Cornell University
ECE 5030
Matlab Graphical User Interface Design


Once you have written a program to perform some data-related function you may find that other people want to use it. It is useful to wrap a GUI around the function so that other people (and yourself) can remember how to use the program. MatLab supplies a set of tools for building GUI elements including:

The various GUI elements have a lot of automatic behavior programmed in. For instance, the slider element has built-in behaviors for dragging the slider, clicking in the body of the slider (to make a big change in value), and clicking in the end-arrows of the slider (to make a small change). Your program must specify what to do with the value returned by the slider element. The following code fragment implements a slider in a figure window. The main uicontrol function would be executed once to define the control. The Callback parameter is a vector of strings which defines what happens each time the user manipulates the slider. In this simple example, the slider value is assigned to a variable and printed in the command window. The variable slider1 is refered to as the handle to the control. The callback string refers to slider1 to retrieve the value from the control handle.

      'CallBack', ...
      'disp (num2str(s1value));'...

The slider appearance and function can be controlled by changing its properties. The following code sets up the slider to a value-range of [-20 20], sets its position, initial value, color, and the step size for clicks in the slider body and in the slider ends.
   'Min' ,-20,'Max',20, ...
   'Position',[10,220,150,20], ...
   'Value', 10,...
   'SliderStep',[0.01 0.1], ...
   'CallBack', ...
      'disp (num2str(s1value));'...

As with any graphics object in Matlab, a list of the object's current properties may be obtained by typing get(uihandle), or specifically for the slider above get(slider1). A list of all possible property settings may be obtained by typing set(uihandle), or specifically for the slider set(slider1).

Usually when you write code in a procedural language like Matlab, you expect execution to proceed linearly through the program (except for loops and subroutine calls that you program). Writing a program with uicontrols is different in several ways:


  1. There is a tutorial and short example of a GUI written by Doug Schwarz at This tutorial explains a very clever way of packaging a GUI design so that all the functions of the design are in one Matlab function file. The tutorial shows how to handle the complicated data-storage relations mentioned in the introduction. All data is stored in the Figure object and none in the Matlab workspace.
  2. I attempted to use most of the different types of uicontrols shown in the introduction in one demo. There is a window menu, a pop-up menu, a context menu attached to the plot line, several types of pushbuttons, a slider, dialog boxes, and an edit field. The Matlab code is clean, but the visual appearance is amazingly ugly because I spent no time with visual design.
  3. The simple equation plotter, shown below, can be constructed with about a page of Matlab code. The code consists of the definitions of five UI controls, including pushbuttons, editable text, and static text. All the dynamics of the code are controlled by default UI control functions and callback properties for two of the pushbuttons. A less elegant (but perhaps clearer) program uses an event-loop to detect mouse clicks. The callback code in each control merely sets a flag which is tested in the main event-loop.

  4. There is a longer example which computes the classical Hodgkin-Huxley response of a squid axon to a user-setable current. The actual solver routine included in this example was written for Physiology 317 - Methods in Computational Neurobiology (UIUC) by M. Nelson. The figure window generated by the example code is shown below (click on it for more detail). A modified version of the Hodgkin-Huxley example uses Matlab ODE solver routines and has a few small GUI enhancements, but requires a separate function file for the integrator.
  5. A student and I used a modeling system to build a simple maze. The maze was presented as both an overhead and in-the-maze view. We made a simple GUI to navigate the maze. There are two files necessary to run this example; maze6.m and maze6key.m. The first program defines the maze and a bunch of UIcontrols. The second program is a function which is called to implement camera movement through the maze. You must also download the modeling system programs. An example of the two views is shown below.

  6. This example is a minimal user interface which allows a user to click on a plotted curve and read back the index of the plotted point nearest to the mouse click. Such a function might be useful for a parametric plot where x(t) and y(t) and you want to get t from the plot. The following code uses the window button function to detect a mouse-down event and a uicontrol to stop the point-aquisition loop.
    clear all
    %plot a couple of sine curves to click on
    x = 0:.1:6.28;
    y = sin(x);
    hold on
    %the mouse-click sets a flag for point aquisition 
    %make a control to stop the loop
       'string','Quit', ...
       'position',[0 0 50 20], ...
    %start looping and waiting for a mouse click
    while (stopit==0)
       %check for valid object and chek for line 1
       %and see if the mouse was clicked
       if ~isempty(gco) & gco == hline1 & hit==1
          %get the mouse position in graph units
          mouse = get(gca,'currentpoint');
          %calculate the point nearest to the
          %mouse click
          [val, pnt] = ...
             min( sqrt(...
             (get(hline1,'xdata')-mouse(1,1)).^2 ...
             +(get(hline1,'ydata')-mouse(1,2)).^2 ...
          %display the result
          disp(['line1 point=',num2str(pnt)])
          %wait for the next click
       %check for valid object and chek for line 2
       %and see if the mouse was clicked
       if ~isempty(gco) & gco == hline2 & hit==1
          mouse = get(gca,'currentpoint');
          [val, pnt] = ...
             min( sqrt(...
             (get(hline2,'xdata')-mouse(1,1)).^2 ...
             +(get(hline2,'ydata')-mouse(1,2)).^2 ...
          disp(['line2 point=',num2str(pnt)]) 
  7. This example builds on the last example to make a editable spline curve with a user-selected number of control points. Clicking anywhere on the figure moves the nearest control point to that vertical position.
    clear all
    tmax = 2 ; % seconds.
    NumControl = 20 ; %number of control points
    FPS = 30 ; %frames/sec
    ForceZeroSlope = 1 ;
    AngleRange = 90 ;
    t = linspace(0, tmax, NumControl) ;
    tt = linspace(0, tmax, tmax*FPS) ;
    %start with all zeros in control points
    y = zeros(1,length(t));
    if ForceZeroSlope
        cs = spline(t,[0 y 0]);
        cs = spline(t,y);
    yy = ppval(cs,tt);
    hold on
    sp = plot(tt,yy);
    line1 = plot(t,y,'or');
    set(gca, 'ylim', [-AngleRange AngleRange])
    %set(gca, 'position', [0 0 1 1])
    %the mouse-click sets a flag for point aquisition 
    %make a control to stop the loop
        'string','Quit', ...
        'position',[0 0 50 20], ...
    %start looping and waiting for a mouse click
    stopit = 0;
    mousedown = 0;
    mouseup = 0;
    mousemotion = 0;
    while (stopit==0)
        %check for valid object and chek for line 1
        %and see if the mouse was clicked
        if   mousedown==1     
            %get the mouse position in graph units
            mouse = get(gca,'currentpoint');
            %calculate the point nearest to the
            %mouse click
            lineX = get(line1,'xdata');
            lineY = get(line1,'ydata');
            [val, pnt] = min(abs(lineX-mouse(1,1)));
            %move the control point on the plot
            lineY(pnt) = mouse(1,2);
            set(line1, 'ydata', lineY);
            %make new spline
            if ForceZeroSlope
                cs = spline(t,[0 lineY 0]);
                cs = spline(t,lineY);
            yy = ppval(cs,tt);
            set(sp, 'ydata', yy);
            %wait for the next click
            if mouseup == 1
                mouseup = 0;
                mousedown = 0;
                mousemotion = 0;

  8. The following code fragment can be used to measure distances in an axes context. A window button-down event causes a point to be stored and a dragbox to be drawn as a visual reference. A window button-up event stores the current mouse point and calculates a distance in axes units. This fragment might be located at the beginning of a program to be used for data capture later.
              'rect=rbbox;' ...
    Another small code fragment shows how to detect which mouse button was pushed. The undocumented figure property selectiontype holds the current mouse button depressed. The values it can contain are the strings normal, alt, extend or open. Any button, when double-clicked, causes this property to return open.
    %Detecting which button is pushed.
    %Which returns:
    % normal | open | alt | extend 
    % left button | doubleclick | right button | middle button
    set(gcf,'windowbuttondownfcn', ...