
Sam Fladung (saf37)

Gary Soedarsono (gs243)

Monday 4:30


Final Project

April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2007


1.  Contents

1.     Contents 2

2.     Introduction. 3

3.     High Level Design. 3

3.1.      Rationale. 3

3.2.      Logical Structure. 3

3.3.      Hardware / Software Tradeoff 4

3.4.      Relationship to Standards 4

3.5.      Existing Patents and Trademarks 5

4.     Program Details 5

4.1.      Serial Communicator 6

4.2.      Parser 7

4.3.      CLK & SPI Protocol 8

4.4.      IR Receiver 9

4.5.      Event Runner 9

4.6.      TWI Protocol 10

4.7.      IR Transmitter 11

5.     Hardware Details 12

5.1.      IR Transmitter 12

5.2.      IR Receiver 12

5.3.      EEPROM. 12

5.4.      Real Time Clock. 12

6.     Result 12

6.1.      Performance. 12

6.2.      Usability. 13

6.3.      Interference. 13

7.     Conclusion. 14

7.1.      Analysis 14

7.2.      Conformance to Standards 14

7.3.      Intellectual Property Considerations 14

7.4.      Ethical Considerations 14

8.     Appendix 14

8.1.      Code Listing. 14

8.1.1.      prototypes.h. 14

8.1.2.      final.c 16

8.1.3.      serial.c 19

8.1.4.      parser.c 21

8.1.5.      spi.c 33

8.1.6.      clk.c 35

8.1.7.      i2c.c 37

8.1.8.      ir.c 40

8.1.9.      carrier.c 47

8.1.10.    runner.c 47

8.1.11.    GUI Code. 49

8.2.      Schematics 50

8.3.      Cost Details 50

8.4.      Tasks of Each Group Member 51

8.5.      References 51


2.  Introduction

This project creates a programmable device that can control a DVD player on scheduled times by sending infrared signals.

The uControl allows the user to control their DVD player as if they are using a remote control. However, unlike remote controls, uControl allows the user to program a sequence of button pushes that will automatically run at a time that they can set. To schedule the sequence of button pushes, the user can use the computer to program the device, or use their remote control to have the device record the sequence of button pushes. These are done after setting the execution time of the button push sequence. When the time arrives, the device will automatically execute this sequence of button pushes.

3.  High Level Design

3.1.      Rationale

As Cornell Engineering students, we are so busy with homeworks and projects that we tend to miss a lot of television shows. While recording the shows does get around this problem, keeping track of it is very troublesome. Therefore, we decided to create a device, uControl, that can automatically turn on a television at a scheduled time, switch to the correct channel, and start recording at a desired time. uControl can do more than this however. The user can program the series of actions to be executed by the television at a time that they also specify. However, due to time constraint, we can only afford to test this device on one electrical device. Testing this on a television alone definitely limits the range of actions that we can demonstrate. So, we chose to test the device on a DVD Player.

3.2.      Logical Structure

The project was completed in several stages. We started by implementing the most crucial elements of uControl: the EEPROM and the IR Photo Detector. The EEPROM was used for storing scheduled events. The IR Photo Detector was used for detecting the type of signal emitted by the DVD Player remote control, so that we can learn the bit pattern for each button press and the format of the infrared signal. Once we got the EEPROM to receive and transmit data, and the IR Photo Detector to read IR signal from the remote control, we implemented the infrared LED. Finally, we implemented the real time clock.


Figure 1 - Overall Input / Output of Project


The hyperterminal input is the main way for user to interact with the device. By entering Unix like commands, the user can control the DVD player, edit the event scheduling, as well as edit the setting of the device. The remote control input is used only when recording a scheduled event. When the user creates a new scheduled event, they must specify the actions to be taken. One way to do this is by entering commands corresponding to each action. However, since this method can be tedious, an alternative way would be to use the remote control to enter the actions.

The hyperterminal output is mainly used for feedback to the user after they have entered a command. The IR LED Output is used to control the DVD Player by sending the same signal that the remote control of the DVD Player would send.

The EEPROM is used to store scheduled events. uControl periodically checks EEPROM for events to be run, and make add or remove events by the user’s request.

3.3.      Hardware / Software Tradeoff

One of the tradeoffs was whether to handle modulating the IR LED using the AtMega, or a separate frequency generator. Since the CTC timer on the AtMega allowed us to generate approximately the correct waveform without any additional hardware we chose to use it. Also, we had to choose whther to keep track of times on the AtMega, or whether to use an external clock. Because we wanted the device to continue functioning when power was removed, we chose to us an RTC (DS1305) with a backup battery.

3.4.      Relationship to Standards

There are several standards for Infrared remote communications. Most use a byte based code that is modulated on top of a 30-40Khz carrier wave. To find out the protocol of the signal, we connect an oscilloscope to the output of the IR photodetector and analyze the signal for a button press of the remote control. Any signal sent by the remote control contains three main parts: header, body, and trigger. A bit 0 is represented by 600µs high pulse followed by 500µs low pulse. A bit 1 is represented by 600µs high pulse followed by 1.6ms low pulse.


Figure 2 – Annotated Header Part of the IR Signal


The header part starts with a 9.2 ms of high signal, followed by 4.4 ms of low signal. After this, eight bit 0 are sent, followed by eight bit 1s.

The body part contains 16 bits of instruction in binary format, each corresponding to a button on the remote control. This part is followed by 39.9 ms of low signal, before the trigger part.


Figure 3 - Annotated Trigger Part of the IR Signal


The trigger part consists of 9.4 ms of high signal, followed by 2.2 ms of low pulse, 600µs of high pulse, and 96 ms of low pulse. When a button on the remote control is held down, the remote control only send the header and body once, and the trigger part is send multiple times, once for each repetition.

In addition to the standard RS-232 Serial that we have used in previous labs, this project makes use of two synchronous serial busses. These two busses (I2C and SPI) both clock data one bit at a time. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) uses a chip select line to control which chip on the bus the master is talking to. It also allows full duplex communication with the master talking on Master Out Slave In (MOSI) and the slave talking on Master In Slave Out (MISO). Every time the master drives the clock, one bit of data is transmitted in each direction. I2C uses only 2 wires for both addressing and sending data. This works by first sending an address byte to indicate which slave device is being addressed. The master can then either clock data in or out (but not both at the same time). I2C is a protocol developed by Phillips Semiconductors.

3.5.      Existing Patents and Trademarks

The following are patents related to the device that have not expired:

·         Patent 6989763: Web-based universal remote control (2006)

·         Patent 5691710: Self Learning Infrared Remote Control Transmitter (1997)

·         Patent 5684471: Infrared Remote Control Transmitter with Power Saving Feature (1997)


The following patents are related, but they have already expired (at least 20 years old):

·         Patent 4425647: Infrared Remote Control System (1984)

·         Patent 4426662: Infrared Remote Control Detector / Decoder (1984)

·         Patent 4377006: Infrared Remote Control System (1983)

4.  Program Details

The software consists of seven main parts:

1.      The Serial Communicator is responsible for sending and receiving messages from the hyperterminal.

2.      The Parser is the main part of the program. It is responsible for interpreting the commands sent by the user through the hyperterminal and executing them. This means that it is also responsible for controlling the real time clock, the EEPROM, and the IR LED. It also process the IR LED input signals after the IR Receiver has converted it to binary code.

3.      The CLK & SPI Protocol act as interface to the real time clock for the rest of the device. It allows other modules of the program to read and set values to the real time clock.

4.      The IR Receiver converts the analogue IR signal to digital form to make sure that other modules can use the signal.

5.      The Event Runner periodically checks the EEPROM if there are any scheduled events that need to be run.

6.      The TWI Protocol, like the SPI Protocol, acts as an interface to the EEPROM.

7.      The IR Transmitter transmits any bit patterns using the IR LED after formatting the bit pattern to the correct IR Signal form, as outlined in section 3.4.


Figure 4 - Diagram Showing Overall Working of the Software


4.1.      Serial Communicator

This part follows the same scheme as the one used in Lab 3: Security Systems. The scheme follows as outlined ECE 476 Website, and the implementation is a modified version of the example given in that page.

4.2.      Parser

The parser periodically checks if the user has entered any commands, and executes the command once it detects any commands from the user. The available commands and their formats are listed in Table 1 - Table of Commands and Their Formats..






DVD Player Control



Increment Volume



Decrement Volume



Turn on / off DVD Player



Mute / Unmute DVD Player









Pause / Resume









Open / Close Disc Drive



<time> <name>

Create new events



Delete event from EEPROM



Finish recording event



List events in EEPROM




Set time of real time clock



Print time of real time clock

Table 1 - Table of Commands and Their Formats.

NOTE: <time> is specified as seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, and year.

<name> is 5 characters long.

<addr> is address shown when executing evls


The parser can run in two modes: Normal and Recording Mode. The modes determine the behaviour of the commands and which commands are available to the user. In the normal mode, the user can execute all commands, except for evfin, which is the command to finish recording an event, and therefore can only be executed when the parser is in recording mode. Executing any DVD Player Control commands will immediately send the command to the DVD Player as IR signal. The evnew command switches the parser to recording mode and cannot be used in this mode. This command creates a new event and uses the recording mode to record a sequence of button presses to be executed when the scheduled time has arrived. Hence, any DVD Player Control commands entered will be recorded and will not be echoed as an IR signal. The recording mode also allows user to enter these commands using the remote control. Every detected button push from the DVD Player’s remote control will be recorded as another item in the sequence. Once the user has finished recording the event, evfin will save the event to the EEPROM and switches the parser back to normal mode.

To make saving events easy and fast, we split the EEPROM into blocks of 32 bytes. The content of the block is outlined in Table 2.





0x00 for valid block, 0x01 for invalid / empty block


5 characters long name of the event


Time that the event should be executed. In order of increasing byte: second, minute, hour, day, month, year


A sequence of at most 10 button presses. 0 indicates no button press

Table 2 - Content of an Event Block in the EEPROM


When initializing the parser, the program scans the EEPROM while looking for the last event block that is empty / invalid. This address is saved, and it is assumed that any blocks with address less than this address are not empty. This makes writing new events to EEPROM very easy; the program only needs to write to the location pointed by the saved event address, and then move the saved address forward by one. When an event is deleted, to make sure that the assumption is still correct, another event block needs to be moved to the location where an event was deleted. A way to do this would be to move the last event in the EEPROM to this location. While this destroys temporal locality in the data structure, this method is much faster than having to move a large number of blocks, especially since writing to EEPROM requires at least 5 ms delay before the next write. Without this delay, the next writing to EEPROM will not occur.

Since writing to EEPROM needs at least 5 ms delay, commands that involve writing to EEPROM must implement a delay scheme. This delay scheme must allow other state machines to run during the delay. This is especially important for the IR Transmit state machine, since stopping the state machine will mess up the timing for the signal, thus distorting the IR signal. The delay scheme is implemented by using another state in the parser state machine. Whenever a delay is needed, the state machine sets the next state that it should go to after the delay, and enters the delay state. After 5 ms of delay in the delay state, the state machine goes to the state that has been set before entering the delay state. This way, 5 ms of delay can be provided after writing and reading from EEPROM without blocking other state machines.


Figure 5 - Simplified Diagram of the Parser's State Machine (State Transition Time: 20μs)


          The parser also needs to take into account the delay caused by reading and writing into the real time clock. Since the read and write methods are blocking, we need to make sure that the IR Transmitter is not transmitting anything before reading or writing into the real time clock. So, the state machine will wait until the transmit buffer of the IR Transmitter is emptied before executing these commands.

4.1.      CLK & SPI Protocol

The spi part of the software handles reading and writing into the real time clock using the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) as outlined in ECE 476 Website. There are three main methods in the SPI part: initialization, write, and read from the real time clock. We used the spi method form the SPI library that comes with CodeVision to implement this part.

Following the scheme outlined in the real time clock’s datasheet, we implemented the write method by first setting the real time clock’s cm pin to high, then sending two 8 bit characters, followed by setting the real time clock’s cm to low. The first 8 bit sent is the address in the real time clock to write onto. The second 8 bit character is the value that the referred address should be set to.

Following the same scheme, the read method is implemented by first setting the cm to high, sending one 8 bit character, receiving 8 bit characters, setting the cm back to low, and returning the received 8 bit character. Like in sending, the 8 bit character sent is the address to read from. To read value from the real time clock, we used the fact that the spi method also returns the value received. So, after sending the 8 bit address, we send a junk value using the spi method and keep the returned value from that method.

Since the time values are kept in the real time clock in an unconventional way, we used the CLK (clock) part to handle the conversion between the format used in the real time clock and the normal format. The real time clock uses 8 bit characters to store the values of the time parameters. The highest four bits represent the 10s of the value, and the rest are the 1s. This means that 23 is stored as 0b00100011, instead of 0b00010111. Also, bit 6 of the hour value is used to indicate if the hour is represented in 12 format (with bit 5 being used for AM / PM) or 24 format (bit 5 is used as an extra bit to represent 20 – 23). For this project, the 24 hours format is used. The CLK part acts as an interface to the rest of the program when trying to read / write into the real time clock, so that other parts of the software do not need to deal with the different representation of number in the real time clock.

4.2.      IR Receiver

The IR Receiver consists of two parts. The first part utilizes an external interrupt and Timer 1 running with prescaler of 64 to measure the time that the IR Signal from the photo detector is high. When the external interrupt detects a rising edge, it resets the counter of timer 1 (TCNT1) to zero. At this point, timer 1 will keep increasing its counter. When the external interrupt detects a falling edge, it reads off the counter value of timer 1 and adds this value to a receive buffer. This value represents the time that the signal is at a high state.

After filling 33 values to the receive buffer, the second part of the IR Receiver which keeps polling the receive buffer every 20μs will take the values stored in the receive buffer and translate them to a series of ones and zeros. First, it checks if the signal is valid by checking for the header part of the signal, as shown in Figure 2. If the signal passes this check, it will be converted to a series of ones and zeros. Because of noise, the timings cannot be exact. So, we used a range of time to check for the time period, by checking if a time falls within a certain range of time.

4.3.      Event Runner

The Event Runner state machine has only two states. In the waitEvent state, it goes through all valid entries in the EEPROM, reading data from the EEPROM only when the infrared’s transmit buffer is empty. This is because when it reads from EEPROM, the even runner also needs to read from the real time clock to check if the saved event in the EEPROM should currently be run. As have been discussed, obtaining current time from the real time clock uses a blocking method. So, to avoid disrupting any IR Transmits, the state machine must make sure that the transmit buffer is empty.

If it is time for the checked event to be run, the Event Runner will switch state to waitBuffer. In this state, it waits for the transmit buffer to be emptied, not only because the executed event will be deleted from the EEPROM and this will need some delay, but also because it needs to make sure that there is enough place in the buffer to place instructions to be sent. Once the transmit buffer is empty, the Event Runner will read all 10 button pushes saved in the event and add all of them to the transmit buffer. Then, to avoid rerunning the same event, the event is deleted from the EEPROM.

4.4.      TWI Protocol

To implement the Two Wire Interface (TWI), we used the scheme outlined in the Mega32 Datasheet. To communicate with the EEPROM, we used the scheme outlined in its datasheet, as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.


Figure 6 - Protocol to Write a Byte to EEPROM (Source: AA1025 Datasheet)


As illustrated in Figure 6, to send a byte of data to the EEPROM, we have to:

  1. Send a start signal
  2. Send the control byte
  3. Send top half of the address to be written onto
  4. Send bottom half of the address to be written onto
  5. Send the 8 bit data
  6. Send the stop signal

After sending each signal, except for the stop signal, we had to wait for the EEPROM to replay with the ACK signal before proceeding with sending the next signal.


Figure 7 - Protocol to Read a Byte from EEPROM (Source: AA1025 Datasheet)


To read a byte of data from the EEPROM, we had to:

  1. Send the start signal
  2. Send the control byte
  3. Send the top half of the address to be read
  4. Send the bottom half of the address to be read
  5. Send another start signal
  6. Send another control byte
  7. Wait until data is received
  8. Send the stop signal

Like when sending data, we had to wait for the EEPROM to replay with the ACK signal before sending the next signal.

4.5.      IR Transmitter

The IR Transmitter periodically polls its transmit buffer if it has anything to write. If it does, it will send the 16 bits long codes in the buffer by first sending the header part of the IR Signal as outlined in section 3.4. It uses Timer 2 to generate the signal. Timer 2 is set to run at full speed (no prescaler), toggling OC2 at a frequency of around 38kHz to generate the carrier frequency. To turn off the carrier signal, IR Transmitter can set the TCCR2 register to clear OC2 at compare match. To turn on the carrier signal, IR Transmitter sets the TCCR2 register back to toggling OC2 at compare match. To generate the IR Signal, IR Transmitter only needs to turn on and off the carrier signal at the right times, after the right length of delay.

After the header part has been generated, the transmitter will transmit the 16 bit instruction in the buffer. Since bit 1 and bit 0 both starts with 600μs of high and 500μs of low, the state machine will always start by sending this, even before checking the bit of to be sent.


Figure 8 - Simplified State Machine Diagram of the IR Transmit showing only the Body Part. State Transition Time: 20μs


After this, the transmitter will check if the next bit to be sent is a one or a zero. If it is a zero, then the bit has been sent, and the transmitter will send the next bit. If it is a one, then transmitter will wait 1.1 ms longer in the low state before sending the next bit to provide the long low state, the only feature that distinguishes between a bit 1 and a bit 0.

After sending the body part, the transmitter send the trigger signal using the same method it uses for generating the header signal.

5.  Hardware Details

5.1.      IR Transmitter

IR Transmition is accomplished via an infrared LED. This diode driven by a signal modulated onto a 38 Khz carrier frequency generated by a CTC compare on timer 2. The current through the LED is limitted by a current limiting resistor.

5.2.      IR Receiver

An IR receiver is connected to external interrupt 2 of the AtMega. The IR reciever handles demodulating the signal, removing the 40kHz carrier.

5.3.      EEPROM

A 1 megabit EEPROM (Microchip 24aa1025) is used to store events for the chip. This EEPROM is external to the microcontroller and connected via the I2C bus. The configuration allows up to four EEPROMS to be connected to the bus, although only one is currently installed. Pull up resistors are connected to the I2C clock and data lines as per the I2C specification.

5.4.      Real Time Clock

A Dallas/Maxim DS1305 Real Time Clock is used to keep accurate time even while the device is powered off. A 3V lithium battery provides power to the chip when the SDK500 is unplugged or turned off. Using a real time clock with backup battery allows time to be preserved without needing to keep the entire circuit powered. The clock is connected via the SPI bus to the AtMega. The DS1305 supports both SPI and a three wire mode. Since we wish to use SPI, we have tied the sersel input high. A 32.7680KHZ crystal provides the timing signal for the RTC.

6.  Result

6.1.      Performance

As have been discussed in section 4, writing into EEPROM requires at least 5 ms of delay before the next writing. This will significantly impact event deletion, since the program needs to copy 32 bytes of event from one location to another. However, when we ran the event deletion command, the delay is negligibly short, about half a second. Since event deletion does not have to run as fast as possible, this delay is tolerable.

 Beside the EEPROM access methods, methods for reading / writing into the real time clock are also blocking. To avoid interference with the IR Transmitter, functionality of uControl that requires access to real time clock will not run until IR transmit buffer is empty. When we test run uControl, there is a delay of around 3 seconds before the scheduled event in EEPROM is run. However, in terms of usability, this should not matter, as users hardly specify the exact second for an event to be run.

6.2.      Usability

The device on its own requires the user to provide serial commands in order to generate results. In order to make it more user friendly, we have written a simple GUI program which allows the user to simply press buttons and fill out text fields in order to operate the device. The GUI is shown in Figure 9.


Figure 9 - GUI for More User Friendly Interface


6.3.      Interference

It is possible for misuse of the device to generate large quantities of IR emmisions. This could result in jamming other nearby IR controlled devices.

7.  Conclusion

7.1.      Analysis

We successfully fulfilled the majority of the requirements that we specified. The device allows users to control an IR device (DVD player) based off of serial commands. It also allows the user to prerecord a set of actions to be executed at a specific time. All data that needs to be preserved is stored in the nonvolatile EEPORM, or in the nonvolatile memory within the realtime clock. The device is able to maintain time when power is disconnected via the RTC and backup battery.

7.2.      Conformance to Standards

The standards on which the device relies are mostly de facto standards (SPI, I2C, IR codes). As such, we judge our conformance to them by the fact that all connected devices interface correctly.

7.3.      Intellectual Property Considerations

Some of the codes used in the project are based on other sources, as listed below:

·         We reused the code from Lab 3: Security Systems for the serial communication.

·         The Two Wire Interface sending / receiving methods are based on the sample code in Mega32 Datasheet.

·         The Serial Peripheral sending / receiving methods are based on the example given in the ECE 476 website.

In order to discover the exact protocal, carrier frequency and timing used by the specific dvd player we are controlling we measured the output from both our IR receiver and an infrared photodiode using an oscilloscope. The IR receiver showed us the proper pulse widths and timing parameters, while the photodiode also allowed us to measure the carrier frequency.

We did not have to sign a non-disclosure to get any sample part.

7.4.      Ethical Considerations

In completing this project we made sure to avoid anything which might result in a safety hazard. We made sure that the output power of the LED was less than the level considered to be dangerous for human exposure. We had no conflicts of interests and did not accept bribes. We sought to make our expectations reasonable, and based off of our final results appear to have been successful with our estimates. In discussing what the capabilities of our device are in this document, we have been careful not to mislead or pad them. By documenting our work, we hope to expand the understanding of technology, particularly as it applies to our project. In designing and building our project, we increased our technical knowledge through experience. Both by what worked and what did not work, we learned (or relearned) techniques and skills necessary for designing systems. Throughout our writeup, we have done our best to make sure that we acknowledge the information and examples that we received from others, including from the internet. We did not injure anyone or cause any forms of harm during the design and construction of this project. We followed proper safety procedure while soldering the infrared receiver and while testing. By providing this report, we hope to assist others in their developement.

8.  Appendix

8.1.      Code Listing

8.1.1.        prototypes.h

#include <Mega32.h>


// Bit patterns for sending instructions


// Time definitions for timing various state machines

#define HEADER_TIME 90      // Header time in 20us

#define XMIT_TIME   1       // Transmit time in 20us

#define RUN_TIME    15000   // Running state machine time in 20us

#define RECV_TIME   15      // Receive time in 20us

#define PULSE_TIME  50000   // Pulse time in 20us


#define XMIT_BUFFER_SIZE 16 // Size of the IR transmit buffer


// *********

// Timing used to define the state of the IR Input Signal

#define HEADER_MIN  750     // Header minimum time

#define HEADER_MAX  1500    // Header maximum time


#define LONG_MIN    325     // Long signal minimum time

#define LONG_MAX    562     // Long signal maximum time

#define SHORT_MIN   100     // Short signal minimum time

#define SHORT_MAX   200     // Short signal maximum time


// Minimum allowable pulse. Used for filtering jitters

#define LOW_MIN     100



#define EVENT_CHIP  0x0e     // Chip address for event chip

#define MAX_EVENT_LENGTH 10  // Maximum number of recordable

                             // events


#define NUM_BLOCKS 2048      // Number of chunks in the eeprom


// Code to indicate current event chunk is valid

#define VALID_EVENT 0x01

// Code to indicate current event chunk is invalid

#define INVALID_EVENT 0x00


// Definitions to make Bruce Land's code work

#define begin {

#define end   }


// *****

// IR Methods

void ir_init(void);         // Initialize

void ir_xmitSM(void);       // Transmit state machine

void ir_xmit(int data);     // Put data into the transmit buffer

char ir_buffEmpty(void);    // Is the transmit buffer empty?

unsigned int ir_data(void); // Get the received IR signal in hex form


// *****

// Parser Methods

void par_init(void);        // Initialize parser

void parser_SM(void);       // Parser state machine

void parser_sendCommand(int cmd); // Send command to be transmitted

                                  // or recorded

char par_isRecording(void); // Is it in recording mode?


// *****

// Event Runner Methods

void runner_init(void);     // Initialize

void runner_SM(void);       // Event runner's state machine


// *****

// EEPROM Methods

// Write a byte to the EEPROM

void ee_writeByte(char data, unsigned int addr, char chip_addr);

// Read a byte of data from EEPROM

char ee_readByte(unsigned int addr, char chip_addr);


// *****

// Serial methods

void serial_init(void);     // Initialize

void sendStr (char * str);  // Send string to hyperterminal

char* getStr(void);         // Get string to hyperterminal

char ready_tx (void);       // Is it ready to transfer more strings?


// *****

// Clock methods

void clk_init(void);        // Initialize

// Check if current time has passed the specified time

char clk_passed(char sec, char min, char hr, char day, char mon, char yr);

// Set the time of the real time clock

void clk_setTime(char sec, char min, char hr, char day, char mon, char yr);

char clk_sec(void);         // Get the second from real time clock

char clk_min(void);         // Get the minute from real time clock

char clk_hr(void);          // Get the hour from real time clock

char clk_date(void);        // Get the date from real time clock

char clk_mon(void);         // Get the month from real time clock

char clk_yr(void);          // Get the year from real time clock


// *****

// TWI Methods

void twi_init(void);        // Initialize

void twi_start(void);       // Send start signal

void twi_stop(void);        // Send stop signal

void twi_sendByte(char c);  // Send the data


// *****

// SPI Methods

void spi_init(void);        // Initialize

void spi_xmit(int cData);   // Transmit data

char spi_read(char addr);   // Read data


// EEPROM Debug Methods

// Clear eeprom values between specified addresses

void clear_eeprom(unsigned int fr, unsigned int to);

// Printout eeprom values between specified addresses

void read_eeprom(unsigned int fr, unsigned int to);


8.1.2.        final.c

#include "prototypes.h"

#include <delay.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>


extern char xmit_time;    // xmit state machine timer

unsigned int run_time;    // runner state machine timer


// flag to indicate if an IR signal is at the high state for

// too long

extern char invalid_fl;  


// The main initialize method

void initialize(void);


// Buffer containing times that the IR Signal is at high

extern unsigned int time_buffer[128];

extern char tb_ind;     // Index of the time buffer

long count;             // Used to count for one second


// Interrupt to drive state machine times

interrupt [TIM0_COMP] void timer0_compare(void)








// Interrupt used to signal if an IR signal is at a high

// state for too long

interrupt [TIM1_OVF] void timer1_overflow(void)


    invalid_fl = 1;



// DEBUG Method: Clear eeprom values between specified addresses

void clear_eeprom(unsigned int fr, unsigned int to)


    int addr;


    PORTA.0 = ~PORTA.0;

    for (addr = fr; addr < to; addr++)


        ee_writeByte(0, addr, 0x0e);




    ee_writeByte(0, addr, 0x0e);


    PORTA.0 = ~PORTA.0;



// DEBUG Method: Printout eeprom values between specified addresses

void read_eeprom(unsigned int fr, unsigned int to)


    int addr;

    char buff[32];

    char readVal;


    PORTA.1 = ~PORTA.1;

    addr = fr;


    while (addr < to)




            readVal = ee_readByte(addr, 0x0e);

            sprintf(buff, "%x: %x\n\r", addr, readVal);








    readVal = ee_readByte(addr, 0x0e);

    sprintf(buff, "%x: %x\n\r", addr, readVal);



    PORTA.1 = ~PORTA.1;



void main(void)






        unsigned int temp;


        if (count > PULSE_TIME)


            PORTA.7 = ~PORTA.7; // Heart beat LED




        if(run_time == RUN_TIME)





        if(xmit_time == XMIT_TIME)


            xmit_time = 0;






        // Check if any IR is received

        temp= ir_data();


        // Only record when in recording mode

        if (temp != 0 && par_isRecording())


            char t_buff[32];

            // Print out the code to Hyperterminal to let the

            // user know that a code has been received


            sprintf(t_buff, "CODE= %x ; \n\r> ", temp);

            sendStr (t_buff);


            // If valid code

            if((temp != 1) && (temp != 2) && (temp != 3))






void test_init(void);

void initialize(void)


    char c[16];

    sprintf(c, "Ready\n\r");

    OCR0 =40;                // 20 us

    TIMSK=2;                 // turn on timer 0 cmp-match ISR

    TCCR0=0b00001010;        // Clear on match, prescaler of 8


    TIMSK = TIMSK | (0x04); // Turn on timer 1 overflow interrupt

    TCCR1B = 0b00000011;


    // TODO: Remove

    DDRD.1 = 1;

    DDRC.3 = 1;


    DDRB.2 = 0;


    DDRA = 0xff;

    PORTA = 0xff;


    // Initialize all the other initialize methods







    clk_init();    // ! Make sure that this comes AFTER spi_init();





    // Send message to hyperterminal





8.1.3.        serial.c

#include <Mega32.h>

#include "prototypes.h"


void puts_int(void);

void gets_int(void);


//RXC ISR variables

unsigned char r_index;      //current string index

unsigned char r_buffer[32]; //input string

unsigned char r_ready;      //flag for receive done

unsigned char r_char;       //current character


//TX empth ISR variables

unsigned char t_index;      //current string index

unsigned char t_buffer[32]; //output string

unsigned char t_ready;      //flag for transmit done

unsigned char t_char;       //current character


interrupt [USART_RXC] void uart_rec(void)


    r_char=UDR;    //get a char

    UDR=r_char;    //then print it

    //build the input string

    if (r_char != '\r') r_buffer[r_index++]=r_char;



        putchar('\n');            //use putchar to avoid overwrite

        r_buffer[r_index]=0x00;   //zero terminate

        r_ready=1;                //signal cmd processor

        UCSRB.7=0;                //stop rec ISR





//UART xmit-empty ISR

interrupt [USART_DRE] void uart_send(void)


    t_char = t_buffer[++t_index];

    if (t_char == 0)


        UCSRB.5=0; //kill isr

        t_ready=1; //transmit done


    else    {UDR = t_char ;     //send the char




void puts_int(void){



    if (t_buffer[0]>0)








void gets_int(void) {






void sendStr (char * str)


    int i = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)


        if(str[i] == 0) {




        t_buffer[i] = str[i];






char * getStr ( void )


    char tempBuff[32];


    if ( r_ready )


        sprintf( tempBuff, "%s", r_buffer);


        return r_buffer;




        return 0;




void serial_init(void){

    UCSRB = 0x18;

    UBRRL = 103 ; //using a 16 MHz crystal (9600 baud)








char ready_tx (void){

    return t_ready;


8.1.4.        parser.c

#include "prototypes.h"

#include "codes.h"


// Maximum number of characters for a command

#define MAX_EVENT_NAME   5


// Inherited from serial.c. Indicates if serial communication is ready

// for more transmission

extern char t_ready;   



// List of command strings

// Commands for the DVD Player

char LIST_COMM[]    = "h";          // List available commands and the

                                    // formats

char VOL_UP[]       = "vol+";       // Increment volume by one

char VOL_DOWN[]     = "vol-";       // Decrement volume by one

char POWER[]        = "pow";        // Toggle power

char MUTE[]         = "mute";       // Toggle mute

char PLAY[]         = "play";       // Play

char STOP[]         = "stop";       // Stop

char PAUSE[]        = "pause";      // Pause / Resume

char PREV[]         = "prev";       // Previous

char NEXT[]         = "next";       // Next

char DISC[]         = "disc";       // Open / Close disc drive


// Commands for the real time clock

char SYNC[]         = "sync ";      // Sync the realtime clock

char TIME[]         = "time";       // Display the machine time


// Event related commands

char EVENT_NEW[]    = "evnew";      // Create new event

char EVENT_DEL[]    = "evdel";      // Delete event

char EVENT_LIST[]   = "evls";       // List all events in eeprom

char EVENT_FIN[]    = "evfin";      // Finish recording event


// Debugging commands to examine EEPROM

char EE_CLR[]       = "eeclr";      // DEBUG: Clear eeprom

char EE_READ[]      = "eesee";      // DEBUG: Print out eeprom


// List of commands and the format

#define NUM_CMDS 20

char * commands[]=














    "evnew <time> <name>\n\r",

    "evdel <addr>\n\r",




    "sync <time>\n\r",





// Execute the command

void exec(char* inst);


// Save the event

void saveEvent(void);


char record_fl;     // Flag to indicate if in event recording mode

char prompt_fl;     // Flag to indicate if the '>' character

                    // needs to be printed


// Parameters used to create the event

char ev_sec, ev_min, ev_hr, ev_day, ev_mon, ev_yr;  // Time parameters

char ev_name[MAX_EVENT_NAME];                       // Event name

// Sequence of button presses for the event

unsigned int ev_inst[MAX_EVENT_LENGTH];        

char ev_inst_ind;   // Index for the list of button presses


// time parameters used to set the clock's time

char s_sec, s_min, s_hr, s_day, s_mon, s_yr;


enum parser_states { p_wait, p_parse, p_help, p_evlist, p_save, p_time,

    p_rem_cpre, p_rem_cpwr, p_rem_del, p_rem_print,

    p_sendDelay, p_sync } parse_state, togo_state;

char * buff;        // Buffer for the command received

char line_cnt;      // Number of lines printed. Used for printing

                    // outputs with multiple lines

char delay_time;    // Counter for delays


char save_ind;      // Index of instruction to be saved

char save_lower_fl; // Save the lower half of instruction?


// Flag to indicate if "EVENTS:" has been printed out. Used when

// Listing events stored in EEPROM

char evlist_title_fl;


unsigned int curr_ev_addr;  // Current event address

unsigned int ev_addr;       // Address of first available space in EEPROM


unsigned int rem_addr;      // Address of event to be removed

char cp_ind;                // Index of instruction to be copied

unsigned int cp_data;       // Copied instruction


// Parser state machine

void parser_SM (void)




        case p_wait:


            // Check if the prompt character needs to be printed out

            // and the serial communication is ready to transmit

            // more data

            if(prompt_fl && t_ready)


                char prbuff[5];

                sprintf(prbuff, "\n\r> ");


                prompt_fl = 0;



            buff = getStr();


            // Check if there is new command from the user

            if(buff != 0)


               prompt_fl = 1;

                parse_state = p_parse;




        case p_parse:

            // Execute the command



        case p_help:

            // Print out the list of commands and the formats whenever

            // the serial communication is ready to transmit more

            // data





                if(line_cnt == NUM_CMDS - 1)


                    parse_state = p_wait;




        case p_evlist:

            // Print out saved events

            // Check if the "EVENTS:" has been printed out

            if(evlist_title_fl != 0)




                    char buff[32];

                    sprintf(buff, "EVENTS:\n\r");


                    evlist_title_fl = 0;



            else if(curr_ev_addr == ev_addr)


                // all events have been printed

                parse_state = p_wait;


            else if(ready_tx())


                // If serial communication is ready for more transmission,

                // printout next event

                char data;

                data = ee_readByte(curr_ev_addr * 32, EVENT_CHIP);


                if(data != INVALID_EVENT)


                    char name[MAX_EVENT_NAME + 1];

                    char buff[32];

                    char i;


                    // Read the name

                    for(i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_NAME; i++)


                        name[i] = ee_readByte(curr_ev_addr * 32 + i + 1,



                    name[MAX_EVENT_NAME] = 0;


                    sprintf(buff, "%x: %s\n\r", curr_ev_addr, name);



                    // Print out the next event





        case p_save:


            // Save the event to EEPROM




        case p_time:

            // If the IR transmit buffer is empty and the serial

            // communication is ready to transmit more data, read the time

            // from the real time clock and print it out

            if(ready_tx() && ir_buffEmpty())


                char sc, mi, hr, dt, mo, yr;

                char buff[32];

                sc = clk_sec();

                mi = clk_min();

                hr = clk_hr();

                dt = clk_date();

                mo = clk_mon();

                yr = clk_yr();

                sprintf(buff, "TIME:\n\r%d:%d:%d %d/%d/%d\n\r",

                    hr, mi, sc, dt, mo, yr);


                parse_state = p_wait;



        case p_rem_cpre:


            // Work with cpwr to copy the event at the end of the list

            // to the removed position

            // Read the instruction that the specified position

            if((ev_addr + 1) != rem_addr && cp_ind < 32)


                cp_data = ee_readByte(ev_addr * 32 + cp_ind, EVENT_CHIP);

                togo_state = p_rem_cpwr;

                parse_state = p_sendDelay;




                parse_state = p_rem_del;




        case p_rem_cpwr:


            // Write the copied instructions to a specified position

            ee_writeByte(cp_data, rem_addr * 32 + cp_ind, EVENT_CHIP);


            togo_state = p_rem_cpre;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;



        case p_rem_del:

            // Delete the last event in the EEPROM

            ee_writeByte(INVALID_EVENT, ev_addr*32, EVENT_CHIP);

            togo_state = p_rem_print;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        case p_rem_print:

            // Print out the event number that has been removed



                char buff[32];

                sprintf(buff, "Event %x Removed\n\r", rem_addr);


                parse_state = p_wait;



        case p_sendDelay:

            // Provides 5 ms delay. Used to make sure that eeprom

            // write and read have been completed before attempting

            // another write / read.

            if (delay_time == 250)


                parse_state = togo_state;







        case p_sync:

            // Set the time of the real time clock. Do this only when

            // the transmit buffer is empty.

            if(ir_buffEmpty() && ready_tx())


                char buff[32];

                clk_setTime(s_sec, s_min, s_hr, s_day, s_mon, s_yr);

                sprintf(buff, "Clock set\n\r");


                parse_state = p_wait;






// Send the command either to IR LED or to be saved as an

// event instruction

void parser_sendCommand(int cmd)




        ev_inst[ev_inst_ind] = cmd;









// Parse and executes the instruction

void exec(char* inst)


    // List all commands

    if(strcmp(inst, LIST_COMM) == 0)


        line_cnt = 0;

        parse_state = p_help;


    // Increment volume

    else if (strcmp(inst, VOL_UP) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Decrement Volume

    else if (strcmp(inst, VOL_DOWN) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Toggle Power

    else if (strcmp(inst, POWER) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Toggle Mute

    else if (strcmp(inst, MUTE) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Play

    else if (strcmp(inst, PLAY) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Stop

    else if (strcmp(inst, STOP) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Pause / Skip

    else if (strcmp(inst, PAUSE) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Previous

    else if (strcmp(inst, PREV) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Next

    else if (strcmp(inst, NEXT) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // Open / Close disc

    else if (strcmp(inst, DISC) == 0)



        parse_state = p_wait;


    // List Stored Events

    else if (strcmp(inst, EVENT_LIST) == 0)


        curr_ev_addr = 0;

        evlist_title_fl = 1;


        parse_state = p_evlist;


    // Stop recording event

    else if (strcmp(inst, EVENT_FIN) == 0)


        record_fl = 0;

        save_ind = 0;

        save_lower_fl = 0;

        parse_state = p_save;


    // System time

    else if (strcmp(inst, TIME) == 0)


        parse_state = p_time;


    // Instructions with input parameters



        // Now parse commands with input parameter(s)

        char tstr[6];


        // temporary buffer for section of the input command that will

        // not be used

        char junk[16];


        // Get the first 5 characters and terminate them with null terminator

        tstr[0] = inst[0];

        tstr[1] = inst[1];

        tstr[2] = inst[2];

        tstr[3] = inst[3];

        tstr[4] = inst[4];

        tstr[5] = 0;


        // Check what the first 5 characters of the command are

        // Set the time

        if(strcmp(tstr, SYNC) == 0)


            sscanf(inst, "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d", junk,

                &s_sec, &s_min, &s_hr, &s_day, &s_mon, &s_yr);


            parse_state = p_sync;


        // Create new event

        else if (strcmp(tstr, EVENT_NEW) == 0)


            char buff[32];

            char i;


            if(record_fl == 0)


                // Get the times for the event

                sscanf(inst, "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s", junk,

                    &ev_sec, &ev_min, &ev_hr, &ev_day, &ev_mon, &ev_yr,


                ev_inst_ind = 0;    // Initialize the event list index


                // Empty the event list

                for(i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_LENGTH; i++)


                    ev_inst[i] = 0;


                record_fl = 1;      // Start recording


                // Print out friendly message to user

                sprintf(buff, "RECORDING %s\n\r", ev_name);


                // Wait until serial xmit is ready




                parse_state = p_wait;




                // Cannot create new event in recording mode



        // Delete event

        else if (strcmp(tstr, EVENT_DEL) == 0)


            unsigned int addr;

            sscanf(inst, "%s %x", junk, &addr);


            rem_addr = addr;

            if(ev_addr != rem_addr)


             cp_ind = 0;

             parse_state = p_rem_cpre;


        // Clear eeprom

        else if (strcmp(tstr, EE_CLR) == 0)


            unsigned int fr, to;

            sscanf(inst, "%s %x %x", junk, &fr, &to);

            clear_eeprom(fr, to);

            parse_state = p_wait;


        // Read eeprom

        else if (strcmp(tstr, EE_READ) == 0)


            unsigned int fr, to;

            sscanf(inst, "%s %x %x", junk, &fr, &to);

            read_eeprom(fr, to);

            parse_state = p_wait;




            sprintf(buff, "Invalid input %s\n\r", tstr);


            // Wait until serial xmit is ready


            parse_state = p_wait;





// Save the event to eeprom

void saveEvent(void)


    char buff[32];


    // Event storage format:

    // 0    : ValidEvent

    // 1-5  : 10 chars name

    // 6    : Seconds

    // 7    : Minutes

    // 8    : Hours

    // 9    : Day

    // 10   : Month

    // 11   : Year

    // 12-31: Code 1-10


    // Check if the transmit buffer is empty



        // Save the "valid" header

        if(save_ind == 0)


            ee_writeByte(VALID_EVENT ,ev_addr*32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);


            delay_time = 0;

            togo_state = p_save;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        // Save the name of the event

        else if (1 <= save_ind && save_ind <= 5)


            ee_writeByte(ev_name[save_ind - 1], ev_addr * 32 + save_ind,



            delay_time = 0;

            togo_state = p_save;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        // Save the second

        else if (save_ind == 6)


            ee_writeByte(ev_sec ,ev_addr * 32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);


            delay_time = 0;

            togo_state = p_save;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        // Save the minute

        else if (save_ind == 7)


            ee_writeByte(ev_min ,ev_addr * 32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);


            delay_time = 0;

            togo_state = p_save;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        // Save the hours

        else if (save_ind == 8)


            ee_writeByte(ev_hr ,ev_addr * 32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);


            delay_time = 0;

            togo_state = p_save;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        // Save the date

        else if (save_ind == 9)


            ee_writeByte(ev_day ,ev_addr * 32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);


            delay_time = 0;

            togo_state = p_save;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        // Save the month

        else if (save_ind == 10)


            ee_writeByte(ev_mon ,ev_addr * 32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);


            delay_time = 0;

            togo_state = p_save;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        // Save the year

        else if (save_ind == 11)


            ee_writeByte(ev_yr ,ev_addr * 32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);


            delay_time = 0;

            togo_state = p_save;

            parse_state = p_sendDelay;


        // Save the sequence of button press

        else if (12 <= save_ind && save_ind < 32)




                // Save the lower half

                ee_writeByte( ((char) ev_inst[(save_ind - 13) / 2])

                    , ev_addr * 32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);

                save_lower_fl = 0;

                delay_time = 0;

                togo_state = p_save;

                parse_state = p_sendDelay;




                // Save the upper half

                ee_writeByte( (ev_inst[(save_ind - 12) / 2] >> 8), ev_addr *

                    32 + save_ind, EVENT_CHIP);

                save_lower_fl = 1;

                delay_time = 0;

                togo_state = p_save;

                parse_state = p_sendDelay;






            // Finished saving?




            sprintf(buff, "DONE RECORDING\n\r");


            parse_state = p_wait;





// Go through the EEPROM, and find the location of the

// first invalid event. This is called only during

// initialization, used to minimize EEPROM search time

void findFirstInvalidEvent(){

    unsigned int addr=0;

    while (1)


        char c;

        c= ee_readByte(addr*32, EVENT_CHIP);

        if (c!=VALID_EVENT)








            if (addr >= NUM_BLOCKS)


                ev_addr= addr;







// Is it in recording state?

char par_isRecording(void)


    return record_fl;



// Initialize the parser

void par_init(void)


    parse_state = p_wait;

    prompt_fl = 1;




8.1.5.        spi.c

#include "prototypes.h"

#include <spi.h>

#include <delay.h>


// Bit numbers for setting the registry

#define DD_MOSI    5

#define DD_MISO    6

#define DD_SCK     7

#define SPE        6

#define MSTR       4

#define SPR0       0

#define SPIF       7

#define DDR_SPI DDRB


// Used for debugging

#define SPI_EN 1


// Transmit 16 bit data to the real time clock using SPI interface

void spi_xmit(int cData)


    #if SPI_EN           

    unsigned char junk; 


    PORTB.2 = 1;                // Turn cm to high

    junk = spi(cData >> 8);     // Send the top 8 bits

    junk = spi(cData & 0xff) ;  // Send the bottom 8 bits

    PORTB.2 = 0;                // Turn cm to low




// Transmit 8 bit data, and return the returned data

unsigned char spi_read(char addr)


    #if SPI_EN  

    unsigned char junk, Ain;

    PORTB.2 = 1;            // Turn cm to high

    junk = spi(addr);       // Send the address

    Ain = spi(0x00);        // Read the value

    PORTB.2 = 0;            // Turn cm to low



    return Ain;



// Initialization method

void spi_init(void)


    #if SPI_EN

    //set up SPI

    //bit 7 SPIE=0 no ISR

    //bit 6 SPE=1 enable spi

    //bit 5 DORD=0 msb first

    //bit 4 MSTR=1 Mega32 is spi master

    //bit 3 CPLO=1 clock polarity

    //bit 2 CPHA=1 clock phase

    //bit 1,0 rate sel=10 along with SPRC=1 sets clk to f/32 = 500 kHz

    SPCR = 0b01011111 ;     

    SPSR = 1;


    //set up i/o data direction

    DDRB.2 = 1;

    DDRB.4 = 1;

    DDRB.5 = 1; //output MOSI

    DDRB.6 = 0; //input MISO

    DDRB.7 = 1; //output SCLK




8.1.6.        clk.c

#include "prototypes.h"


#define SEC_READ    0x00

#define SEC_WRITE   0x80

#define MIN_READ    0x01

#define MIN_WRITE   0x81

#define HR_READ     0x02

#define HR_WRITE    0x82

#define DAT_READ    0x04

#define DAT_WRITE   0x84

#define MON_READ    0x05

#define MON_WRITE   0x85

#define YR_READ     0x06

#define YR_WRITE    0x86


// Get the real second

char clk_sec(void)


    char s, tens, ones;

    s = spi_read(SEC_READ);

    tens = (s >> 4) & 0x07;

    ones = s & 0x0f;

    return tens * 10 + ones;



// Get the real minute

char clk_min(void)


    char m, tens, ones;

    m = spi_read(MIN_READ);

    tens = (m >> 4) & 0x07;

    ones = m & 0x0f;

    return tens * 10 + ones;



// Get the real hour

char clk_hr(void)


    char hr, tens, ones;

    hr = spi_read(HR_READ);

    tens = (hr >> 4) & 0x03;

    ones = hr & 0x0f;

    return tens * 10 + ones;



// Get the real date

char clk_date(void)


    char d, tens, ones;

    d = spi_read(DAT_READ);

    tens = (d >> 4) & 0x03;

    ones = d & 0x0f;

    return tens * 10 + ones;



// Get the real month

char clk_mon(void)


    char m, tens, ones;

    m = spi_read(MON_READ);

    tens = (m >> 4) & 0x03;

    ones = m & 0x0f;

    return tens * 10 + ones;



// Get the real year

char clk_yr(void)


    char y, tens, ones;

    y = spi_read(YR_READ);

    tens = (y >> 4) & 0x0f;

    ones = y & 0x0f;

    return tens * 10 + ones;



// Convert a normal number to the number format used

// by the real time clock, with top 4 bits representing

// tens, and lower 4 bits ones

char ToTensOnes(unsigned char n)


    return ((n / 10) << 4) + (n % 10);



// Set the time of the real time clock

void clk_setTime(char sec, char min, char hr, char day, char mon, char yr)


    unsigned int temp;


    // Set the year

    spi_xmit((((unsigned int) YR_WRITE) << 8) + ToTensOnes(yr));

    spi_xmit((((unsigned int) MON_WRITE) << 8) + ToTensOnes(mon));

    spi_xmit((((unsigned int) DAT_WRITE) << 8) + ToTensOnes(day));


    // Set the hour

    temp = ((unsigned int) HR_WRITE) << 8;

    temp += (0 << 6);

    temp += ToTensOnes(hr) & 0x3f;


    spi_xmit((((unsigned int) MIN_WRITE) << 8) + ToTensOnes(min));

    spi_xmit((((unsigned int) SEC_WRITE) << 8) + ToTensOnes(sec));



// Check if current time has passed the specified time

char clk_passed(char sec, char min, char hr, char day, char mon, char yr)


    char ryr, rmon, rdat, rhr, rmin, rsec;

    ryr = clk_yr();

    rmon = clk_mon();

    rdat = clk_date();

    rhr = clk_hr();

    rmin = clk_min();

    rsec = clk_sec();


    // Check the year

    if(yr < ryr)

        return 1;

    else if( yr > ryr)

        return 0;


    // Check the month

    if(mon < rmon)

        return 1;

    else if( mon > rmon)

        return 0;


    // Check the date

    if(day < rdat)

        return 1;

    else if( day > rdat)

        return 0;


    // Check the hour

    if(hr < rhr)

        return 1;

    else if( hr > rhr)

        return 0;


    // Check the minute

    if(min < rmin)

        return 1;

    else if( min > rmin)

        return 0;


    // Check the second

    if(sec <= rsec)

        return 1;

    else if( sec > rsec)

        return 0;



// Initialize

void clk_init(void)


    char hr;

    // Initialize the registers of the clock



    // Set the hour mode to 24

    hr = spi_read(HR_READ);

    hr = hr & ~(1 << 6);

    spi_xmit((((unsigned int ) HR_WRITE) << 8) + hr);



8.1.7.        i2c.c

#include "prototypes.h"


// Define bit numbers for the registers

#define TWINT      7

#define START      5

#define MT_SLA_ACK 0

#define TWSTA      5

#define TWEN       2

#define TWSTO      4


#define MAX_READ_SIZE 255


void ERROR(void)




// Enable ACK

void twi_enable_ack(void)


    TWCR|= 64;


// Disable ACK

void twi_disable_ack(void)





// Send the start signal

void twi_start(void)


    TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN);

    while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));


    if ((TWSR & 0xF8) != START)




// Send the stop signal

void twi_stop(void)


    TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWSTO);



// Send a byte of character

void twi_sendByte(char c)


    TWDR = c;

    TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN);

    while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));

    if ((TWSR & 0xF8) != MT_SLA_ACK)





// Read a byte of character

char twi_readByte(void)


    TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN);

    while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));

    if ((TWSR & 0xF8) != MT_SLA_ACK)

        ERROR();        // TODO: Change this


    return TWDR;



// Write a byte using EEPROM's scheme

void ee_writeByte(char data, unsigned int addr, char chip_addr)


    // Send the start signal



    // Send the header and 16 bit address

    twi_sendByte(0xa0 | (chip_addr & 0x0e));

    twi_sendByte(addr >> 8);

    twi_sendByte(addr & 0x00ff);


    // Send the data



    // Send the stop signal




// Read a byte using EEPROM's scheme

char ee_readByte(unsigned int addr, char chip_addr)


    char data;


    // Send the start signal



    // Send the header and 16 bit address

    twi_sendByte(0xa0 | (chip_addr & 0x0e));

    twi_sendByte(addr >> 8);

    twi_sendByte(addr & 0x00ff);


    // Send another start signal



    // Send address to read and disable ACK

    twi_sendByte(0xa0 | (chip_addr & 0x0e) | 1);



    // Get the data

    data = twi_readByte();


    // Send the stop signal



    // Return the data obtained from EEPROM

    return data;



// Initialize

void twi_init(void)


    TWBR = 12;

    TWSR &= ~3;

    TWCR = 0b01000100;



8.1.8.        ir.c

#include "prototypes.h"

#include <stdio.h>


#define SYNC_PULSE 0x00ff;


// Flag to indicate if the compare match interrupt

// Should time the header

char meas_fl;


// Flag indicating that signal is invalid

char invalid_fl;


char header_time;       // timed by the compare match ISR

char xmit_time;         // xmit state machine timer


// Transmit buffer

int xmit_buffer[XMIT_BUFFER_SIZE];

char old_xmit_ind;      // Old transmit index

char xmit_ind;          // Transmit index


// Receive buffer

char recv_ind;        // Receive index

char recv_done_fl;        // Flag to indicate if an instruction has been received

// Buffer containing time lengths of high states

unsigned int time_buffer[128];

char tb_ind;    // Index of the buffer


interrupt [EXT_INT1] void ext_interrupt(void)



    if(PIND.3 == 1)


        TCNT1 = 0;




        unsigned int time;

        time = TCNT1;




            if (time>LOW_MIN){

                time_buffer[tb_ind] = time;

                tb_ind = (tb_ind + 1) % 128;




    invalid_fl = 0;



// Turn on the IR LED

void ir_on(void)


    //DDRD.7 = 1;

    TCCR2 |=(1<<4);

    PORTC.3= 1;



// Turn off the IR LED

void ir_off(void)


    //DDRD.7 = 0;

    TCCR2 &=~(1<<4);

    PORTC.3= 0;



// Send a 12 bit data through ir

void ir_xmit(int data)


    xmit_buffer[xmit_ind] = data;

    xmit_ind = (xmit_ind + 1) % XMIT_BUFFER_SIZE;



enum xmit_states { x_wait, x_pull, x_header, x_high, x_lo2, x_lo, x_bit,

    x_trigDlay, x_trigLo, x_trigHi, x_interDlay } xmit_state;

char xmit_c;    // General counter

char xmit_t, xmit_th;    // Used for timing

// Flag to indicate if the sync signal needs to be sent

char sendSync_fl;

// Flag to indicate if the trigger signal has been sent

char trigDone_fl;

int sentData;


// The transmit state machine

void ir_xmitSM(void)




        // Wait until there is instruction to be sent

        case x_wait:

            if(old_xmit_ind != xmit_ind)


                char buff[32];

                // Check if there is nothing to send

                if(xmit_buffer[old_xmit_ind] == 0)


                    old_xmit_ind = (old_xmit_ind + 1) % XMIT_BUFFER_SIZE;





                    xmit_t = 0;

                    xmit_th = 0;

                    xmit_c = 0;

                    sendSync_fl = 1;

                    trigDone_fl = 0;

                    sentData = SYNC_PULSE;


                    xmit_state = x_pull;







        // Send the pull signal

        case x_pull:

            if(xmit_th == 2)



                xmit_state = x_header;

                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_th = 0;


            else if(xmit_t == 230)



                xmit_t = 0;








        // Send the header

        case x_header:

            if(xmit_t == 214)        // Wait until header is 4.4 ms long



                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_state = x_high;








        // Send a normal high signal

        case x_high:

            if(xmit_t == 31)        // Wait until low for 600 us




                    // Header, instruction, and trigger have all been sent.

                    // Move to the next instruction


                    xmit_t = 0;

                    xmit_th = 0;

                    xmit_state = x_interDlay;


                else if(xmit_c == 16)


                    // The current 16 bits data has been sent.




                        // Current instruction has been sent.

                        // Now send the trigger signal


                        xmit_t = 0;

                        xmit_th = 0;

                        xmit_state = x_trigDlay;




                        // sync pulse has been sent. Now send the data

                        sentData = xmit_buffer[old_xmit_ind];

                        sendSync_fl = 0;



                        xmit_state = x_lo;

                        xmit_t = 0;

                        xmit_c = 0;





                    // Send the sync pulses


                    xmit_state = x_lo;

                    xmit_t = 0;









        // Send the first low signal for a 0 or 1 bit

        case x_lo:

            if(xmit_t == 23)        // Wait until hi is 520 us long


                xmit_state = x_bit;

                xmit_t = 0;








        // Send the second hi signal for a 1 bit

        case x_lo2:

            if(xmit_t == 54)



                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_state = x_high;








        // Check if the next bit is one

        case x_bit:


            int mask;

            int b;

            mask = 0x8000 >> xmit_c;



            // Get the current bit

            b = sentData & mask;

            if(b == 0)



                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_state = x_high;




                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_state = x_lo2;




        // Gives a long hi delay for the trigger signal

        case x_trigDlay:


            if(xmit_th == 15)



                xmit_state = x_trigHi;

                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_th = 0;


            else if(xmit_t == 128)



                xmit_t = 0;








        // Low trigger period before the trigger high

        case x_trigHi:

            if(xmit_th == 3)



                xmit_state = x_trigLo;

                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_th = 0;


            else if(xmit_t == 150)



                xmit_t = 0;







        // High trigger period before the trigger low

        case x_trigLo:

            if(xmit_t == 110)



                trigDone_fl = 1;

                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_state = x_high;







        case x_interDlay:

            if(xmit_th == 100)


                xmit_t = 0;

                xmit_th = 0;

                // Move to the next instruction

                old_xmit_ind = (old_xmit_ind + 1) % XMIT_BUFFER_SIZE;

                xmit_state = x_wait;


            else if(xmit_t == 255)



                xmit_t = 0;










// Checks if the transmit buffer is empty

char ir_buffEmpty(void)


    return old_xmit_ind == xmit_ind;


// Check if time is a header

unsigned char isHeader(int time){

    return (HEADER_MIN < time && time < HEADER_MAX);


// Check if time is a long

unsigned char isLong(int time){

    return  (LONG_MIN < time && time < LONG_MAX);


// Check if time is a short

unsigned char isShort(int time){

    return (SHORT_MIN < time && time < SHORT_MAX);


// Go through the time buffer and convert all times to binary format

// and return it

unsigned int ir_data(void){

    unsigned int val=0;

    if (invalid_fl){

        if (tb_ind > 30){

            // Check for header

            if (!isHeader(time_buffer[0])){


                return 1;



            // Check for 8 short signals

            for (i=1;i<9;i++){

                if (!isShort(time_buffer[i])){


                    return 2; // bad start




            // Check for 8 long signals

            for (i=9;i<17;i++){

                if (!isLong(time_buffer[i])){


                    return 3; // bad start



            // Convert the 16 bit instructions to binary form

            for (i = 17; i < 33;i++){

                val= val | ( ( !!(unsigned long)isLong(time_buffer[i]) << (32 - i)));







    return val;



// Initialize

void ir_init(void)


    // Initialize the external interrupt

    // Set to interrupt at any logical change


    // For int1

    MCUCR |=(1<<2);

    MCUCR &=~(1<<3);


    GICR |= 128;         // Set bit 6 to 1, enable external interrupt


    meas_fl = 0;


    xmit_t = 0;

    xmit_c = 0;


    recv_ind = 0;

    recv_done_fl = 0;


    // TODO: remove

    time_buffer[0] = 0;

    time_buffer[1] = 0;


    fall_state = f_init;

    rise_state = r_init;


    recv_char = 0xffffffff;





8.1.9.        carrier.c

#include "prototypes.h"


// Sets Timer 2 to oscillate OCR2 at rate of around 38 kHz

void carrier_init(void){

    // set OCR2 to 199 for approx 40 khz



    // set OCR2 to 210 for approx 38 khz



    //CTC, toggle, no prescaler

    TCCR2= 0b00011001;


    // Set D.7 to output, initialize to low

    DDRD.7 =1;



8.1.10.  runner.c

#include "prototypes.h"


// Address of the first invalid event block in EEPROM

// Inherited from parser

extern unsigned int ev_addr;


enum runner_states { r_waitEvent, r_waitBuffer} runner_state;

unsigned int check_ev_addr;    // Address of event to be checked

unsigned int ran_ev_addr;      // Address of event to be run

char r_inst_ind;               // Index of the instruction to be sent

                               // to the IR Transmitter


// Temporary time variables

char sc, mn, hr, dy, mo, yr;

unsigned int ev_data;          // Data to be transmitted


// Periodically checks the events in the eeprom and

// see if any of them needs to be run

void runner_SM(void)




        case r_waitEvent:


            // Wait until there are events in the eeprom and the

            // ir_xmit buffer is empty

            if(check_ev_addr < ev_addr && ir_buffEmpty())


                // Get the times of the events

                sc = ee_readByte(check_ev_addr * 32 + 6, EVENT_CHIP);

                mn = ee_readByte(check_ev_addr * 32 + 7, EVENT_CHIP);

                hr = ee_readByte(check_ev_addr * 32 + 8, EVENT_CHIP);

                dy = ee_readByte(check_ev_addr * 32 + 9, EVENT_CHIP);

                mo = ee_readByte(check_ev_addr * 32 + 10, EVENT_CHIP);

                yr = ee_readByte(check_ev_addr * 32 + 11, EVENT_CHIP);


                // Check if it is time to run the event

                if(clk_passed(sc, mn, hr, dy, mo, yr))


                    r_inst_ind = 0;

                    runner_state = r_waitBuffer;

                    ran_ev_addr = check_ev_addr;




                    runner_state = r_waitEvent;



            else if (! (check_ev_addr < ev_addr))


                check_ev_addr = 0;


            else {

                // do nothing



            // Check the next event

            check_ev_addr = (check_ev_addr + 1) % ev_addr;



        case r_waitBuffer:

            // Wait until the transmit buffer is empty



                char i;

                char tempData;


                // Send each saved button press to the ir transmit buffer

                for(i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_LENGTH; i++)


                    ev_data = 0;

                    // Get the upper 8 bits

                    tempData = ee_readByte((unsigned int)ran_ev_addr * 32 + 12 + (unsigned int)i * 2, EVENT_CHIP);

                    ev_data = ((unsigned int) tempData) << 8;


                    // Get the lower 8 bits

                    tempData = ee_readByte((unsigned int)ran_ev_addr * 32 + 13 + (unsigned int)i * 2, EVENT_CHIP);

                    ev_data = ev_data | tempData;


                    // Send the instruction




                // Delete the executed event from the EEPROM

                // Copy from the end of the eeprom to the current location

                if(ev_addr != ran_ev_addr)


                    char cp_ind = 0;




                    // Copy the last event to the event in the deleted position

                    for(cp_ind = 0; cp_ind < 32; cp_ind++)


                        char cp_data;

                        cp_data = ee_readByte(ev_addr * 32 + cp_ind, EVENT_CHIP);



                        ee_writeByte(cp_data, ran_ev_addr * 32 + cp_ind, EVENT_CHIP);





                ee_writeByte(INVALID_EVENT, ev_addr * 32, EVENT_CHIP);



                // reset checked address to zero.

                check_ev_addr = 0;


                runner_state = r_waitEvent;






8.1.11.  GUI Code

GUI Code

8.2.      Schematics

8.3.      Cost Details





White Board


B / W TV






Backup Battery





All other parts are either sampled free, or have been owned previously.


8.4.      Tasks of Each Group Member

Hardware: Sam


  • EEPROM: Both
  • Event Runner: Gary
  • GUI: Sam
  • IR Receiver: Both
  • IR Transmitter: Gary
  • Parser: Gary
  • Real Time Clock: Gary
  • SPI: Both
  • TWI: Both

Website / Writeup: Both

8.5.      References

Serial Communicator Base Code: http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ee476/Serialcom/SerialInt.c

SPI Scheme: http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ee476/SPI/index.html

SPI Standards: http://www.maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/502

ATMega32 Datasheet: http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ee476/AtmelStuff/full32.pdf

AA1025 Datasheet: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/21941B.pdf

DS1305 Datasheet: http://datasheets.maxim-ic.com/en/ds/DS1305.pdf