% colors red 0.7 green 0.6 blue 0.0 % lighting: ambience_red 0.3 ambience_green 0.3 ambience_blue 0.3 ambience_alpha 1.0 diffuse_red 0.7 diffuse_green 0.7 diffuse_blue 0.7 diffuse_alpha 1.0 specular_red 0.0 specular_green 0.0 specular_blue 0.0 specular_alpha 0.0 % background: background_red 0.3 background_green 0.3 background_blue 0.0 background_alpha 1.0 % Build geometry of the abdomen: ab_thorTopRad 7.0 ab_thorBotRad 12 ab_thorLength 15 % main CYLINDER of abdomen trunk = ab_cylLength 19 % change to a SPHERE w/ connections to CONES instead: ab_topSphereRad 12.0 % main CONE of abdomen trunk = ab_trunkTopRad 10 ab_trunkBotRad 7 ab_trunkLength 12 % possible to put sphere here to get the bottom section flatter? ab_sphereRad 7 % end CONE of abdomen = ab_endTopRad 7 ab_endBotRad 5 ab_endLength 11 % cap the end with a sphere ab_endSphereRad 5 % Also, want it to be a bit flatter, eliptical shaped ab_widthScale 1.5 ab_heightScale 1.0 ab_lengthScale 1.0 % Build geometry of the thorax: % Sphere to close off the attachment to abdomen: th_abSphere 15 % CONE attached to abdomen = th_abTopRad 7 th_abBotRad 14 th_abLength 9 % SPHERE for middle of thorax th_sphereRad 16 % CONE attached to head = th_headTopRad 16 th_headBotRad 14 th_headLength 4 % Also, want it to be a bit flatter, eliptical shaped % (set it to half for now): th_widthScale 1.5 th_heightScale 1.0 th_lengthScale 1.0 % Build geometry of the head: % Sphere to close off the attachment to abdomen: h_abSphere 15 % CYLINDER attached to abdomen = h_cylTopRad 15 h_cylBotRad 10 h_cylLength 13 % CONE attached to thorax = h_endTopRad 12 h_endBotRad 4 h_endLength 9 % Also, want it to be a bit flatter, eliptical shaped h_widthScale 1.0 h_heightScale 1.0 h_lengthScale 1.0 % Build the geometry of the legs: % front legs: f_seg1 45.0 f_seg2 56.0 f_seg3 34.0 f_seg4 22.0 f_radius1 4.0 f_radius2 4.0 f_radius3 2.0 f_radius4 1.0 f_ang1 -20.0 f_ang2 40.0 f_ang3 20.0 f_ang4 -20.0 % only the front legs have color differentiation from the rest of the % body right now fleg_seg1_red 0.7 fleg_seg1_green 0.6 fleg_seg1_blue 0.0 fleg_seg2_red 0.7 fleg_seg2_green 0.6 fleg_seg2_blue 0.0 fleg_seg3_red 0.7 fleg_seg3_green 0.6 fleg_seg3_blue 0.0 fleg_seg4_red 0.7 fleg_seg4_green 0.6 fleg_seg4_blue 0.0 % second legs (near front): s_seg1 22.0 s_seg2 40.0 s_seg3 34.0 s_seg4 16.0 s_radius1 4.0 s_radius2 3.0 s_radius3 2.0 s_radius4 1.0 s_ang1 -20.0 s_ang2 40.0 s_ang3 20.0 s_ang4 -20.0 sleg_seg1_red 0.7 sleg_seg1_green 0.6 sleg_seg1_blue 0.0 sleg_seg2_red 0.7 sleg_seg2_green 0.6 sleg_seg2_blue 0.0 sleg_seg3_red 0.7 sleg_seg3_green 0.6 sleg_seg3_blue 0.0 sleg_seg4_red 0.7 sleg_seg4_green 0.6 sleg_seg4_blue 0.0 % third legs (near back) t_seg1 28.0 t_seg2 40.0 t_seg3 34.0 t_seg4 16.0 t_radius1 4.0 t_radius2 3.0 t_radius3 2.0 t_radius4 1.0 t_ang1 -20.0 t_ang2 40.0 t_ang3 20.0 t_ang4 -20.0 tleg_seg1_red 0.7 tleg_seg1_green 0.6 tleg_seg1_blue 0.0 tleg_seg2_red 0.7 tleg_seg2_green 0.6 tleg_seg2_blue 0.0 tleg_seg3_red 0.7 tleg_seg3_green 0.6 tleg_seg3_blue 0.0 tleg_seg4_red 0.7 tleg_seg4_green 0.6 tleg_seg4_blue 0.0 % back legs: b_seg1 45.0 b_seg2 54.0 b_seg3 40.0 b_seg4 16.0 b_radius1 4.0 b_radius2 3.0 b_radius3 2.0 b_radius4 1.0 b_ang1 -25.0 b_ang2 45.0 b_ang3 20.0 b_ang4 -20.0 bleg_seg1_red 0.7 bleg_seg1_green 0.6 bleg_seg1_blue 0.0 bleg_seg2_red 0.7 bleg_seg2_green 0.6 bleg_seg2_blue 0.0 bleg_seg3_red 0.7 bleg_seg3_green 0.6 bleg_seg3_blue 0.0 bleg_seg4_red 0.7 bleg_seg4_green 0.6 bleg_seg4_blue 0.0