Games with Swing


The goal of this project is to learn Swing and Graphical User Interface building by creating some fun applications. I choose to create some games to demonstrate Swing GUI features. Swing is a codename for latest Java Foundation Class, which is part of the JDK1.2Beta release from Sun Microsystems. Swing components is built on top of AWT (Abstract Windows Toolkit) and has drastically improve upon its predecessor.


Swing is the part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) that implements a new set of GUI components with a pluggable look and feel. Swing is implemented in 100% Pure Java, and is based on the JDK 1.1 Lightweight UI Framework. The pluggable look and feel lets you design a single set of GUI components that can automatically have the look and feel of any OS platform (Windows, Solaris, Macintosh). Swing components include both 100% Pure Java versions of the existing AWT component set (Button, Scrollbar, Label, etc.), plus a rich set of higher-level components (such as tree view, list box, and tabbed panes). Swing can be found in JDK1.2Beta release. Check Out Swing Components to get a better idea what kind of GUI you can build with Swing.

Swing features in MengGame:

Classes in MengGame: