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//State machine state names
#define NoPush 1
#define MaybePush 2
#define Pushed 3
#define MaybeNoPush 4
unsigned char PushState;
#define Button_PORT PORTE
#define Button_DDR DDRE
#define Button_PIN PINE
#define T3_Ovf ETIFR & (1<<2) //Overflow flag
#define T3_Ovf_Clr ETIFR = ETIFR & ~(1<<2)
#define T3_Reset TCNT3 = 0x00
//Button names, pin number
#define Btn_Start (1<<0)
#define Btn_Stop (1<<1)
#define Btn_Vol_Up (1<<2)
#define Btn_Vol_Dn (1<<3)
when a button is depressed,
the button number is stored in Current_Butnum
when the button is released, New_Butnum is set.
The main program must detect that New_Butnum is set
and read Current_Butnum and reset New_Butnum
#define Clr_Butnum New_Butnum = 0
#define Set_Butnum New_Butnum = 1
unsigned char Current_Butnum;
unsigned char New_Butnum;
unsigned char vol_attn_l, vol_attn_r;//DLA,DRA registers for STA013
void UI_Init(void);
void debounce(void);