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This section contains flowcharts of the following:
Start, Initialize
Display user prompts
Initialize STA013 decoder, Initialize
Xmodem receiver, Send Xmodem start character to Hyperterm
Figure 1- Flowchart of main
Send a ‘C’, Set Byte_Number = 1;
Packet Number = 1;
Dump all received bytes for duration
of 1 packet. Byte# = 1; Send NACK
Byte 132 = CRC high, byte 133 = CRC
low. Calculate CRC
Packet#++; Byte#=1; Send ACK
Figure 2 Xmodem
recieve protocol (part A)
Note: Refer to the xmodem.h
file for ascii values of SOT, EOT, CAN etc.
Send ACK; File transfer successful.
3 - Xmodem receive protocol (part B)
The Xmodem receiver can cancel anytime by sending 2
CAN bytes.