Pictures of "Final" Project

Cornell University EE 476 Final Project

Fertilizer Feed Rate Controller

Warren Scott



Microcontroller Board

The microcontroller with crystal: the brains of the whole unit.



PWM Amplification Board

Takes 5V low current PWM signal from microcontroller and converts to 12V higher current signal.



Shaft Rotation Sensor Conditioning Board

Takes 12V signal from shaft rotation signals and converts to 5V for microcontroller, as well as providing over/under voltage protection.


Radar Speed Sensor Interface Board

Provides power to the radar unit, along with converting the 12V square wave radar output to 5V for the microcontroller, as well as providing over/under voltage protection



Power Supply Board

Takes 13.8V from tractor battery/alternator and provides clean 12V and 5V power. Also provides fuse protection to circuitry.


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