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"We developed a wireless receiver capable of receiving and playing audio transmitted over an 802.11 Wi-Fi network"

project soundbyte

For our ECE 4760 final project we developed a wireless receiver capable of receiving and playing audio transmitted over an 802.11 Wi-Fi network. Our system was constructed using an Atmel ATxmega256A3U microcontroller and a RN-XV Wifly module made by Roving Networks. We send music to the microcontroller from a computer program running a custom streaming algorithm that incorporates feedback from the microcontroller. When the data is received by the microcontroller it is interpreted and output as an audio to a 3.5mm TRS female connector that can drive any line-in connection. Our streaming system was capable of playing 8-bit mono songs at 44.1kHz or 8-bit stereo at 22.05kHz.

Our original motivation for choosing this project was to create a receiver that could work with Apple Airplay (a proprietary protocol used by Apple to stream data from iTunes, iPhones, etc. to supported speakers). Though we were not able to create a receiver capable of streaming audio over Apple Airplay due to the incapability of available hardware Wi-Fi interfaces, we were able to create our own music streaming system. Additionally, our current system creates a strong basis off of which to work if we do decide to eventually tackle Apple Airplay for a more advanced class (or on our own!). Lastly, streaming music is just a really cool thing to do and is very useful and fun. We really wanted to develop a project that would have some practical use and not just an impressive design.


Doug rocking out to music sent over our the MAD Dog Streamer


Mark getting pumped about the streaming music