Cornell University
BioNB 441
Using Graphics
Graphics covers a huge area of different techniques. I will attempt to provide examples of all the Matlab high-level graphics functions I have found, as well as some examples of lower level functions. Graphics might be used in neurobiology for:
The following examples will use Matlab base functions (no toolboxes). Each of the examples represents a typical graphics use, but there are many options which are not explained below. Use Matlab help to investigate each of the functions.
Simple x-y plot.
x=0:.1:2*pi; y1=sin(x); y2=cos(x); plot(x,y1,'bx-',x,y2,'r.','linewidth',2);
X-y plot with error bars
x=0:.4:2*pi; y1=sin(x); e=.3 .* y1 .* rand(size(x)); errorbar(x,y1,e) set(findobj('type','line'),'linewidth',2)
Area plot
x=0:.4:2*pi; y1=sin(x); y2=sin(x)/2; area(x',[y1' y2'])
Log-log and semilog plots.
x=0:.1:4; y1=exp(-x)+.01*randn(size(x)); y2=x.^2; figure(1) semilogy(x,y1,'bx-'); figure(2) loglog(x,y2,'ro-')
Histograms and bar charts
clf data=randn(10000,1); hist(data,30) hold on x_fit=-4:.1:4; plot(x_fit, 1000*exp(-(x_fit.^2)/2),'r','linewidth',2)
x=0:.4:2*pi; y1=sin(x); y2=sin(x)/2; figure(1) bar(x',[y1' y2'],2) figure(2) bar(x',[y1' y2'],'stacked')
Simple polar plot
x=0:.1:2*pi; y1=sin(x).^2; y2=cos(x).^2; polar(x,y1,'r-');
Angle histogram
theta=randn(1000,1); rose(theta,30)
Vector plot at origin
x=0:.4:2*pi; y1=sin(x); y2=cos(x)+rand(size(x)); compass(y1,y2,'r') set(findobj('type','line'),'linewidth',2)
2D vector field as arrows
[x,y]=meshgrid(0:.2:1, 0:.2:1.5); Vx=sin(x); Vy=cos(x); quiver(x,y,Vx,Vy) set(findobj('type','line'),'linewidth',2)
Contour plots, meshes and surfaces
[x,y]=meshgrid(0:.1:3, 0:.1:5); z= sin(2*x) .* cos(y); figure(1) contour(x,y,z,10); set(findobj('type','patch'),'linewidth',2) figure(2) meshc(x,y,z); set(gca,'color',[.5 .5 .5]) figure(3) meshz(x,y,z); set(gca,'color',[.5 .5 .5])
[x,y]=meshgrid(0:.1:3, 0:.1:5); z= sin(2*x) .* cos(y); figure(1) surf(x,y,z); figure(2) h=surfl(x,y,z) colormap(pink) set(h,'edgecolor','none') set(gca,'color',[.5 .5 .5]) figure(3) surfc(x,y,z); set(gca,'color',[.5 .5 .5])
Bar chart
[x,y]=meshgrid(0:6, 0:10); z= sin(x) .* cos(y/2); figure(1) bar3(z);
Simple x-y-z plots
t=0:.01:2*pi; x=1.2*sin(2*t); y=1.2*cos(2*t); z=t/6; plot3(x,y,z, 'linewidth',2) grid on box on axis equal
Isosurface determination of a 3D scalar field
clf r=-1:.05:1; [x,y,z]=meshgrid(r,r,r); w=sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2)+0.02*randn(size(x)); isosurface(w,.5); figure(1) p=patch(isosurface(w,.5)); set(p,'facecolor',[1,1,.5],'edgecolor','none') light daspect([1,1,1]) axis off view(30,30) figure(2) clf w=smooth3(w); p=patch(isosurface(w,.5)); set(p,'facecolor',[1,1,.5],'edgecolor','none') light daspect([1,1,1]) axis off view(30,30)
Streamlines and coneplot of a 3D vector field (and a stereo viewer)
clf r=-1:.1:1; [x,y,z]=meshgrid(r,r,r); %generate a spiral velocity field ux=5*y; uy=-5*x; uz=ones(size(x)); %======================= subplot(1,2,2) %make some streamlines hs=streamline(stream3(x,y,z,ux,uy,uz,... r,zeros(size(r)),zeros(size(r)))); set(hs,'linewidth',2); %attach some cones to the streamlines spacing=30; for i=1:length(hs) sx=get(hs(i),'xdata');sx=sx(1:spacing:end); sy=get(hs(i),'ydata');sy=sy(1:spacing:end); sz=get(hs(i),'zdata');sz=sz(1:spacing:end); hc=coneplot(x,y,z,ux,uy,uz,sx,sy,sz,2); set(hc,'facecolor','red','EdgeColor', 'none') end axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]) box on light('position',[10 10 10]) set(gca,'projection','perspective') view(30,30) %positions of the right eye from=get(gca,'cameraposition'); to=get(gca,'cameratarget'); up=get(gca,'cameraupvector'); ax1=gca; %=========================== subplot(1,2,1) %copy the whole data structure to a new axis copyobj(get(ax1,'children'),gca); axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]) box on light('position',[10 10 10]) set(gca,'projection','perspective') d=.5; %eye spacing %get the position of the left eye lefteye=from+d*cross((from-to),up)... /sqrt(sum((from-to).^2)) ; set(gca,'cameraposition',lefteye);
A stereo camera.
Draw all the objects you want in a view for the right eye, then copy the objects
into another axis and compute the view for the left eye. Only the computer graphic
camera position changes.
%define a 3D line t=0:.01:2*pi; x=0.9*sin(2*t); y=0.9*cos(2*t); z=t/6; %=========================== subplot(1,2,2) %The right eye plot3(x,y,z, 'linewidth',2) % make the plotted region look nice grid on box on axis([-1 1 -1 1 0 1]) set(gca,'projection','perspective') view(30,30) %positions of the right eye from=get(gca,'cameraposition'); to=get(gca,'cameratarget'); up=get(gca,'cameraupvector'); ax1=gca; %=========================== subplot(1,2,1) %The left eye %copy the whole data structure to a new axis copyobj(get(ax1,'children'),gca); grid on box on axis([-1 1 -1 1 0 1]) set(gca,'projection','perspective') d=.5; %eye spacing %get the position of the left eye lefteye=from+d*cross((from-to),up)... /sqrt(sum((from-to).^2)) ; set(gca,'cameraposition',lefteye);
A hierarchical modeler.
Most of the information for this modeler is on a another
web page. The modeler allows you to construct elaborate 3D models and animate
them. One example image is shown below.
Computing and displaying trajectories.
The program below is a simple simulation of a 'butterfly' randomly searching
for regions of rich food sources. The trajectory is plotted as a series of dots
representing the butterfly. The butterfly has state variables of position and
velocity and is subject to small random accelerations. The butterfly is confined
to a 'cage' by reflective boundary conditions. The food distribution for this
simulation was periodic and is displayed as coutour lines of food density.
clf; %initial butterfly position x=0; y=0; %initial butterfly velocity vx=0; vy=0; maxspeed=3; %time step dt=.1; plot(x,y,'.') s=10 axis([-s s -s s]); hold on set(gcf,'doublebuffer','on') %build a food distribution and contour it [foodx,foody]=meshgrid(-s:s,-s:s); foodarray=((sin(foodx/2).^2+sin(foody/2).^2)/2).^4; contour(foodx, foody, foodarray); drawnow for t=1:dt:1000 %assume random accelerations vx = randn+vx; vy = randn+vy; %calculate current food and slow down if %food is plentiful food=((sin(x/2).^2+sin(y/2).^2)/2).^4; vx=vx*(1-food/2); vy=vy*(1-food/2); %impose a maximum flying speed speed=sqrt(vx^2+vy^2); if speed>maxspeed vx=vx*maxspeed/speed; vy=vy*maxspeed/speed; end %update positions and check for out-of-cage %reverse the velocity at the edges x = x + vx*dt; y = y + vy*dt; if x>s | x<-s vx=-vx; end if y>s | y<-s vy=-vy; end plot(x,y,'.'); %text(0,-11,['t=',num2str(t)]) axis([-s s -s s]) drawnow end