As you begin, the view canvas displays a single box in the center of the world coordinates and the Current Object is "Top Level." To change the box, try clicking in the List Box labeled "Model." As you click, the box becomes a sphere, or a pyramid, or a torus. Finally, click on "Container." The current object disapears. This is because the object itself does not display. A container object simply exists to be the parent of the other objects that are created.

You are now ready to add some children to the current object. Under the "Children" heading, click on "Add." A Dialog will appear in which you can enter the name of the child you want to add. Click "OK" and the child will appear. Notice that the Current Object is now the name you specified as your child. Notice also that the box has reappeared on the viewing canvas. This is because newly created objects default to boxes and by creating the new object, the new box has appeared on the canvas. Once again, you can change the Model list box to change your object. Try making it a sphere. Now try playing with the Input Fields of XScale, YScale, and ZScale. Notice how the sphere changes its size when you hit return. Leave XScale, YScale and ZScale all equal to 4 and let's move on. Now try changing the XTrans, YTrans, and ZTrans input fields. Notice how the sphere moves around in world coordinates. Leave X and Y at zero, but set ZTrans to 100. You should now see this:

Now let's add some more children. By adding them at this stage, they will become children of the first child we created. Click on "Add" and name your object, remembering to click "OK" in the dialog box when you are done. For variation, make this object a pyramid by selecting "Pyramid" in the list labeled "Model." Notice that in the center of the sphere, you now have a pyramid. An important feature is that the pyramid is scaled and translated together with its parent sphere in a hierarchical manner. Try scaling the pyramid to 0.5 in the X, Y and Z coordinates. Now translate the pyramid by 30 in the Y direction. The pyramid should appear on the right of the sphere.

Now we want to add another child to the sphere. In order to do this, we need to make the sphere the Current Object. To do this, remember that our current object is the child of the Sphere so we simply click on "Back" to move back the parent. Now, the sphere is the current object. Click on "Add" to create a new child. Name it and click "OK." Lets make this one a pyramid also. Notice once again that it appears in the center of the sphere. Scale it down to 0.5 in all coordinates and translate it by 30 in the X coordinate. You should now see this:

Now let us return to the Top Level, clicking back twice. The first time should return us to the sphere, and the second time should put us back at the Top Level. Let's add another child to the top level. Once again, click "Add," name the child, and click "OK." This child will appear at the center of the world, since it is a child of the top level. Make this object a torus, and scale it a bit. Now, try playing around with the Theta and Phi coordinates. These are rotations that the object undergoes relative to the world. Leave Theta at 45 and Phi at 0 and the torus will appear diagonally rising from left to right. Return to the parent by clicking "Back." As a last step, let's shrink the entire hierarchy by .5 in the Z coordinate. To do this, set ZScale to 0.5. You should now see this:

One more thing in this basic example: Try dragging your mouse through the drawing canvas. Notice that the image rotates. Dragging the mouse changes the camera position so that you get a different viewing angle. In the lower left corner of the screen is a little message in the form T,P:xxxxxx,yyyyy. The first number is the Theta at which the camera is positioned relative to the world, and the second number is the Phi at which the camera is positioned.

Have fun!