By Adam Shapiro

A survey of the available open-source resources in the eld of satellite navigation systems reveals that there is a shortage of robust, easily recon gurable code. Most existing designs are either intended only for a speci c use and therefore too dicult to modify for general- purpose release, or commercially sold and not openly available. With this situation in mind, we are currently working with in collaboration with the Cornell GNSS Research Group to develop and build a mobile FPGA-based GPS receiver. Our intent is to create a general purpose receiver which is easily modi able, highly modular, and completely open-source.

The design consists of two major components, implemented on separate Altera Cyclone II FPGAs in Verilog. The primary component is a hardware GPS receiver, capable of receiving, tracking, and processing multiple satellite transmissions of the L1 civilian GPS signal in real time. The secondary component is a combined navigation controller and graphics processing unit designed to calculate a navigation solution in real-time and provide a human-readable graphical interface. Once completed, this freely available general purpose receiver should prove useful to the Cornell GNSS Research Group as well as the satellite navigation research community as a whole.

Full report (pdf)