#ifndef _UART_H_

#define _UART_H_


// Helpful defines

#define uart_buffer r_buffer

#define uart_ready r_ready


// RXC ISR variables                                             

unsigned char r_index;  // current string index

unsigned char r_buffer[16];   // input string

unsigned char r_ready;  // flag for receive done

unsigned char r_char;  // current character 


// TX ISR variables                

// Set up a circular buffer to output the strings to





unsigned char t_index;  // current string index

unsigned char t_end; // index of end

unsigned char t_buffer[TRANSMIT_BUFFER_SIZE];   //output string

unsigned char t_char;  //current character


// Instruction length


#define INST_LENGTH 6



// XMIT output DDR

#ifndef XMIT_DDR

#define XMIT_DDR DDRD.4



// XMIT output port

#ifndef XMIT_OUT

#define XMIT_OUT PORTD.4



// UART receive byte ready interrupt

interrupt [USART_RXC] void uart_rec(void)


      // Set the XMIT line to recieve

      XMIT_OUT = 0;


      // Read in a character



      // Add the character to the receive buffer



      // If we have received a full instruction

      if (r_index == INST_LENGTH)


            // Set the message ready flag



            // Turn off the receive interrupt





// UART data register empty interrupt

interrupt [USART_DRE] void uart_tx(void)


      // Set the XMIT line to transmit

      XMIT_OUT = 1;


      // Read in a char from the buffer

      t_char = t_buffer[t_index];


      // Increase and mod the index, to make this a circular buffer

      t_index = (t_index + 1) % TRANSMIT_BUFFER_SIZE;


      // If we have reached the end of the string

      if (t_index == t_end)  


            // Turn off the transmit interrupt

            UCSRB.5 = 0;



      // Otherwise write it to the UART

      else UDR = t_char;


      // Set the XMIT line back to receive

      XMIT_OUT = 0;



// Function to setup the receive interrupt

void uart_gets_int(void)


      // Reset the variables




      // Enable the receive ISR





// Function to initialize the UART

void uart_init(unsigned char newBPS)


      // Setup the UART registers

      UCSRB = 0x18;

      UBRRL = newBPS;


      // Setup the XMIT line

      XMIT_DDR = 1;


