Daanish M. Khan

Digital Voltmeter Using Atmel AVR AT90S CPU

And Maxim 1110 ADC

This is a very simple design for a digital Voltmeter using an Atmel AVR AT90S1200 RISC CPU development board and a MAXIM 1110 ADC.

The MAXIM 1110 is a multichannel ADC capable of unipolar or bipolar conversion with an internal reference of +2.048 V. It receives an 8 bit command byte based on which it performs a conversion. The details of the byte are given in Table 1. The conversion can use either an external clock clocked through SCLK or the internal clock.

Table 1. Command Byte Format

Bit 7 (MSB)

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0 (LSB)



Sel 2

Sel 1

Sel 0










The first logic "1" after CS goes low defines the beginning of the control byte




Sel 2

Sel 1

Sel 0

Select which of the input channels are to be used for conversion

(Table 1a)



1=unipolar, 0=bipolar, selects unipolar or bipolar conversion mode. Select differential operation for bipolar mode



1=single ended, 0= differential mode, selects single ended or differential conversions. In single ended, input signal voltages are referred to COM.In differential mode, voltage difference between two channels is measured



1=fully operational, 0=power down. Selects fully operational or powerdown



1=external clock, 0=internal clock. Selects between internal clock and external clock mode/


Figure 1 shows the design of the circuit, along with pin connections between the ADC and the development board. Also make sure that PORTB is connected to the LED pins for output.

We start by clearing the CS bit so the select the ADC. The command byte is then clocked in, for a Unipolar single ended conversion on channel 0. While a conversion is being performed, SSTRB is low. Once conversion is complete SSTRB goes to high and we can start reading in the serial output from the ADC. Note here that the first 2 bits of the output are zeros and need to be discarded. The next 8 bits give the value of the input as a fraction of the Reference. These bits are read into a register using the carry flag and rotating it through the register based on whether the input bit is high or low (see code section ADC_RECEIVEDATA).

To interpret the output byte suppose your LED’s give a value of D7 (light on implies a 1 and with the leftmost bit as the MSB) the value of the input is (216(D7)*Vref)/256. (For a detailed description see the datasheet for the ADC pp 17-18 http://www.maxim-ic.com/efp/ADconv.htm ). So in our case a byte D7 would correspond to (216*2.048)/256 shich is 1.728V.

The CPU checks and displays the value continuously until it is turned off or the reset button is pressed.


Figure 1. Schematics of the circuit

 ;*Simple program that uses a MAXIM ADC and communicates to it sending commands for 
 ;*conversion and receiving a byte of output from the ADC

.DEVICE AT90S1200 ;* Two useful macros .LISTMAC ;skip next instruction if carry set .MACRO skipcs .SET _skipcs = PC+2 brcs _skipcs .ENDMACRO ;skip next instruction if carry clear .MACRO skipcc .SET _skipcc = PC+2 brcc _skipcc .ENDMACRO ;*************************************************************************** ;include AT90S1200 registers definitions .include "1200def.inc" .CSEG ;temp variables to be used in the program .def Arg1 = r20 ;Variables used to store bytes that are to be sent to and received from ADC .def Main1 = r24 ;contains the cammand byte .def Main2 = r25 ;general purpose counter .def Main3 = r26 ;the incoming byte ;*************************************************************************** ;* Port Pin Assignements ;*************************************************************************** ;port D bit definitions, outputs to ADC and input from it .equ ADCSCLK = 0 ;ADC serial clock output .equ ADCCS = 1 ;ADC chip select (active low) .equ ADCDIN = 2 ;ADC serial data .equ ADCDout = 3 ;ADC output .equ ADCSTRB = 4 ;ADC STROBE output to signal end of conversion ;* port B is all outputs to the led's ;*************************************************************************** ;* ;* MAIN PROGRAM ;* ;*************************************************************************** ;* INITAILIZATION ;*************************************************************************** RESET: ldi Arg1, 0b000011100 ;set bits 2,3,4 to outputs and all out ddrd, Arg1 ;others to inputs. Pin 4 reads the ;the ADC output clr Arg1 ;set SCLK, CS and DIN to zeros out portd, Arg1 ser Arg1 ;set port B to outputs out ddrb, Arg1 out portb, Arg1 ;turn off LEDs ;**************************************************************************** ;* READADC: reads ADC channel specified by Main1 into Main3-4 ;* Range is 0-4096. Uses Main2 ;**************************************************************************** .MACRO ADC_CLOCKPULSE ;makes a clock pulse: ADC reads and outputs data on ;falling edge of the clock sbi PortD, ADCSCLK ;SCLK high .SET _nextstep = PC+1 ;wait at least 200 nS rjmp _nextstep .SET _nextstep = PC+1 rjmp _nextstep cbi PortD, ADCSCLK ;SCLK low .ENDMACRO READADC: cbi portD, ADCSCLK ;clear the clock line cbi portD, ADCCS ;chip select the ADC ldi Main1, 0b10001110 ;the ADC command word ;unipolar (channel1) single ended conversion ;with internal clocking ;Change this for different functions of the ;ADC such as bipolar conversion or external ;clocking. ldi Main2,8 ;the bit counter ADC_SENDCOMMAND: rol Main1 ;shift out the 8-bit command skipcc sbi portD,ADCDin ;set the bit in Din skipcs cbi portD, ADCDin ;clear the bit in Din ADC_CLOCKPULSE ;clock the value in dec Main2 brne ADC_SENDCOMMAND ;ldi Main2,100 _WAITLOOP: sbic portD, ADCSTRB ; wait until you receive a signal from strobe rjmp _WAITLOOP clr Main3 ;refresh Main 3 ldi Main2, 10 ;shift in 8+2 bit result (2 leading 0's) ADC_RECEIVEDATA: clc ;first set the carry ADC_CLOCKPULSE ;clock the ADC for next bit sbis PinD, ADCDOUT ;if ADC data low is high, set carry sec ;inverted since low turns led on rol Main3 ;shift carry into data buffer dec Main2 brne ADC_RECEIVEDATA;repeat until all bits read sbi PortD, ADCCS ;release ADC chip select END: out portb, Main3 ;output result to LED’s EVER: rjmp READADC ;Go for another conversion