;Philip Weiss
;Joel Avrunin
.nolist ;Suppress listing of include file
.include "8535def.inc" ;Define chip particulars.list
;***** register variables
.def save =r1 ;saves the SREG in ISRs
.def reload =r2 ;timer 0 interval
.def lcdstat =r3 ;used with the lcd display setup
.def maybe =r4 ;used in the button debounce routine
.def savSREG =r5 ;saves the SREG in an interrupt
.def thirtyms =r6 ;thirty millisecond counter
.def butflag =r7 ;=1 if button was pressed
.def leap =r8 ;used to check for a leap year
.def a1on =r9 ;=1 if the alarm is set to turn on
.def ahour =r10 ;hour the alarm will turn on
.def amin =r11 ;minute the alarm will turn on
.def secflash =r12 ;used to blink the green LED every second
.def timetemp =r14 ;temporary register used when outputting time
.def asciitemp =r15 ;temporary register used when outputting the date
.def temp =r16 ;General use temp register
.def timeout =r17 ;Timeout value in mSec passed to subroutine
.def charcnt =r18 ;Char position on the display
.def seconds =r20 ;seconds on the clock
.def minutes =r21 ;minutes on the clock
.def hours =r22 ;hours on the clock
.def month =r23 ;current month
.def date =r24 ;current date
.def year =r25 ;current year
.def key =r26 ;used in debounce routine
.def press =r27 ;button pressed out of debounce routine
.def state =r28 ;current state in debounce routine
.def temp2 =r30 ;another temp
;***** Other equates
.equ lcdrs =PD6 ;LCD rs pin connected to PD6
.equ lcdrw =PD5 ;LCD r/w pin connected to PD5
.equ lcde =PD4 ;LCD e pin connected to PD4
.equ down =0b11100111 ; * (time down)
.equ up =0b11101101 ; # (time up)
.equ set =0b11101110 ; D (set)
.equ almset =0b11011110 ; C (set alarm)
.equ toga1 =0b01111110 ; A (turn on/off alarm)
; Interrupt vectors
.org $0000
rjmp RESET ;reset entry vector
rjmp timer2 ;used for the real-time clock
rjmp timer0 ;interrupts every 1 millisecond
keytbl: .db 0b11101110, 0b11101101, 0b11101011, 0b11100111
.db 0b11011110, 0b11011101, 0b11011011, 0b11010111
.db 0b10111110, 0b10111101, 0b10111011, 0b10110111
.db 0b01111110, 0b01111101, 0b01111011, 0b01110111
sethourd: .db "------", 0x00, 0x00
setmind: .db "----", 0x00, 0x00
setalarm: .db "----", 0x00
setdate: .db "------", 0x00, 0x00
; Main program entry point on reset
ldi temp, LOW(RAMEND) ;setup stack pointer
out SPL, temp
ldi temp, HIGH(RAMEND)
out SPH, temp
ldi temp,0
out TIMSK,temp
ldi Temp, 3 ;prescale timer0 by 64
out TCCR0, Temp
ldi temp,256-62 ;reload timer since
out TCNT0, temp ;62.5 x (64x.25) microSec = 1.0 mSec.
;set up pin0(alarm buzzer) and pin1(blinking led) on portc to be an output
ldi temp,3
out DDRC,temp
;set up timer2
ldi temp,0b00001000 ;run asynchronously from cpu clock
out ASSR,temp
clr temp
out TCNT2,temp
ldi temp,0b00000101 ;prescale by 128 to overflow every 1 second
out TCCR2,temp
waitlp: ;wait until TC2 is updated
in temp,ASSR
andi temp, 0x07
cpi temp,0x07
breq waitlp
ldi temp,0b01000001 ;enable timer2 and timer0 overflow interrupt
out TIMSK,temp
;set up port B
ser Temp ;set PORTB to be
out DDRB,Temp ;all outputs
sei ;Enable interrupts
ldi timeout,255 ;Wait 255 mSec to let the 32.768KHz crystal settle
rcall delay
clr temp
mov thirtyms,temp
mov butflag,temp
;initialize system on reset
rcall lcdinit ;initialize the lcd
rcall lcdclr ;clear the lcd
clr charcnt
ldi state,1
clr hours
clr minutes
clr seconds
clr temp
mov a1on,temp
mov secflash,temp
mov ahour,temp
mov amin,temp
ldi month,1
ldi date,1
ldi year,0
isettime: ;display the set hour string
rcall lcdclr
clr charcnt
ldi ZH, HIGH(sethourd<<1)
ldi ZL, LOW(sethourd<<1)
nextc: lpm ;r0 ;Get next character from flash
tst r0 ;See if at end of message
breq end1 ;If so, next message
cpi charcnt,8 ;addressing changes at char #8!
brne wrtit ;at char 8, fix the addressing
ldi temp,0xC0 ;Set address to last 8 chars
rcall lcdcmd
wrtit: mov temp,r0 ;Send it to the LCD
rcall lcdput
adiw ZL,1 ;Increment Z-pointer
inc charcnt ;keep track of chars on display
rjmp nextc ;Loop for more
end1: clr charcnt
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,0
cp butflag,temp
breq nopress4 ;see if button was pressed
ldi temp, 29
cp temp, thirtyms
brne sethour
rcall disptime ;updates time on clock (called evert 30 msec)
rcall debounce ;check for a button press
cpi state, 1 ;if the state != 1 go back to sethour
brne sethour
ldi temp,0
mov butflag,temp ;clear butflag
ldi temp,29
cp temp,thirtyms
brne d1
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
d1: cpi press,up ;see if up key was pressed
brne next0
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp ;set butflag since key was pressed
inc hours
cpi hours,24 ;hours should not equal 24
breq zhour
rjmp sethour ;go to top and wait for another button
zhour: ldi hours,0 ;reset hours to zero if incremented past 23
rjmp sethour ;go to top and wait for another button
next0: cpi press,down ;see if down key was pressed
brne next1
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp ;set butflag since key was pressed
dec hours
cpi hours,255 ;see if hours was decremented too much
breq mhour
rjmp sethour ;go to top and wait for another button
mhour: ldi hours,23 ;set hours to 23 if decremented below 0
rjmp sethour ;go to top and wait for another button
ldi hours,0
next1: cpi press,set
breq iisetmin ;if the set button was pressed set the minutes
brne sethour
iisetmin: ;display the set minutes prompt
rcall lcdclr
clr charcnt
ldi ZH, HIGH(setmind<<1)
ldi ZL, LOW(setmind<<1)
mnextc: lpm ;r0 ;Get next character from flash
tst r0 ;See if at end of message
breq mend1 ;If so, next message
cpi charcnt,8 ;addressing changes at char #8!
brne mwrtit ;at char 8, fix the addressing
ldi temp,0xC0 ;Set address to last 8 chars
rcall lcdcmd
mwrtit: mov temp,r0 ;Send it to the LCD
rcall lcdput
adiw ZL,1 ;Increment Z-pointer
inc charcnt ;keep track of chars on display
rjmp mnextc ;Loop for more
mend1: clr charcnt
ldi temp,1
mov butflag, temp
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,0
cp butflag,temp
breq nopress5
ldi temp, 29
cp temp, thirtyms
brne setmin
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
cpi state, 1
brne setmin
ldi temp,0
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,29
cp temp,thirtyms
brne d2
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
d2: cpi press,up
brne next2
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
inc minutes
cpi minutes,60 ;minutes should not equal 60
breq zmin
rjmp setmin
zmin: ldi minutes,0 ;reset to zero if incremented past 59
rjmp setmin
next2: cpi press,down
brne next3
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
dec minutes
cpi minutes,255
breq mmin
rjmp setmin
mmin: ldi minutes,59 ;set to 59 if decremented below zero
rjmp setmin
ldi minutes,0
next3: cpi press,set ;if pressed, the time set is complete
breq timedone
brne setmin
timedone: ;display the set date prompt
rcall lcdclr
clr charcnt
ldi ZH, HIGH(setdate<<1)
ldi ZL, LOW(setdate<<1)
nextc2: lpm ;r0 ;Get next character from flash
tst r0 ;See if at end of message
breq end2 ;If so, next message
cpi charcnt,8 ;addressing changes at char #8!
brne wrtit2 ;at char 8, fix the addressing
ldi temp,0xC0 ;Set address to last 8 chars
rcall lcdcmd
wrtit2: mov temp,r0 ;Send it to the LCD
rcall lcdput
adiw ZL,1 ;Increment Z-pointer
inc charcnt ;keep track of chars on display
rjmp nextc2 ;Loop for more
end2: clr charcnt
ldi temp,1
mov butflag, temp
ldi temp,0
cp butflag,temp
breq nopress1
ldi temp, 29
cp temp, thirtyms
brne setmonth
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
cpi state, 1
brne setmonth
ldi temp,0
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,29
cp temp,thirtyms
brne d3
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
d3: cpi press,up
brne next4
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
inc month
cpi month,13 ;month should not equal 13
breq zmonth
rcall asciidate ;show the date display
rjmp setmonth
zmonth: ldi month,1 ;reset months to 1 if incremented past 12
rcall asciidate ;update the date display
rjmp setmonth
next4: cpi press,down
brne next5
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
dec month
cpi month,0 ;month should not equal zero
breq mmonth
rcall asciidate
rjmp setmonth
mmonth: ldi month,12 ;set month to 12 if decremented below 1
rcall asciidate ;update the date display
rjmp setmonth
ldi month,1
next5: cpi press,set
breq isetday ;done with months, so set the date
brne setmonth
ldi temp, 1
mov butflag, temp
rcall asciidate
ldi temp,0
cp butflag,temp
breq nopress2
ldi temp, 29
cp temp, thirtyms
brne setday
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
cpi state, 1
brne setday
ldi temp,0
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,29
cp temp,thirtyms
brne d4
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
d4: cpi press,up
brne next6
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
inc date
cpi date,32 ;no months have 32 days
breq zday
cpi date,31 ;if months incremented to 31 check if month
;has 31 days to see if it is valid
brne ck29
cpi month,4
breq zday
cpi month,6
breq zday
cpi month,9
breq zday
cpi month,11
breq zday
ck29: cpi date,29 ;needed to check February
brne norst
cpi month,2
breq zday
norst: rcall asciidate
rjmp setday
zday: ldi date,1 ;set the day to 1 if incremented past max day
rcall asciidate
rjmp setday
next6: cpi press,down
brne next7
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
dec date
cpi date,0
breq mday
rcall asciidate
rjmp setday
mday: cpi month,4 ;if decremented below one set to max day
;for given month
breq ld30
cpi month,6
breq ld30
cpi month,9
breq ld30
cpi month,11
breq ld30
cpi month,2
brne ld31
ldi date,28
rjmp dayp
ld31: ldi date,31
rjmp dayp
ld30: ldi date,30
dayp: rcall asciidate
rjmp setday
ldi date,1
next7: cpi press,set
breq isetyear ;go to setting the year
rjmp setday
ldi temp,1
mov butflag, temp
ldi temp,0
cp butflag,temp
breq nopress3
ldi temp, 29
cp temp, thirtyms
brne setyear
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
cpi state, 1
brne setyear
ldi temp,0
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,29
cp temp,thirtyms
brne d5
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
d5: cpi press,up
brne next8
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
inc year
cpi year,100 ;year can't be 100 since only hold last two digits
breq zyear
rcall asciidate
rjmp setyear
zyear: ldi year,0 ;reset year to zero if incremented past 99
rcall asciidate
rjmp setyear
next8: cpi press,down
brne next9
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
dec year
cpi year,255 ;check if year was decremented below zero
breq myear
rcall asciidate
rjmp setyear
myear: ldi year,99 ;set year to 99 if decremented below zero
rcall asciidate
rjmp setyear
ldi year,0
next9: cpi press,set
breq setdone ;if set was pressed, jump to main program loop
rjmp setyear
rcall asciidate ;print the date
ldi temp, 1
mov butflag, temp
ldi temp,0
cp butflag,temp
breq nopress6
ldi temp, 29
cp temp, thirtyms
brne setdone1
rcall disptime ;display the time
rcall debounce ;run debounce routing
cpi state, 1
brne setdone1
ldi temp,0
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,29
cp temp,thirtyms
brne d6
rcall asciidate
rcall disptime
rcall debounce
d6: cpi press,set
brne noset
rjmp isettime ;if set was pressed, set the clock again
noset: cpi press,almset ;see if the alarm set button was pressed
brne noalmset
rcall alm1set ;set the alarm
cpi press,toga1 ;check if the alarm on/off button was pressed
brne endpgm
ldi temp,1
eor a1on, temp ;turn the alarm on/off
mov butflag,temp
rjmp setdone1 ;back to top of main loop
ldi temp,1 ;Clear LCD command
rcall lcdcmd
ldi temp,3
mov timeout,temp ;Delay 3 mS for clear command
rcall delay
; Initialize LCD module
;cbi PORTB,0 ;Turn on LED 0
ldi temp,0 ;Setup port pins
out PORTD,temp ;Pull all pins low
ldi temp,0xff ;All pins are outputs
out DDRD,temp
ldi temp,15
mov timeout,temp ;Wait at least 15 mS at power up
rcall delay
; LCD specs call for 3 repetitions as follows:
;first rep
ldi temp,3 ;Function set
out PORTD,temp ;to 8-bit mode
nop ;nop is data setup time
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
ldi temp,15
mov timeout,temp ;Wait at least 15 mS
rcall delay
;second rep
ldi temp,3 ;Function set
out PORTD,temp
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
ldi temp,15
mov timeout,temp ;Wait at least 15 ms
rcall delay
;third rep
ldi temp,3 ;Function set
out PORTD,temp
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
ldi temp,15
mov timeout,temp ;Wait at least 15 ms
rcall delay
;Now change to 4-wire interface mode
ldi temp,2 ;Function set, 4 wire databus
out PORTD,temp
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
; Finally, at this point,
; the normal 4 wire command routine (lcdcmd) can be used
ldi temp,0b00100000 ;Function set, 4 wire, 1 line, 5x7 font
rcall lcdcmd
ldi temp,0b00001100 ;Display on, no cursor, no blink
rcall lcdcmd
ldi temp,0b00000110 ;Address increment, no scrolling
rcall lcdcmd
;sbi PORTB,0 ;Turn off LED 0
; Wait for LCD to go unbusy
;cbi PORTB,1 ;Turn on LED 1
ldi temp,0xF0 ;Make 4 data lines inputs
out DDRD,temp
sbi PORTD,lcdrw ;Set r/w pin to read
cbi PORTD,lcdrs ;Set register select to command
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
in lcdstat,PIND ;Read busy flag
;Read, and ignore lower nibble
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
sbrc lcdstat,3 ;Loop until done
rjmp waitloop
;sbi PORTB,1 ;Turn off LED 1
; Send command in temp to LCD
push temp ;Save character
rcall lcdwait
ldi temp,0xFF ;Make all port D pins outputs
out DDRD,temp
pop temp ;Get character back
push temp ;Save another copy
swap temp ;Get upper nibble
andi temp,0x0F ;Strip off upper bits
out PORTD,temp ;Put on port
nop ;wait for data setup time
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
pop temp ;Recall character
andi temp,0x0F ;Strip off upper bits
out PORTD,temp ;Put on port
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
; Send character data in temp to LCD
push temp ;Save character
rcall lcdwait
ldi temp,0xFF ;Make all port D pins outputs
out DDRD,temp
pop temp ;Get character back
push temp ;Save another copy
swap temp ;Get upper nibble
andi temp,0x0F ;Strip off upper bits
out PORTD,temp ;Put on port
sbi PORTD,lcdrs ;Register select set for data
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
pop temp ;Recall character
andi temp,0x0F ;Strip off upper bits
out PORTD,temp ;Put on port
sbi PORTD,lcdrs ;Register select set for data
sbi PORTD,lcde ;Toggle enable line
cbi PORTD,lcde
; subroutine waits for time equal to value in register timeout
;the register 'timeout' should be loaded before the call
delay: tst timeout
brne delay
;debounce state machine
cpi state,1 ;jump to appropriate state
breq _key1
cpi state,2
breq _key2
cpi state,3
breq _key3
cpi state,4
breq _key4
rcall kloop ;get button
cpi key,0
brne _key1no ;button pressed
clr press
mov maybe,key
ldi state,2 ;move to state 2
rcall kloop
cp key,maybe
brne _key2no
mov press,key
ldi state,3 ;move to state 3
ldi state,1 ;mov to state 1
rcall kloop
cp key,press
brne _key3no
ldi state,4 ;move to state 4
_key4: rcall kloop
cp key,press
brne _key4no
ldi state,3 ;go back to state 3
clr press ;set press to 0
ldi state,1 ;to state 1
;keypad monitor
kloop: ldi temp, 0x0f ;set lower four lines to output
out DDRA, temp
ldi temp, 0xf0 ;and turn on the pullups on the inputs
out PORTA, temp
nop ;Need some time for the pullups to
nop ;charge the port pins
nop ;Need some time for the pullups to
nop ;charge the port pins
in temp, PINA ;read the high nibble
mov key, temp ;and store it (with zeros in the low nibble)
ldi temp, 0xf0 ;set upper four lines to outputs
out DDRA, temp
ldi temp, 0x0f ;and turn on pullups on the inputs
out PORTA, temp
nop ;As before wait for the pin to charge
in temp, PINA ;read the low nibble
or key, temp ;combine to make key code
timer2: ;timer 2 interrupt (enters every 1 second)
in savSREG, SREG
push temp
push ZL
push ZH
ldi temp,0b00000010
eor secflash,temp ;reverse secflash for blinking the seconds led
inc seconds ;increment seconds since enters isr every second
cpi seconds, 60 ;if seconds==60 need to reset to 0 and increment minutes
brne nochange
clr seconds
inc minutes
cpi minutes, 60 ;if minutes== 60 need to reset to 0 and increment hours
brne nochange
clr minutes
inc hours
cpi hours, 24 ;if hours==24 need to reset to zero and increment days
brne nochange
clr hours
inc date
cpi date,32 ;if date==32 need to reset to 1 and increment month
brne cpdate31
inc month
ldi date,1
rjmp cpmonth13
cpdate31: ;if date==31 see if that is max for month
cpi date,31
brne cpdate30
cpi month,4 ;April has 30 days, so increment month
breq incmonth
cpi month,6 ;June has 30 days, so increment month
breq incmonth
cpi month,9 ;September has 30 days, so increment month
breq incmonth
cpi month,11 ;November has 30 days, so increment month
brne cpmonth13
breq incmonth
inc month
ldi date,1
rjmp cpmonth13
cpi date,30
brne cpdate29
cpi month,2 ;this will always switch from February to March
brne cpmonth13
inc month
ldi date,1
rjmp cpmonth13
cpi date,29 ;if date==29 see if leap year and increment month
;if month is February and not a leap year
brne cpmonth13
cpi month,2
brne cpmonth13
mov r31,year
chklp: cpi r31,0 ;see if year is divisible by 4
breq islp
cpi r31,4
breq islp
subi r31,4
cpi r31,99
brpl nolp
rjmp chklp
nolp: inc month
ldi date,1
cpi month,13 ;if month==13 reset to 1
brne nochange
ldi month,1
inc year ;increment year is month==13
mov temp, a1on
cpi temp,1 ;if alarm is set to turn on check the time
brne iendt2
cp ahour,hours ;see if correct hour
brne endt2
cp amin,minutes ;see if correct minute
brne endt2
cpi seconds,5 ;only go on for five seconds
brpl iendt2
ldi temp,0b00000011 ;will output to portc to turn on
;green led and sound alarm
mov secflash,temp
rjmp endt2
iendt2: ;don't sound alarm and complement led
ldi temp,0b00000010
and secflash,temp
ldi temp,0b00000010
eor secflash,temp
eor secflash,temp
out PORTC,secflash ;output secflash to port to
;sound alarm(if needed) and light led (or not)
pop ZH
pop ZL
pop temp
out SREG, savSREG
;timer 0 ISR (timer-zero overflow)
;Enters every 1.0 mSec
timer0: in savSREG, SREG
push temp
push ZL
push ZH
dec timeout
ldi temp,256-62
out TCNT0, temp ; keeps clock ticking at 1 mSec
ldi temp,1
add thirtyms,temp
ldi temp,30
cp thirtyms,temp ;clear 30ms counter if it equals 30
brne t0end
clr thirtyms
pop ZH
pop ZL
pop temp
out SREG, savSREG
reti ;back to backgound tasks
asciidate: ;put the date and alarm set information on led
rcall lcdclr
clr temp
ldi temp2,10
mov asciitemp,month
monthtens: ;count the number of tens in the months and
;output that number to the lcd
cp asciitemp,temp2
breq nmonthtens
cp asciitemp,temp2
brlo Imonthones
nmonthtens: inc temp
sub asciitemp,temp2
rjmp monthtens
Imonthones: ldi temp2,0x30 ;convert digit to ascii character
add temp,temp2
rcall lcdput
clr temp
ldi temp2,1
cp asciitemp,temp2
breq nmonthones
cp asciitemp,temp2
brlo monthdoner
nmonthones: inc temp
sub asciitemp,temp2
rjmp monthones
monthdoner: ldi temp2,0x30 ;convert digit to ascii
add temp,temp2
rcall lcdput
clr temp
ldi temp,'/' ;put a slash in the date
rcall lcdput
clr temp
ldi temp2,10
mov asciitemp,date
datetens: ;get the number of tens in the date and put on the lcd
cp asciitemp,temp2
breq ndatetens
cp asciitemp,temp2
brlo Idateones
ndatetens: inc temp
sub asciitemp,temp2
rjmp datetens
Idateones: ldi temp2,0x30 ;convert to ascii
add temp,temp2
rcall lcdput
clr temp
ldi temp2,1
cp asciitemp,temp2
breq ndateones
cp asciitemp,temp2
brlo datedoner
ndateones: inc temp
sub asciitemp,temp2
rjmp dateones
datedoner: ldi temp2,0x30 ;convert the ones digit to ascii
add temp,temp2
rcall lcdput
clr temp
ldi temp,'/'
rcall lcdput
clr temp
ldi temp2,10
mov asciitemp,year
yeartens: ;get the number of tens in the year and put on the lcd
cp asciitemp,temp2
breq nyeartens
cp asciitemp,temp2
brlo Iyearones
nyeartens: inc temp
sub asciitemp,temp2
rjmp yeartens
Iyearones: ldi temp2,0x30 ;convert to ascii
add temp,temp2
rcall lcdput
clr temp
ldi temp2,1
cp asciitemp,temp2
breq nyearones
cp asciitemp,temp2
brlo yeardoner
nyearones: inc temp
sub asciitemp,temp2
rjmp yearones
yeardoner: ldi temp2,0x30 ;convert digit to ascii
add temp,temp2
rcall lcdput
clr temp
ldi temp,1
cp a1on,temp
brne a1noton ;if the alarm is not set to go on then finished
ldi temp,0xC0 ;Set address to last 8 chars
rcall lcdcmd
ldi temp,' '
rcall lcdput
ldi temp,'*' ;if alarm is set output "*ALARM*"
rcall lcdput
ldi temp,'A'
rcall lcdput
ldi temp,'L'
rcall lcdput
ldi temp,'A'
rcall lcdput
ldi temp,'R'
rcall lcdput
ldi temp,'M'
rcall lcdput
ldi temp,'*'
rcall lcdput
disptime: ;puts the time on the led display
clr temp
ldi temp2,10
mov timetemp,hours
hourtens: ;calculate the number of tens in the hour
cp timetemp,temp2
breq nhourtens
cp timetemp,temp2
brlo Ihourones
nhourtens: inc temp
sub timetemp,temp2
rjmp hourtens
ori temp,0b01110000 ;select first digit
out PORTB, temp ;output to port
ldi timeout, 4
rcall delay
clr temp
ldi temp2,1
cp timetemp,temp2
breq nhourones
cp timetemp,temp2
brlo hourdoner
nhourones: inc temp
sub timetemp,temp2
rjmp hourones
ori temp, 0b10110000 ;select second digit and
out PORTB, temp ;output to port
ldi timeout, 4
rcall delay
clr temp
clr temp
ldi temp2,10
mov timetemp,minutes
mintens: ;calculate the number of tens in minutes
cp timetemp,temp2
breq nmintens
cp timetemp,temp2
brlo Iminones
nmintens: inc temp
sub timetemp,temp2
rjmp mintens
ori temp,0b11010000 ;select the third digit and
out PORTB, temp ;output to the port
ldi timeout, 4
rcall delay
clr temp
ldi temp2,1
cp timetemp,temp2
breq nminones
cp timetemp,temp2
brlo mindoner
nminones: inc temp
sub timetemp,temp2
rjmp minones
ori temp, 0b11100000 ;select the fourth digit and
out PORTB, temp ;output to the port
ldi timeout, 4
rcall delay
a1disptime: ;same as disptime, but outputs alarm time to led
clr temp
ldi temp2,10
mov timetemp,ahour
cp timetemp,temp2
breq a1nhourtens
cp timetemp,temp2
brlo a1Ihourones
a1nhourtens: inc temp
sub timetemp,temp2
rjmp a1hourtens
ori temp,0b01110000
out PORTB, temp
ldi timeout, 4
rcall delay
clr temp
ldi temp2,1
cp timetemp,temp2
breq a1nhourones
cp timetemp,temp2
brlo a1hourdoner
a1nhourones: inc temp
sub timetemp,temp2
rjmp a1hourones
ori temp, 0b10110000
out PORTB, temp
ldi timeout, 4
rcall delay
clr temp
clr temp
ldi temp2,10
mov timetemp,amin
cp timetemp,temp2
breq a1nmintens
cp timetemp,temp2
brlo a1Iminones
a1nmintens: inc temp
sub timetemp,temp2
rjmp a1mintens
ori temp,0b11010000
out PORTB, temp
ldi timeout, 4
rcall delay
clr temp
ldi temp2,1
cp timetemp,temp2
breq a1nminones
cp timetemp,temp2
brlo a1mindoner
a1nminones: inc temp
sub timetemp,temp2
rjmp a1minones
ori temp, 0b11100000
out PORTB, temp
ldi timeout, 4
rcall delay
alm1set: ;sets the time for the alarm
rcall lcdclr
a1isettime: clr charcnt
ldi ZH, HIGH(setalarm<<1) ;output set alarm prompt
ldi ZL, LOW(setalarm<<1)
a1nextc: lpm ;r0 ;Get next character from flash
tst r0 ;See if at end of message
breq a1end1 ;If so, next message
cpi charcnt,8 ;addressing changes at char #8!
brne a1wrtit ;at char 8, fix the addressing
ldi temp,0xC0 ;Set address to last 8 chars
rcall lcdcmd
a1wrtit: mov temp,r0 ;Send it to the LCD
rcall lcdput
adiw ZL,1 ;Increment Z-pointer
inc charcnt ;keep track of chars on display
rjmp a1nextc ;Loop for more
a1end1: clr charcnt
ldi temp,0
mov ahour,temp
ldi temp,1
mov butflag, temp
a1sethour: ;set the hour
ldi temp,0
cp butflag,temp
breq a1nopress4
ldi temp, 29
cp temp, thirtyms
brne a1sethour
rcall a1disptime
rcall debounce
cpi state, 1
brne a1sethour
ldi temp,0
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,29
cp temp,thirtyms
brne a1d1
rcall a1disptime
rcall debounce
a1d1: cpi press,up
brne a1next0
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,1
add ahour,temp
ldi temp,24 ;hour should not be 24
cp ahour,temp
breq a1zhour
rjmp a1sethour
a1zhour: ldi temp,0 ;reset hour to zero if incremented past 23
mov ahour,temp
rjmp a1sethour
a1next0: cpi press,down
brne a1next1
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,1
sub ahour,temp
ldi temp,255 ;ckeck if hour was decremented below 0
cp ahour,temp
breq a1mhour
rjmp a1sethour
a1mhour: ldi temp,23 ;set hour to 23 if decremented below 0
mov ahour,temp
rjmp a1sethour
clr temp
mov amin,temp
a1next1: cpi press,set
breq a1isetmin
brne a1sethour
clr temp
mov amin,temp
ldi temp,1
mov butflag, temp
ldi temp,0
cp butflag,temp
breq a1nopress5
ldi temp, 29
cp temp, thirtyms
brne a1setmin
rcall a1disptime
rcall debounce
cpi state, 1
brne a1setmin
ldi temp,0
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,29
cp temp,thirtyms
brne a1d2
rcall a1disptime
rcall debounce
a1d2: cpi press,up
brne a1next2
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,1
add amin,temp
ldi temp,60 ;minutes can't equal 60
cp amin,temp
breq a1zmin
rjmp a1setmin
a1zmin: clr temp
mov amin,temp ;clear minutes if incremented past 59
rjmp a1setmin
a1next2: cpi press,down
brne a1next3
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
ldi temp,1
sub amin,temp
ldi temp,255
cp amin,temp ;check if minutes is below zero
breq a1mmin
rjmp a1setmin
ldi temp,59
mov amin,temp ;set minutes to 59 if decremented below 0
rjmp a1setmin
clr temp
mov amin,temp
a1next3: cpi press,set
breq a1done
brne a1setmin
ldi temp,1
mov butflag,temp
mov a1on,temp