3ds to wgf File Conversion


Modelling 3d objects is not something suited to code. Rather one must use either commercial or propriatary software to model complex 3d objects. Creating our own modelling tools is not feasible at this point, so we whipped up something to convert from a 3ds (3-d studio) file to our own object file format-wgf. 3ds was chosen as it is somewhat of an industry standard and fairly well documented with an elegant file format.

Currently the conversion will extract point data and polygon face data from the 3ds file. A 3ds file is mapped to one graphical object in the wgf file format. So, a skeleton modelled as many pieces in one 3ds file will be translated into one skeleton object in the wgf file. (for logical reasons having to do with the naming and indexing of objects) What this means to development is that a model composed of sub-models (ie: skeleton with a seperate head, arm, leg, etc) will have to be built from it's component pieces in some sort of second pass linker. View leap planes would also be added at this time.

The file conversion utility is very much a work in progress, and due to some last minute technical difficulties we were unable to put any important objects in the downloadable executable. (Well, we could have put in a big box, but that would have looked kind of dumb) Special thanks to Jeff Lewis,  Martin van Velsen, Robin Feroq and Jim Pitts, who we can thank for documentation on the 3ds file format.

The wgf File Format - Highly Subject to Change