
Our oscilloscope works well within a good accuracy. In general, on the x-axis our results are as good as our choice for our timer1 compare match value, which we chose rather carefully. The y-axis is divided into 200 mv, which gives us results within 100mv of the correct value. This is because if the result is in between a 200mv value, if it is 100mv, it goes to the next highest 200mv level, and it is under 100mv, it goes to the closest lower level. In terms of our time/division findings, we worked with a range between .1 sec/division to 2ms/division because, at best, the lowest we could go was 2 ms/division. This was due to the fact that during our ADC conversion we need 13 cycles to complete it. Hence, we needed to take this time into account, so that all the samples could be retrieved during the conversion. To be sure, of course, we double-checked our results with our findings on the computer scope card. For instance, for the same sine wave, we measured our Vpp to be about 2.69 volts, and the scope measured 2.72 volts for its Vpp, approximately a 1.1% error. A more illustrative look is presented below for your convenience.

Here is a sine wave on the Scope Card: Note Vpp of 1.9 Volts and wavelength of 10ms. And Below is the same sine wave on our Scope with Vpp 1.828 and wavelength of 10ms

Above is  a sine wave of  250 ms wavelength and Vpp of 1.9V.  And below is the same wave on our scope with 250 ms wavelength and 1.826 Vpp.

In terms of procedures and methods we would do differently, we would definitely
try to implement the LCD screen that we had originally intended to display the waveform. Due to time constraints and problems addressing the screen, of course, we decided on using HyperTerminal. Also, we would have tried adding some more features. For instance, we would have like to have determined the frequency of the  wave. This was extremely difficult to implement , and we felt that we had done our scope justice considering where we started, with an LCD screen that displayed garbage, and ending with a hyper term window displaying an almost exact replica of a waveform shown on the computer scope card. This project was truly challenging, yet it was also very rewarding feeling when you see the product you created does indeed work!

