2D Totalistic Cellular Automaton in Java

A CS 490 Independent Research Project


Yee Yang Li Hector

Advisor: Bruce Land


This project implements a totalistic 2D cellular automaton using a scheme based on Life rules. In fact, Conway's game of Life has rules that are a subset of the total rules expressible using this applet.

Instructions on Use:

The applet allows you to select the neighborhood of each cell. This neighborhood is the cells which are counted in determining the cell's next state.

The birth rules are simple - if a box is checked, then if the number of neighbors is equal to the number checked, the cell's next state is set to 'live'.

However, if the number of neighbors is equal to a 'death' state, the cell's next state is 'dead', otherwise the cell survives as it is.

Try out this object using 'Game of Life' rules:


It's called a glider. You can set individual cells by clicking on the CA grid after clearing it with the clear button.

The source.