no way to edit vertices interactively.

P3D Future Enhancements

The following is a list of possible enhancements to P3D:

Scene File: the Camera

In the scene file you specify the location, orientation, and direction of the camera. The location is specified as a point in world coordinates. The orientation is specified as a vector in camera coordinates. Think of it as a normal vector to the top of the camera. The direction of the camera is specified as a world coordinate point to aim the camera at.

In the scene file the user specifies:

. . .




. . .

An example entry would be as follows:

. . .

0 7 50

0 3 3

0 1 0

. . .

Here the camera is located 7 units above the z axis at z = 50. The camera is pointing at a point 3 units above the z axis at z = 3. The camera is oriented upright. The value of V does not need to be normalized into a unit vector.

Scene Files: the Frustum

You specify the configuration of the view frustum in the scene file as follows:

. . .




. . .

The near_plane is the distance from the view point to the front plane of the view frustum. The far_plane is the distance to the back plane of the view frustum. The height is the length from the center of the front plane to the edge; the front plane is centered about the z-axis in view coordinates. A sample set of view values are:

. . .




. . .

This specifies that the near plane of the frustum is 5 units from the camera in view coordinates, the far plane is 100 units away, and the near plane height (on every side of the z-axis) is 3 units.

Scene Files: the Light

You specify the light configuration in the scene file as follows:

. . .




. . .

The light_intensity indicates how bright the light is; it ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The light_color is the light color in RGB. The light of a scene is a point source at inifinity. The direction_from_origin indicates the orientation of the light with respect to the origin, in world coordinates. The following figure show the direction vector L, at the origin.

A sample entry in the scene file is:

. . .


255 255 255

1 1 1

. . .

This specifies a bright white light.

Scene Files: Ambient Light

You specify the level of ambient light in a scene as a real number between 0 and 1.0. Ambient light is intended to account for the sum of all reflected light in a scene. Higher ambient values will increase the global brightness of the scene.

. . .


. . .

Reflected light is too complex to model directly, so this parameter is provided to add realism.

Scene Files: the Objects

You include objects in the scene by listing them in the scene file. First, the number of objects is entered. Then, for each object, you supply an object file name, three transformation vectors, color, and surface specifications:

. . .










. . .

The object_count specifies how many object entries are to follow. If there are not enough entries, P3D will likely crash. If there are too many entries, some will not be read. The file_name is the name of an object file. The rotation_vector indicates object rotations about each of the three axes in world coordinates. Likewise, the scaling_vector scales the object in three dimensions and the translation_vector translates the object.

The color specifies the object color as an RGB triple where each value is an integer in the range 0 to 255. The diffuse value specifies the degree to which the object's surface will diffuse light due to subsurface scattering. It is a measure of surface roughness and ranges between 0 and 1.0. The specular value specifies the surface's mirror-like quality or ability to generate a specular highlight. This value ranges between 0 and 1.0. The shininess value indicates how smooth the surface is; it is also affects the ability to generate a specular highlight. This value is an integer greater than 0. Low values indicate a rough surface and cause a narrow specular highlight, high values indicate a smooth surface with a broad specular highlight.

Gouraud shading only uses the diffuse component and ignores specular and shininess values. Phong shading uses all three to generate a more realistic rendering.

A sample of two obects in a scene file is:

. . .



0 45 0

5 5 5

-7 0 5

128 128 128





0 45 0

5 5 5

7 0 5

200 50 50




The last object is at the end of the scene file.

Scene Files: a Sample

Here is a complete scene file for a tank:

0 27 60

0 0 0

0 0.993263 -0.115881





255 255 255

0.638971 0.42829 0.638971




0 0 0

10 10 1

10 0 8

0 0 255





0 0 0

10 10 1

-10 0 8

128 0 0





0 0 0

10 10 1

10 0 -8

130 140 150





0 0 0

10 10 1

-10 0 -8

130 140 150





0 0 0

40 10 15

0 2 0

128 128 192





0 0 90

10 10 15

-25 2 0

160 170 180





90 30 0

14 14 8

0 11 0

255 128 0





0 90 0

2 2 18

-15 13 0

255 255 128




Object Files: the Vertex List

You specify the vertices of an object in the object file as a list of points in world coordinates. This is done as follows:

. . .



. . .


. . .

If vertex_count does not match the number of vertices specified, then unpredictable behavior will occur. Each vertex is specified as a vertex identifier and an x y z triple. A sample for a unit cube is:


1 .5 .5 .5

2 -.5 .5 .5

3 -.5 -.5 .5

4 .5 -.5 .5

5 .5 .5 -.5

6 -.5 .5 -.5

7 -.5 -.5 -.5

8 .5 -.5 -.5

It is recommended that identifiers start at 1 and increase in counting order. The vertex identifiers are used later in the object file to define polygons.

Object Files: the Surface List

Surfaces allow you to aggregate polygons into a group. You specify the surfaces of an object in the object file as follows:

. . .





. . .



. . .




. . .



All counts must match the number the number of items they specify. Each vertex_id_list contains vertex identifiers that refer to vertices specified in the vertex list appearing earlier in the file. A sample surface list for a unit cube with eight vertices is:




1 2 3 4



5 1 4 8



5 8 7 6



6 7 3 2



1 5 6 2



4 3 7 8

Note that vertex identifiers must be specified in counterclockwise order with respect to the outward facing normal of the polygon. The renderer uses this information to determine the polygon normal which is used when illiminating back facing polygons. If specified incorrectly, the polygon may be incorrectly illiminated from a scene.

Object Files: a Sample File

Here is a complete object file for a unit cube:


1 .5 .5 .5

2 -.5 .5 .5

3 -.5 -.5 .5

4 .5 -.5 .5

5 .5 .5 -.5

6 -.5 .5 -.5

7 -.5 -.5 -.5

8 .5 -.5 -.5




1 2 3 4



5 1 4 8



5 8 7 6



6 7 3 2



1 5 6 2



4 3 7 8

Graphics Pipeline: Composing a Scene

A P3D scene is composed by including object files in a scene file. By keeping objects in separate files, P3D allows you to reuse objects to save time in scene composition. Objects in the object file are specified by a set of vertices. In the scene file, you specify how to transform the object, rotating, scaling, and translating it as desired.

The easiest way to compose a scene is to define your objects centered at the origin. That way, scaling and rotation will have predictable effects. Use unit lengths whenever possible; it will be easier to predict the effect of scaling and translation on the object.

Once you have written the scene file and object files, you can load them into P3D and modify scene properties via the user interface.

Graphics Pipeline: Culling Backfacing Polygons

Culling backfacing polygons is the process of removing polygons facing away from the camera. This is determined by calculating the angle between the polygon normal and the line of sight vector to the camera point. It that angle is greater than 90 degrees, then the polygon is backfacing and should be set to not visible.

The following computations are required to perform culling:

This clipping is performed by the Culler class. For wireframe rendering, this feature is normally off so that all polygons are visible.

Graphics Pipeline: Defining Lighting, Camera, and View

The light and the camera can be positioned in the scene file. You can also aim and orient the camera. The shape of the view frustum is also specified in the scene file.

The light, camera, and view frustum can be adjusted via dialogs from the view menu or from the tree view. Any changes to these scene parameters can be saved via the File menu.

The light is a point source located at infinity and is specified by giving a direction vector pointing from the world coordinate origin to the point at infinity. The intensity and color of the light can be modified. This light is implemented by the LightAtInfinity class which is derived from the abstract Light class. Alternative lights could be implemented in a similar fashion.

By positioning a camera, you specify a new coordinate system in which to view objects. Objects, which are specified in world coordinates, must be transformed into camera or view coordinates. By specifying a view frustum, you restrict the area to be rendered.

Graphics Pipeline: Clipping to View Frustum

The view frustum specifies boundaries within which vertices will be rendered. Any vertices lying outside the frustum are clipped or removed from the rendering process. For solid model rendering, this can drastically reduce rendering time.

The default P3D clipper (class Clipper) implements the Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm. Each polygon in the scene is first examined to see if it is visible (e.g., it hasn't been culled); if so, then it is examined for trivial acceptance or rejection. A polygon is accepted if all vertices are within the frustum, and rejected if all vertices are outside the frustum.

For each of 6 clip boundaries of the frustum, the clipper is call ed. In 3D screen coordinates, these boundaries are defined by the parallelpiped: , . The polygon vertices are in normalized projection coordinates and the perspective divide has not yet been performed. So, given a homogeneous vertex (x,y,z,w), the clip parallelpiped is defined as:

, .

The algorithm is implemented with the following pseudocode:

// case 1: first and second are inside,

// case 2: first inside and second outside,

// case 3: first and second are outside

// case 4: first outside and second inside.

first = Last vertex in polygon

for each vertex in polygon {

second = current vertex

if (inside(second)) { // Cases 1 and 4.

if (inside(first)) {

output(second); // Case 1.

} else { // Case 4.

intersection = intersect(first, second, coord, axis);




} else { // Cases 2 and 3.

if (inside(first)) { // Case 2.

intersection = intersect(first, second, coord, axis);




first = second;


Graphics Pipeline: Hidden Surface Removal

The goal of hidden surface removal is to avoid computing pixel intensity values for polygons that are hidden by polygons closer to the view point; this technique only applies to solid rendering and now wireframe rendering.

P3D uses a z-buffer to remove hidden surfaces during rasterization at the end of the graphics pipeline. During the second phase of the bilinear interpolation, the interpolated z 3D screen coordinate of each pixel is compared to the value stored at the same x,y position in the z-buffer. If the current z value is closer, then its surface intensity value is computed and the z buffer is updated.

Graphics Pipeline: Coordinate Systems

P3D utilizes several coordinate systems when transforming a scene file into an on-screen image.

The Vertex class stores most of the different coordinate values.

3D Modeling Coordinates Individual objects are defined in this coordinate system. This is the coordinate system you use in object files.

World Coordinates Objects are transformed into this coordinate system based on affine transforms specified in scene files.

View Reference Coordinates Also known as the camera coordinate system. This system has the camera at the origin, pointing down the z-axis. The view frustum is centered on the z-axis. All object vertices have been transformed into this system via the view transform matrix.

Normalized Projection Coordinates Also known as 3D screen coordinates, vertices are transformed into this system via the perspective transform matrix. These coordinates are homogeneous: (x,y,z,w) where w is the so-called perspective divide. This space is the shape of a parallelpiped where , Clipping is performed in this coordinate system. After the perspective divide, the bounds of the parallelpiped are , . In this space, hidden surface removal is performed.

2D Logical Coordinates A transformation from 3D to 2D space results in vertices specified as (x,y) values where .

2D Device Coordinates This coordinate system is specified in 2D coordinates native to the display device. For example, the Window Device Context has the origin in the upper left corner, x axis from right to left, and y axis from top to bottom (bounds for x and y depend on the size of the client area of the window used for display). The transformation must map into and in the flipped coordinate system. P3D sets to avoid distortion caused a non-unity aspect ratio.

Graphics Pipeline: Modeling Transform

The modeling transform converts objects specified in modeling coordinates in object files into world coordinates. This is done by computing the net transform based on rotations, scaling, and translations given in the scene files.

In P3D the net modeling transform is computed when the scene file is read and each Obj object is created. The Obj class retains all the affine transforms as well as the net modeling transform which is computed as where


Every vertex in the scene is transformed into world coordinates with: . This step is performed in the rendering pipeline by LC2WCTransformer::transform().

Graphics Pipeline: View Transform

The view transform converts object vertices from world coordinates to view reference coordinates. This system has the camera at the origin, pointing down the z-axis. The view frustum is centered on the z-axis. All object vertices are transformed into this system via the view transform matrix.

In P3D, the Camera object computes and contains the view transform matrix. This matrix is applied in the rendering pipeline by WC2NPCTransformer::transform(). The view transform is computed as , where:


The values used are:

These values are computed based on values in the scene file:

Note that view reference coordinates are not stored in the vertices like other coordinates because these values are never required by P3D. In WC2NPCTransformer::transform(), the product of the view transform matrix and the perspective transform matrix are applied to each vertex resulting in a transformation into the normalized projection coordinates.

Graphics Pipeline: Perspective Transform

The perspective transform converts object vertices from view reference coordinates to normalized projection coordinates. This system has the camera at the origin, pointing down the z-axis. The view frustum is centered on the z-axis. The view frustum is either a normalized, truncated pyramid with and , or it is a parallelpiped with and . In the former case, the perspective divide hasn't yet been performed. All object vertices are transformed into this system via the perspective transform matrix.

In P3D, the View object computes and contains the perspective transform matrix. This matrix is applied in the rendering pipeline by WC2NPCTransformer::transform(). The perspective transform is computed as:

The values used are:

These values are specified in the scene file.

Normalized projection coordinates are assigned in the vertices by WC2NPCTransformer::transform().

CP3DDoc Class

In the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) realm, a CDocument object is responsible for managing all aspects of a single document type. Documents usually have an in-memory representation and an on-disk representation. The Document class is responsible for managing the in-memory representation and for converting to and from the on-disk representation.

The CP3DDoc class is a subclass of Document and manages P3D scene data. The on-disk representation is stored in scene files. CP3DDoc can read and write to scene files and keeps track of when a scene needs to be saved. These capabilities are provided by overriding virtual functions of Document.

P3D has another type of file, an object file, but there is not a Document object for this file type. This is because these files are embedded in scene files and are not directly manipulated by the P3D user. The CP3DDoc class delegates the scene file I/O to a reader/builder class pair.

The CP3DDoc class maintains a reference to a Scene object that contains the in-memory representation. Typical MFC applications ask the document to manipulate the data. In P3D, a client asks for the Scene, and makes manipulation requests on that. The reason for this is that the manipulation functions are tightly coupled with the representation. But, on the other hand, since the manipulation functions eventually will render in a view, they are also tightly coupled to the view.

The choice for P3D was to keep the data and I/O in the document and the rendering in the view. The data is passed as an argument to the view for rendering. Note that all but the last phase of the rendering pipeline require intimate knowledge of the view.

Scene Class and Graphics Data Representation

The Scene class is the top level container of the P3D in-memory data representation. All rendering begins with the Scene object. The current Scene object is contained in the CP3DDoc object.

The Graphics data representation is described with the following Object Model Diagram:

The classes in the graphics data representation are briefly described:

The Elem class is an abstract class which allows its subclasses to be members of lists and arrays. This technique provides for less code, but it also defeats the strong typing of C++. This could be improved.

P3DTreeView Class

The P3DTreeView class is one of two view classes responsible for presenting P3D data. In MFC, classes derived from CView provide the user with a view on the document. When a P3D document is opened, a split window frame is presented with a rendered image on the right and a tree view of the data on the left.

The P3DTreeView class is derived from the MCF CTreeView class and presents a literal view of the P3D graphics data in the form of a tree. By clicking on the you can exapand or collapse the tree. The following figure shows what a few expanded items reveal.

To learn how to edit the scene in this view, see Modifying the Scene Using the Tree View.

CP3DView Class

The CP3DView class is one of two view classes responsible for presenting P3D data. In MFC, classes derived from CView provide the user with a view on the document. When a P3D document is opened, a split window frame is presented with a rendered image on the right and a tree view of the data on the left.

The CP3DView class is directly derived from CScrollView and displays P3D data in graphical form; either solid or wireframe. The following figure shows this view in action:

This class refers to two other types classes: Renderer, and its parent frame of class P3DDataFrame. CP3DView contains a reference to each type of renderer implemented; currently GouraudRenderer, PhongRenderer and WireframeRenderer.

CP3DView has a reference to its parent frame so that it can determine which renderer to use for display based on user selection. The parent frame contains this and other user information set via menus. Each time rendering is performed, CP3DView checks which renderer the user selected and uses that to draw the scene.

P3DDataFrame Class

The P3DDataFrame class serves several purposes:

The parent of this class is CMainFrame which is the top level window in a MFC application.

Design: Reading Files

A design goal was to create a framework that would allow create the same in-memory data representation from different data file formats. This required an extensible structure.

A Scene object is a container for the in-memory 3D graphics data. This representation is constructed a piece at a time by a group of collaborating objects which form a builder pattern. This pattern makes it easy to support multiple file formats and multiple internal data representations. The class diagram of the pattern is:

Here is a description of each class in this pattern:

A CP3DDoc class contains references to a Builder and a Reader, as well as the Scene. By assigning different values to these references, other readers and builders can be used.

Design: Rendering

The P3D data representation is rendered on the screen by a subclass of Render. This base class defines the rendering pipeline via a set of worker classes called substrategy classes.The following class diagram shows how these classes relate.

These classes are described below.

To implement wireframe and solid renderers, subclasses of Renderer are defined that override various parts of the rendering pipeline. These subclasses may subclass some of the substrategy classes; especially NPC2PixelsTransformer.

Design: Linear Algebra Classes

A basis for 3D graphics is a set of utility classes implementing linear algebra. These classes and their relationships are demonstrated in the following figure:

The Matrix class uses to the Vector class for its implementation; both derive the ability to be in lists via Elem. All elements of the classes are of type double. The GraphicsMatrix class enforces a 4x4 affine transform matrix. The Rotate class is used to compose a rotations in X, Y, and Z.

Incremental Shading

Incremental shading techniques are a class of algorithms that compute intensity values at the vertices of polygons and incrementally shade the interior points by applying a simple reflection model. Both Gouraud and Phong are incremental shading techniques.

Incremental shading techniques are characterized by the following:

Incremental techniques are characterized by the fact that the geometric information is available only at the vertices. They apply a simple reflection model to a polygon, calculating values at the vertices, then interpolating values for the interior points. Interior points are computed from left to right (in scan line order).

Interpolative techniques provide two functions: 1) compute interior

points using an interpolative method; 2) attempt to minimize the visibility of the polygon mesh.

P3D traverses the objects in a scene in by-polygon order and applies bi-linear interpolation to each. Rasterization uses an edge list structure that stores the points where every visible polygon edge intersects a scan line. The following figure shows the edge list representation for a polygon.

Other information stored in the edge list elements includes vertex normal, light intensity, and the z value. Note that P3D currently supports convex polygons only.

P3D uses a z-buffer to implement hidden surface removal. Each entry in the z-buffer contains the z position of the closest pixel at the corresponding screen location, and the pixel color.

Phong command (View menu)

Use this command to render the 3D data as solid objects with Phong shading. A check mark appears next to the menu item when Phong is selected.

Phong shading is an interpolated or incremental technique for polygon meshes. Phong shading is characterized by the following:

The surface reflectance value is computed as follows:

Where Crgb is the surface color adjusted by the color of the light source, Ka is the ambient value, Kd is the diffuse surface reflectance value, Lrgb is the light source color factor, Ks is the specular surface reflectance value, N is the surface normal at the pixel (interpolated from vertices), L is the surface direction vector to the light source, n is the surface shininess value, Imax is the maximum RGB value (255), and Li is the light intensity. In practice, under- and overflow must be detected to keep values in range.

This equation uses an optimization to avoid computing (R is the surface unit reflectance vector and V is the surface unit vector to the view point). By assuming the light source is at infinity and the view point is at infinity, L and V are constant across the polygon. Therefore a geometric simplification can replace with where H is the unit vector normal to a hypothetical surface that is oriented in a direction between the light direction L and the view vector V. H is . This saves having to compute R, V, and L for every pixel.

Gouraud command (View menu)

Use this command to render the 3D data as solid objects using Gouraud shading. A check mark appears next to the menu item when Gouraud is selected.

Gouraud shading is an interpolated or incremental technique that is characterized by the following:

The surface reflectance value is computed as follows:

Where Crgb is the surface color adjusted by the color of the light source, Ka is the ambient value, Kd is the diffuse surface reflectance value, I is the interpolated intensity at the pixel. All values range from 0.0 to 1.0 except the color vector Crgb. In practice, under- and overflow must be detected to keep values in range.

Wireframe command (View menu)

Use this command to render the 3D data as wireframe objects. The data is rendered as lines representing the edges of every polygon. A check mark appears next to the menu item when Wireframe is selected.

Wireframe rendering skips the back face elimination and hidden surface detection steps in the graphics pipeline. The Do Culling selection on the view menu allows you to specify that back face elimination should be performed

Do Culling command (View menu)

Use this command to toggle culling of backfacing polygons for wireframe objects. Wireframe rendering usually skips the back face elimination in the graphics pipeline. The data is rendered as lines representing the edges of every polygon. A check mark appears next to the menu item when culling is turned on.

Camera command (Options menu)

The camera is an ease-of -use analogy for specifying the view point and the orientation of the viewer. A camera has a location in space, it is pointed in a direction, and it can be rotated along the view axis, (e.g., changing the camera's up direction).

This option displays a dialog which allows you to specify the following camera properties:

For more information, see Scene File: the Camera.

Frustum command (Options menu)

A frustum is a truncated pyramid. A view frustum is the area that defines the clipping boundaries used by the renderer.

Edges with end points outside the frustum are clipped, making a new edge. Frustum parameters are set in view coordinates; the space has been transformed such that the camera is at the origin pointed along the positive z-axis. The frustum is centered on the z-axis, both planes are square and perpendicular to the axis.

This command displays a dialog which allows you to specify the shape of the frustum by setting these properties:

Ambience command (Options menu)

When in solid rendering mode, this command displays a dialog which allows you to specify the ambient light value of the scene. You specify the level of ambient light in a scene as a real number between 0 and 1.0. Ambient light is intended to account for the sum of all reflected light in a scene. Higher ambient values will increase the global brightness of the scene.

Light command (Options menu)

For simplicity, the light is defined as a point source located at infinity. P3D supports a single light in the scene. The displayed dialog allows you to specify the following light properties:

For more information about the P3D light, see Scene Files: the Light.

Modifying the Document

There are several ways to modify a P3D scene: by creating or modifying P3D files, by using edit features of the document windows, and by using menu commands.

Creating and Modifying P3D Files

P3D uses two file types to define a scene. The scene file defines global parameters of a scene, includes object definitions, and specifies transforms for the objects. Objects are defined as a set of surfaces and vertices in object files. Currently, objects can only be edited by modifying the object files.

P3D View Windows

When you open a P3D scene, it is presented in two views separated by a splitter bar. The right hand view is the rendering view; it presents a rendering based on the algorithm chosen by the user (e.g., wireframe, Gouraud, or Phong). The left hand view is the tree view which presents hierarchical view of the data representation. You can modify the scene values using the tree view.

Modifying the Scene using Menus

Scene and rendering parameters can be modified by using either the View menu

or the Options menu.

Modifying the Scene Using the Tree View

The Tree View presents a hierarchical view of the P3D scene data. The following figure shows the top level items in the view.

Items with a '+' can be expanded to show more information. Scene file data can be directly edited in this view by double clicking on the item. A dialog will allow you to modify the properties for the item:

The Objects item does not support editing, but you can modify object values by opening the Objects item as shown below:

Double clicking on an object name or any of its editable items will bring up a tabbed dialog. This dialog allows you to modify the object properties.

Camera Dialog

The camera dialog allows you to modify the following camera properties:

For more information, see Scene Files: the Camera.

Frustum Dialog

The frustum dialog allows you to modify the following properties:

For more information, see Scene Files: the Frustum or Frustum command.

Ambient Light Dialog

For more information, see Scene Files: Ambient Light.

Light Dialog

The Light dialog allows you to modify the following properties:

For more information, see Scene Files: the Light.