Source Code



; Kevin Chipalowsky 375281

; Jennifer Librach 374980

; ee476

; Friday section


.include ""

.device AT90S8535

.def savREG0 =r0

.def timer1 =r1

.def savREG1 =r2

.def messL =r3

.def messH =r4

.def saveYL =r5

.def saveYH =r6

.def t0overflow=r7

.def temp =r16 ;temporary register

.def keysC =r17

.def keysD =r18

.def pulselength=r19

.def tempI0 =r20 ;temporary register for ISR 0

.def output =r21

.def progcount=r22 ;stores 16-current length in memory when programming

.def progtemp=r23 ;temporary register for programming

.def state =r24

.def maxlen =r25 ;maximum length of a compared memory region

.def temp2 =r26


.equ prescal0=3 ;Timer0 prescal =clk/64

.equ prescal1=1 ;Timer1 prescal =clk/1

.equ T1=exp2(OCIE1A) ;timer1 compare match

.equ Timer0=exp2(TOIE0);timer0

.equ nootherkey=0xff

.equ keys=0 ;state0

.equ prog=1 ;state1

.equ playmess=2 ;state2

.equ erprog=0xee ;displayed error code

.equ ert0 ;displayed error code


;Buttons Decoded

.equ button0=0x77

.equ button1=0x7b

.equ button2=0x7d

.equ button3=0x7e

.equ button4=0xb7

.equ button5=0xbb

.equ button6=0xbd

.equ button7=0xbe

.equ button8=0xd7

.equ button9=0xdb

.equ button10=0xdd

.equ button11=0xde

.equ button12=0xe7

.equ button13=0xeb

.equ button14=0xed

.equ button15=0xee

.equ button16=0x77

.equ button17=0x7b

.equ button18=0x7d

.equ button19=0x7e

.equ button20=0xb7

.equ button21=0xbb

.equ button22=0xbd

.equ button23=0xbe

.equ button24=0xd7

.equ button25=0xdb

.equ button26=0xdd

.equ button27=0xde

.equ button28=0xe7

.equ button29=0xeb

.equ button30=0xed

.equ progkey=0xee



mess0: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess1: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess2: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess3: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess4: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess5: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess6: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess7: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess8: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess9: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess10: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess11: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess12: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess13: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess14: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess15: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess16: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess17: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess18: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess19: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess20: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess21: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess22: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess23: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess24: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess25: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess26: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess27: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess28: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess29: .byte 1 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate

mess30: .byte 400 ;a sixteen pulse count including a zero terminate



.org $0000

rjmp RESET ;reset entry vector

reti ;ext int 0

reti ;ext int 1

reti ;timer 2 compare match

reti ;timer 2 overflow

reti ;timer 1 capture event

rjmp T1cmp ;timer 1 compare match A

reti ;timer 1 compare match B

reti ;timer 1 overflow

rjmp T0ovfl ;timer 0 overflow

reti ;serial transfer complete

reti ;uart rx complete

reti ;uart data empty

reti ;uart tx complete

reti ;adc convertion complete

reti ;eeprom ready

reti ;analog comparator




RESET: ldi temp, LOW(RAMEND) ;setup stack pointer

out SPL, temp

ldi temp, HIGH(RAMEND)

out SPH, temp

;setup timers

; setup Timer 0

ldi temp, Prescal0

out TCCR0, temp ;set T0 prescaler

ldi Temp, timer0 ;enable timer0 interrupt

out TIMSK, Temp

ldi Temp,0x00

out OCR1AH, Temp ;load timer1 compareH

ldi Temp, 100

out OCR1AL, Temp ;load timer1 compareL

ldi temp, exp2(CTC1) ;enable clear on compare match

ori temp, exp2(CS10) ;load T1 prescaler

out TCCR1B, temp

;enable keyboard portsD&C as inputs

clr temp

out DDRD, temp

out DDRC, temp

;enable portB as an output, pinB4 as input and out initially 0

ldi temp, 0xef

out DDRB, temp

clr temp

out PORTB, temp

ldi temp, T1

mov timer1, temp ;in a register for use in xor funct

ldi state, keys ; state=0

; is anything pressed state = 0

spin: rcall keypadpoll

cpi keysD, progkey

breq M_prog

cpi keysD, nootherkey ;is a key pressed on padD?

brne j2play

cpi keysC, nootherkey ;is a key pressed on padC?

brne j2play

rjmp spin

j2play: rjmp M_play

M_prog: ldi state, prog

in temp, PORTB

andi temp, 0x3f ; turn on bits 6&7 when in prog state

out PORTB, temp

;wait until prog released, then get another button, then record

rcall keypadpoll

cpi keysD, 0xff

brne M_prog

waitp: ;timeout? show LED in prog mode?

rcall keypadpoll

ldi temp, 0x55

out PORTB, temp

cpi keysD, progkey

breq spin ; if prog was pressed return to main

cpi keysC, button0

brne nexttest0

rjmp prog_B0


cpi keysC, button1

brne nexttest1

rjmp prog_B1


cpi keysC, button2

brne nexttest2

rjmp prog_B2


cpi keysC, button3

brne nexttest3

rjmp prog_B3


cpi keysC, button4

brne nexttest4

rjmp prog_B4


cpi keysC, button5

brne nexttest5

rjmp prog_B5


cpi keysC, button6

brne nexttest6

rjmp prog_B6


cpi keysC, button7

brne nexttest7

rjmp prog_B7


cpi keysC, button8

brne nexttest8

rjmp prog_B8


cpi keysC, button9

brne nexttest9

rjmp prog_B9


cpi keysC, button10

brne nexttest10

rjmp prog_B10


cpi keysC, button11

brne nexttest11

rjmp prog_B11


cpi keysC, button12

brne nexttest12

rjmp prog_B12


cpi keysC, button13

brne nexttest13

rjmp prog_B13


cpi keysC, button14

brne nexttest14

rjmp prog_B14


cpi keysC, button15

brne nexttest15

rjmp prog_B15


cpi keysD, button16

brne nexttest16

rjmp prog_B16


cpi keysD, button17

brne nexttest17

rjmp prog_B17


cpi keysD, button18

brne nexttest18

rjmp prog_B18


cpi keysD, button19

brne nexttest19

rjmp prog_B19


cpi keysD, button20

brne nexttest20

rjmp prog_B20


cpi keysD, button21

brne nexttest21

rjmp prog_B21


cpi keysD, button22

brne nexttest22

rjmp prog_B2


cpi keysD, button23

brne nexttest23

rjmp prog_B23


cpi keysD, button24

brne nexttest24

rjmp prog_B24


cpi keysD, button25

brne nexttest25

rjmp prog_B25


cpi keysD, button26

brne nexttest26

rjmp prog_B26


cpi keysD, button27

brne nexttest27

rjmp prog_B27


cpi keysD, button28

brne nexttest28

rjmp prog_B28


cpi keysD, button29

brne nexttest29

rjmp prog_B29


cpi keysD, button30

brne nexttest30

rjmp prog_B30


rjmp waitp

prog_B0:ldi ZL, LOW(mess0) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess0) ;

rjmp record

prog_B1:ldi ZL, LOW(mess1) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess1) ;

rjmp record

prog_B2:ldi ZL, LOW(mess2) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess2) ;

rjmp record

prog_B3:ldi ZL, LOW(mess3) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess3) ;

rjmp record

prog_B4:ldi ZL, LOW(mess4) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess4) ;

rjmp record

prog_B5:ldi ZL, LOW(mess5) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess5) ;

rjmp record

prog_B6:ldi ZL, LOW(mess6) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess6) ;

rjmp record

prog_B7:ldi ZL, LOW(mess7) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess7) ;

rjmp record

prog_B8:ldi ZL, LOW(mess8) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess8) ;

rjmp record

prog_B9:ldi ZL, LOW(mess9) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess9) ;

rjmp record

prog_B10:ldi ZL, LOW(mess10) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess10) ;

rjmp record

prog_B11:ldi ZL, LOW(mess11) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess11) ;

rjmp record

prog_B12:ldi ZL, LOW(mess12) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess12) ;

rjmp record

prog_B13:ldi ZL, LOW(mess13) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess13) ;

rjmp record

prog_B14:ldi ZL, LOW(mess14) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess14) ;

rjmp record

prog_B15:ldi ZL, LOW(mess15) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess15) ;

rjmp record

prog_B16:ldi ZL, LOW(mess16) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess16) ;

rjmp record

prog_B17:ldi ZL, LOW(mess17) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess17) ;

rjmp record

prog_B18:ldi ZL, LOW(mess18) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess18) ;

rjmp record

prog_B19:ldi ZL, LOW(mess19) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess19) ;

rjmp record

prog_B20:ldi ZL, LOW(mess20) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess20) ;

rjmp record

prog_B21:ldi ZL, LOW(mess21) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess21) ;

rjmp record

prog_B22:ldi ZL, LOW(mess22) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess22) ;

rjmp record

prog_B23:ldi ZL, LOW(mess23) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess23) ;

rjmp record

prog_B24:ldi ZL, LOW(mess24) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess24) ;

rjmp record

prog_B25:ldi ZL, LOW(mess25) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess25) ;

rjmp record

prog_B26:ldi ZL, LOW(mess26) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess26) ;

rjmp record

prog_B27:ldi ZL, LOW(mess27) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess27) ;

rjmp record

prog_B28:ldi ZL, LOW(mess28) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess28) ;

rjmp record

prog_B29:ldi ZL, LOW(mess29) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess29) ;

rjmp record

prog_B30:ldi ZL, LOW(mess30) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess30) ;


ldi temp, 0xf0

out PORTB, temp

RXhigh: sbis PINB,4 ; wait until input goes high

rjmp RXhigh

RXlow: sbic PINB,4 ; now wait until input goes low again

rjmp RXlow

in progtemp, PINB

andi progtemp, exp2(4); only interested in input from RX

; save beginning of message

mov messL, ZL

mov messH, ZH

; begin recording

ldi temp, timer0 ;enable timer0

out TIMSK, temp

ldi temp, 1

out TCNT0, temp

ldi progcount, 255 ; initialize length of recording

clr t0overflow

com t0overflow


out PORTB, progcount

in temp, PINB

andi temp, exp2(4) ; only interested in input from RX

cp temp, progtemp

brne change ; change in input

tst t0overflow

brne progloop

ldi temp, 0x01

rjmp storenow


mov progtemp, temp ; update last value in progtemp

in temp, TCNT0

neg temp ; 256-time so that reload will overflow correctly


st Z+, temp ; store width of period

clr temp

inc temp

out TCNT0, temp ; reset timer0

clr t0overflow

com t0overflow

subi progcount, 1

cpi progcount, 0

brne progloop

; write null terminator

clr temp

st Z+, temp

; turn off all timers

clr temp

out TIMSK, temp

rjmp spin

; state = 1 play message; not program

M_play: ldi state, playmess

cpi keysC, button0

brne playtest1

ldi ZL, LOW(mess0) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess0) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button1

brne playtest2

ldi ZL, LOW(mess1) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess1) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button2

brne playtest3

ldi ZL, LOW(mess2) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess2) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button3

brne playtest4

ldi ZL, LOW(mess3) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess3) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button4

brne playtest5

ldi ZL, LOW(mess4) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess4) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button5

brne playtest6

ldi ZL, LOW(mess5) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess5) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button6

brne playtest7

ldi ZL, LOW(mess6) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess6) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button7

brne playtest8

ldi ZL, LOW(mess7) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess7) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button8

brne playtest9

ldi ZL, LOW(mess8) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess8) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button9

brne playtest10

ldi ZL, LOW(mess9) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess9) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button10

brne playtest11

ldi ZL, LOW(mess10) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess10) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button11

brne playtest12

ldi ZL, LOW(mess11) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess11) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button12

brne playtest13

ldi ZL, LOW(mess12) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess12) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button13

brne playtest14

ldi ZL, LOW(mess13) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess13) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button14

brne playtest15

ldi ZL, LOW(mess14) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess14) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysC, button15

brne playtest16

ldi ZL, LOW(mess15) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess15) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button16

brne playtest17

ldi ZL, LOW(mess16) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess16) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button17

brne playtest18

ldi ZL, LOW(mess17) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess17) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button18

brne playtest19

ldi ZL, LOW(mess18) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess18) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button19

brne playtest20

ldi ZL, LOW(mess19) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess19) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button20

brne playtest21

ldi ZL, LOW(mess20) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess20) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button21

brne playtest22

ldi ZL, LOW(mess21) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess21) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button22

brne playtest23

ldi ZL, LOW(mess22) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess22) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button23

brne playtest24

ldi ZL, LOW(mess23) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess23) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button24

brne playtest25

ldi ZL, LOW(mess24) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess24) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button25

brne playtest26

ldi ZL, LOW(mess25) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess25) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button26

brne playtest27

ldi ZL, LOW(mess26) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess26) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button27

brne playtest28

ldi ZL, LOW(mess27) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess27) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button28

brne playtest29

ldi ZL, LOW(mess28) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess28) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button29

brne playtest30

ldi ZL, LOW(mess29) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess29) ;

rjmp playnow


cpi keysD, button30

brne playtest31

ldi ZL, LOW(mess30) ;shifted because pgm memory is words

ldi ZH, HIGH(mess30) ;

rjmp playnow


rjmp spin


; remember message address so that we can repeat it if requested

mov messL, ZL

mov messH, ZH


clr temp

out PORTB, temp

ld pulselength, Z+

out PORTB, pulselength

out TCNT0, pulselength

mov temp, timer1 ;enable timer1

ori temp, timer0 ;enable timer0

out TIMSK, temp


; keypadpoll while playing

rcall keypadpoll

clr t0overflow


tst pulselength

brne playloop ; branch to main if zero terminate reached

; do we play it again?

cpi keysD, 0xff

brne playagain

cpi keysC, 0xff

brne playagain

; stop playing

clr temp

out TIMSK, temp

rjmp spin


; reset message

mov ZL, messL

mov ZH, messH

; pulse for external trigger on scope

in temp, PORTB

ori temp, 0x01

out PORTB, temp

rjmp messageplay



T0ovfl: in savREG0, sREG

cpi state, prog

breq progoverflow

ld pulselength, Z+

out TCNT0, pulselength

; if the previous pulse length was an overflow, then don't invert

tst t0overflow

brne afterinvert

in tempI0, TIMSK

eor tempI0, timer1 ;Toggle timer1 enable

out TIMSK, tempI0


; if the recorded pulse length was an overflow, then don't

; toggle timer1 after this pulse

clr t0overflow

cpi pulselength, 0x01

brne nooverflow

com t0overflow


; generate "cleaned up" waveform on pin 2 0

and tempI0, timer1

cp tempI0, timer1

breq done

ldi tempI0, 0x02

out PORTB, tempI0

done: out sREG, savREG0



; overflowed during programming, so stop the wait loop

clr t0overflow

rjmp done

T1cmp: in savREG1, sREG

com output

andi output, exp2(5)

out PORTB, output

out sREG, savREG1










; compare memory regions pointed to by Z and Y and of maximum length maxlen

; bytes are the same if they are within 1.

; If maxlen is returned as 0, the two memory regions are the same.


; save old Z and Y

mov messL, ZL

mov messH, ZH

mov saveYL, YL

mov saveYH, YH


ld temp, Z+

ld temp2, Y+

sub temp, temp2

brsh alreadypositive

neg temp


cpi temp, 2

; todo: if temp is less than 2, they are the same, compare next byte

brsh return

; count off another byte compared.

dec maxlen

brne compareagain

; restore pointers and return


mov ZL, messL

mov ZH, messH

mov YL, saveYL

mov YH, saveYH
