%Analyse nathan's 6-dim stuff clf ; clear all ; format compact; fname='iberg8.008.026' results = load( strcat('d:\bruce\NBBdocs\Projects\Bass\',fname) ); %normalize each parameter (column) to the range 0-1.0 %the scalar value (column 7) is scaled for the color map permute = [1 2 5 6 3 4]; %permute = [1 3 5 2 4 6]; for i=1:6 %min(results(:,i)) %max(results(:,i)) normresults(:,permute(i)) = ... (results(:,i)-min(results(:,i)))/(max(results(:,i))-min(results(:,i))); end positions = normresults'; mapres = 100 ; map=jet(mapres) ; %define a clor map s = mapres*(results(:,7)-min(results(:,7)))/((max(results(:,7))-min(results(:,7))))+1 ; min(results(:,7)) npoints = 10000 ; %size(results,1); highbrk=99; %breakpoint for highest scalar range lowbrk=20; %for lowest scalar range midtop=45; midbottom=43 ; set(gcf,'position',[300 0 600 800] ) %make a bigger figure orient tall %fill the paper when we print subplot(3,1,1); hold on; count=0; for i = 1:npoints if s(i)> highbrk cindex = min( fix(s(i)), mapres); plot(positions(:,i), 'color', map(cindex,:) ); count=count+1; end end count title(fname) xlabel (strcat('lowest magic num: cutpoint=', num2str(highbrk), ' number=', num2str(count)) ) axisx = [1,4; 1,1; 2,2; 3,3; 4,4; 5,5; 6,6]'; axisy = [0,0; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1]'; line(axisx, axisy, 'color', 'k'); subplot(3,1,2); %figure hold on count=0; for i = 1:npoints if s(i)< lowbrk cindex = min( fix(s(i)), mapres); plot(positions(:,i), 'color', map(cindex,:) ); count=count+1; end end count xlabel (strcat('highest magic num: cutpoint=', num2str(lowbrk), ' number=', num2str(count)) ) axisx = [1,4; 1,1; 2,2; 3,3; 4,4; 5,5; 6,6]'; axisy = [0,0; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1]'; line(axisx, axisy, 'color', 'k'); subplot(3,1,3); %figure hold on count=0; for i = 1:npoints if s(i)midbottom cindex = min( fix(s(i)), mapres); plot(positions(:,i), 'color', map(cindex,:) ); count=count+1; end end count xlabel (strcat('middle magic num: lowcutpoint=', num2str(midbottom),... ' highcutpoint=', num2str(midtop), ' number=', num2str(count)) ) axisx = [1,4; 1,1; 2,2; 3,3; 4,4; 5,5; 6,6]'; axisy = [0,0; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1]'; line(axisx, axisy, 'color', 'k'); %fname=strrep(fname,'.','') %[X,Xmap]=capture(gcf); %imwrite(X,Xmap,strcat('e:\iberg\',fname,'.jpg'),'jpg');