import time from rp2 import PIO, asm_pio from machine import Pin import array # Define the blink program. It has one GPIO to bind to on the set instruction, which is an output pin. # Use lots of delays to make the blinking visible by eye. @asm_pio(set_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW) def blink(): wrap_target() set(pins, 1) [4] set(pins, 0) [4] wrap() # Instantiate a state machine with the blink program, at 1000Hz, with set bound to Pin(25) (LED on the rp2 board) sm = rp2.StateMachine(0, blink, freq=100000000, set_base=Pin(15)) # test assembler and # implement 'addressof' a=array.array('i',[ 1, 2, 3]) # invoke assembler @micropython.asm_thumb # passing an array name to the assembler # actually passes in the address def addressof(r0): # r0 is the output register, so address beomes output mov(r0, r0) # now use the assembler routine addr_a = addressof(a) print(addr_a) print(machine.mem32[addressof(a)+8]) # returns '3' # Run the state machine for 3 seconds. The LED should blink. time.sleep(3) sm = rp2.StateMachine(0, blink, freq=50000000, set_base=Pin(15)) time.sleep(3)