ECE 4760: Homework 3

  1. On the DSP page, read about additive, FM, and karplus-Strong synthesis, and give reasons for which technique you are going to use for lab 3.
  2. Write out a Markov transition matrix which will cause the sequencer to produce a deterministic, ascending, repeating scale.
  3. Refering again to the examples on the DSP page (and the lab 3 description), explain which synthesis parameters you will control.
  4. The following code sets up the timer0 PWM.
    Explain in detail what each statement does and why it is necessary.
    TCCR0B = 1 ;
    TIMSK0 = 0 ;
    TCCR0A = (1<<COM0A0) | (1<<COM0A1) | (1<<WGM00) | (1<<WGM01) ;
    OCR0A = 128 ;

January 4, 2012