Microprocessors have evolved greatly over the past few decades from single cycle state
machines, to pipelined architectures, to wide issue superscalar processors to out of order
execution engines. This project implements one such out-of-order processor using the MIPS
instruction set architecture taught in ECE314 and ECE475. Because each of those classes
culminates in a microprocessor design in Verilog HDL, those implementations provide a good
performance baseline for comparison of this design. This microprocessor was designed to
exploit instruction level parallelism as much as possible while still maintaining reasonable
amount of logic per clock cycle. Ultimately the design implemented is capable of fetching,
decoding, renaming, issuing, executing, and retiring up to four instructions per clock cycle with
speculative execution; this results in a performance improvement of almost 3x over the two-way
superscalar MIPS processor implemented in ECE475. Upon successful implementation, the
processor was variably configured to try and gauge the effects of each component on