LowBoundDataReg and HighBoundDataReg are set, the hardware
automatically sets Count to zero and EndOfCounting to be equal to
HighBoundDataReg minus LowBoundDataReg. Therefore, when Count is equal
to EndOfCounting minus one, the processor knows that it finished the
current sample processing. Then all the registers are set be ready for
the new sample. New data always enter the list on the last
5. The instruction set:
The instructions are listed according to the sequence of opcodes
Explanations about the particular use of port A or port B of data memory are found on the architecture section.
5.1. Arithmetical instructions:
5.1.1. ADD:
Opcode: 0
Syntax: ADD R1, R2;
Description: adds the contents of two registers and stores the result on the first register specified.
R1 <= R1 + R2;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 + OperandRegister2;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 + OperandRegister2;
5.1.2. ADDI:
Opcode: 1
Syntax: ADD R1, value;
Description: adds the content of a register to the value of an
immediate operand – which can be a decimal number or a label.
R1 <= R1 + value;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 + ImmediateOperand;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 + ImmediateOperand;
5.1.3. INC:
Opcode: 2
Syntax: INC R1;
Description: increments (adds the decimal 1) the content of a register.
R1 <= R1 + 1;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 + 1;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 + 1;
5.1.4. SUB:
Opcode: 3
Syntax: SUB R1, R2;
subtracts the content of the second register specified from the content
of the first register specified and stores the result on the first
register specified.
R1 <= R1 - R2;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 - OperandRegister2;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 - OperandRegister2;
5.1.5. SUBI:
Opcode: 4
Syntax: SUBI R1, value;
subtracts the value of an immediate operand – which can be a decimal
number or a label – from the content of a register and stores the
result on this register.
R1 <= R1 - value;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 - ImmediateOperand;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 - ImmediateOperand;
5.1.6. DEC:
Opcode: 5
Syntax: DEC R1;
Description: decrements (subtracts the decimal 1) the content of a register.
R1 <= R1 - 1;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 - 1;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 - 1;
5.1.7. LSFT:
Opcode: 6
Syntax: LSFT R1, R2;
shifts to the left the bits of the content of R1 by a number of
positions which corresponds to the content of R2, being R1 and R2 the
first and the second registers specified respectively.
R1 <= R1 << R2;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 << OperandRegister2;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 << OperandRegister2;
5.1.8. LSFI:
Opcode: 7
Syntax: LSFI R1, value;
shifts to the left the bits of the content of a register by a number of
positions corresponding to the value of an immediate operand – which
can be a decimal number or a label.
R1 <= R1 << value;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 << ImmediateOperand;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 << ImmediateOperand;
5.1.9. RSFT:
Opcode: 8
Syntax: RSFT R1, R2;
shifts to the right the bits of the content of R1 by a number of
positions which corresponds to the content of R2, being R1 and R2 the
first and the second registers specified respectively.
R1 <= R1 >> R2;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 >> OperandRegister2;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 >> OperandRegister2;
5.1.10. RSFI:
Opcode: 9
Syntax: RSFI R1, value;
shifts to the right the bits of the content of a register by a number
of positions corresponding to the value of an immediate operand – which
can be a decimal number or a label.
R1 <= R1 >> ImmediateOperand;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 >> value;
ResultRegister <= OperandRegister1 >> value;
5.2. Logical operations:
5.2.1. NOT:
Opcode: 10
Syntax: NOT R1;
Description: performs a bitwise NOT operation on the content of a register and stores the result on this register.
R1 <= NOT R1;
OperandRegister1 <= ~OperandRegister1;
5.2.2. AND:
Opcode: 11
Syntax: AND R1, R2;
performs a bitwise AND operation between the contents of two registers
and stores the result on the first register specified.
R1 <= R1 AND R2;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 & OperandRegister2;
5.2.3. OR:
Opcode: 12
Syntax: OR R1, R2;
performs a bitwise OR operation between the contents of two registers
and stores the result on the first register specified.
R1 <= R1 OR R2;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 | OperandRegister2;
5.2.4 XOR:
Opcode: 13
Syntax: XOR R1, R2;
performs a bitwise XOR operation between the contents of two registers
and stores the result on the first register specified.
R1 <= R1 XOR R2;
OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister1 ^ OperandRegister2;
5.3. Data moving operations:
5.3.1. LD:
Opcode: 14
Syntax: LD R1, value;
loads on a register the content of a data memory position adressed by
the value of an immediate operand – which can be a decimal number or a
R1 <= (value);
Implementation: due to the behavior of the Altera M4K module, used to
build both the data and program memories and explained on section
2.1.1, this instruction is executed in two cycles. So, we have the
following implementation:
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): DataAddressPortB <= ImmediateOperand;
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): OperandRegister2 <= DataReadPortB;
5.3.2. LDI:
Opcode: 15
Syntax: LDI R1, value;
Description: loads on a register the value of an immediate operand – which can be a decimal number or a label.
R1 <= value;
Implementation: OperandRegister2 <= ImmediateOperand;
5.3.3. LDIN:
Opcode: 16
Syntax: LDIN R1, R2;
loads on the second register specified the content of a data memory
position adressed by the content of the first register specified.
R2 <= (R1);
due to the behavior of the Altera M4K module, used to build both the
data and program memories and explained on section 2.1.1, this
instruction is executed in two cycles. So, we have the following
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): DataAddressPortA <= OperandRegister1;
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): OperandRegister2 <= DataReadPortA;
5.3.4. ST:
Opcode: 17
Syntax: ST R1, value;
stores the content of a register on a data memory position adressed by
the value of an immediate operand – which can be a decimal number or a
value <= R1;
due to the behavior of the Altera M4K module, used to build both the
data and program memories and explained on section 2.1.1, this
instruction is executed in two cycles. So, we have the following
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): DataAddressPortB <= ImmediateOperand;
DataWritePortB <= OperandRegister2;
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): DataWriteEnablePortB <= 1’d1;
5.3.5. STIN:
Opcode: 18
Syntax: STIN R1, R2;
stores the content of the second register specified on a data memory
position adressed by the content of the first register specified.
(R1) <= R2;
due to the behavior of the Altera M4K module, used to build both the
data and program memories and explained on section 2.1.1, this
instruction is executed in two cycles. So, we have the following
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): DataAddressPortA <= OperandRegister1;
DataWritePortA <= OperandRegister2;
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): DataWriteEnablePortA <= 1’d1;
5.3.6. MOV:
Opcode: 19
Syntax: MOV R1, R2;
“moves” the content of the second register specified into the first
register specified (i.e., copies the content of the second register
specified to the first register specified).
R1 <= R2;
Implementation: OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister2;
Interface operations:
5.3.7. IN:
Opcode: 20;
Syntax: IN R1, R2;
copies the content of the second register specified, which is a
registered input of SuperProcessor’s interface with the prototyping
board, to the first register specified. This instruction is used for
inputting data to the machine.
R1 <= R2;
Implementation: OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister2;
5.3.8. OUT:
Opcode: 21
Syntax: OUT R1, R2;
copies the content of the second register specified to the first
register specified, which is a registered output of SuperProcessor’s
interface with the prototyping board. This instruction is used for
outputting data from the machine.
R1 <= R2;
Implementation: OperandRegister1 <= OperandRegister2;
5.4. Branching instructions:
5.4.1. CMP:
Opcode: 22
Syntax: CMP R1, R2, value;
if two specified registers have identical contents, the program counter
is set to a value given by an immediate operand – which can be a
decimal number or a label. Otherwise, the program counter is
incremented as usual.
if (R1 == R2)
PC <= value;
PC <= PC + 1;
ProgramAddress <= (OperandRegister1[15:0]==OperandRegister2[15:0])? ImmediateOperand[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
ProgramCounter <= (OperandRegister1[15:0]==OperandRegister2[15:0])? ImmediateOperand[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
5.4.2. BPL:
Opcode: 23
Syntax: BPL R1;
if the result of the last arithmetic operation executed on the program
is positive, the program counter is set to a value which is stored on a
specified register. Otherwise, the program counter is incremented as
if (ResultRegister > 0)
PC <= R1;
PC <= PC + 1;
ProgramAddress <= (ResultRegister[15]==1'b0)? OperandRegister1[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
ProgramCounter <= (ResultRegister[15]==1'b0)? OperandRegister1[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
5.4.3. BPLI:
Opcode: 24
Syntax: BPLI value;
if the result of the last arithmetic operation executed on the program
is positive, the program counter is set to a value given by an
immediate operand – which can be a decimal number or a label.
Otherwise, the program counter is incremented as usual.
if (ResultRegister > 0)
PC <= value;
PC <= PC + 1;
ProgramAddress <= (ResultRegister[15]==1'b0)? ImmediateOperand[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
ProgramCounter <= (ResultRegister[15]==1'b0)? ImmediateOperand[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
5.4.4. BMI:
Opcode: 25
Syntax: BMI R1;
if the result of the last arithmetic operation executed on the program
is negative, the program counter is set to a value which is stored on a
specified register. Otherwise, the program counter is incremented as
if (ResultRegister < 0)
PC <= R1;
PC <= PC + 1;
ProgramAddress <= (ResultRegister[15]==1'b1)? OperandRegister1[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
ProgramCounter <= (ResultRegister[15]==1'b1)? OperandRegister1[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
5.4.5. BMII:
Opcode: 26
Syntax: BMII value;
if the result of the last arithmetic operation executed on the program
is negative, the program counter is set to a value given by an
immediate operand – which can be a decimal number or a label.
Otherwise, the program counter is incremented as usual.
if (ResultRegister < 0)
PC <= value;
PC <= PC + 1;
ProgramAddress <= (ResultRegister[15]==1'b1)? ImmediateOperand[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
ProgramCounter <= (ResultRegister[15]==1'b1)? ImmediateOperand[11:0] : ProgramCounter;
5.4.6. JMP:
Opcode: 27
Syntax: JMP R1;
Description: sets the program counter to a value contained on a specified register.
PC <= R1;
ProgramAddress <= OperandRegister1[11:0];
ProgramCounter <= OperandRegister1[11:0];
5.4.7. JMPI:
Opcode: 28
Description: sets the program counter to a value given by an immediate operand – which can be a decimal number or a label.
PC <= value;
ProgramAddress <= ImmediateOperand[11:0];
ProgramCounter <= ImmediateOperand[11:0];
5.4.8. JMPL:
Opcode: 29
Syntax: JMPL R1;
saves the current content of the program counter on a special register
(ReturnRegister) and then sets the program counter to a value contained
on a specified register. If the instruction RET is executed somewhere
after the JMPL instruction, the old program counter content stored on
the special register is reloaded into the program counter register. Due
to concurrency on the manipulation of the program counter register,
this instruction needs two cycles to be executed. On the first cycle,
the content of the program counter is stored on a special register. On
the second cycle, the program counter is set to a value contained on a
specified register.
1st cycle: ReturnRegister <= PC;
2nd cycle: PC <= R1;
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): ReturnRegister[11:0] <= ProgramCounter+12'd1;
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): ProgramAddress <= OperandRegister1[11:0];
ProgramCounter <= OperandRegister1[11:0];
5.4.9. JMPLI:
Opcode: 30
Syntax: JMPLI value;
saves the current content of the program counter on a special register
and then sets the program counter to a value given by an immediate
operand – which can be a decimal number or a label. If the instruction
RET is executed somewhere after the JMPL instruction, the old program
counter content stored on the special register is reloaded into the
program counter register. Due to concurrency on the manipulation of the
program counter register, this instruction needs two cycles to be
executed. On the first cycle, the content of the program counter is
stored on a special register. On the second cycle, the program counter
is set to a value given by an immediate operand – which can be a
decimal number or a label.
1st cycle: ReturnRegister <= PC;
2nd cycle: PC <= value;
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): ReturnRegister[11:0] <= ProgramCounter+12'd1;
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): ProgramAddress <= ImmediateOperand[11:0];
ProgramCounter <= ImmediateOperand[11:0];
5.4.10 RET:
Opcode: 31
Syntax: RET;
loads on the program counter the previous content that was stored in it
by the time of the last occurrence of a JMPL or JMPLI instruction (read
section xxx for JMPL or section xxx for JMPLI). If RET is used without
any previous occurrence of a JMPL or JMPLI, the program counter is
PC <= ReturnRegister;
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): ProgramCounter <= ReturnRegister[11:0];
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): ProgramAddress <= ReturnRegister[11:0];
5.5. Setup instructions:
5.5.1. NOP:
Opcode: 32
Syntax: NOP;
Description: nothing happens on this instruction.
5.5.2. RES:
Opcode: 33
Syntax: RES;
Description: the state machine goes to the MachineReset state.
Implementation: State <= MachineReset ;
5.6. DSP instructions:
5.6.1. LDS:
Opcode: 34
Syntax: LDS value;
loads on the DSP accumulator the content of a data memory position
adressed by the value of an immediate operand – which can be a decimal
number or a label.
DSPAccumulator <= (value);
Implementation: due to the behavior of the Altera M4K module, used to
build both the data and program memories and explained on section
2.1.1, this instruction is executed in two cycles. So, we have the
following implementation:
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): DataAddressPortB <= ImmediateOperand;
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): DSPAccumulator[39:32] <= 8'b0;
DSPAccumulator[31] <= DataReadPortB[15];
DSPAccumulator[30] <= DataReadPortB[15];
DSPAccumulator[29:15] <= DataReadPortB[14:0];
DSPAccumulator[14:0] <= 15'b0;
5.6.2. STS:
Opcode: 35
Syntax: STS value;
stores the truncated content of the DSP accumulator on a data memory
position adressed by the value of an immediate operand – which can be a
decimal number or a label.
(value) <= DSPAccumulator;
due to the behavior of the Altera M4K module, used to build both the
data and program memories and explained on section 2.1.1, this
instruction is executed in two cycles. So, we have the following
1st cycle (Fetch Cycle): DataAddressPortB <= ImmediateOperand;
DataWritePortB[15] <= DSPAccumulator[31];
DataWritePortB[14:0] <=
2nd cycle (Execute Cycle): DataWriteEnablePortB <= 1’d1;
5.6.3. MIS:
Opcode: 36
Syntax: MIS R1;
“moves” the content of a specified register into the DSP accumulator
(i.e., copies the content of a specified register to the DSP
DSPAccumulator <= R1;
Implementation: DSPAccumulator[39:32] <= 8'b0;
DSPAccumulator[31] <= OperandRegister2[15];
DSPAccumulator[30] <= OperandRegister2[15];
DSPAccumulator[29:15] <= OperandRegister2[14:0];
DSPAccumulator[14:0] <= 15'b0;
5.6.4. MOS:
Opcode: 37
Syntax: MOS R1;
if overflow or underflow is detected on the content of the DSP
accumulator, the content is saturated to the largest or smallest
representable value accordingly and a truncated version is “moved” into
a specified register. If there’s no overflow or underflow on the
content of the DSP accumulator, it just “moves” a truncated version of
it into a specified register. The overflow/underflow detection is
implemented through the guard bits technique. In this technique, the 10
most significant bits of the DSP accumulator are “guard bits”: they are
all supposed to be equal to the MSB of the DSP accumulator. If they are
all equal to the MSB, no overflow or underflow occurred. However, if
they aren’t all equal to the MSB, there are two possibilities: if the
MSB of the DSP accumulator is 1, an underflow has occurred. If it’s 0,
an overflow has occurred.
Implementation: if
(DSPAccumulator[39:30] !=
if (DSPAccumulator[39] == 1'b1)
OperandRegister1[15] <= DSPAccumulator[39];
OperandRegister1[14:0] <= 15’b0;
DSPAccumulator[39:30] <= {(10){1'b1}};
DSPAccumulator[29:0] <= {(30){1'b0}};
OperandRegister1 <= {1'b0, {(15){1'b1}}};
DSPAccumulator[39:30] <= {(10){1'b0}};
DSPAccumulator[29:0] <= {(30){1'b1}};
OperandRegister1[15] <= DSPAccumulator[31];
OperandRegister1[14:0] <= DSPAccumulator[29:15];
5.6.5. SLOC:
Opcode: 38
Syntax: SLOC value;
sets the low bound address of the hardware list of coefficients for MAC
to be the value of an immediate operand – which can be a decimal number
or a label.
Implementation: LowBoundCoefReg <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
5.6.6. SHIC:
Opcode: 39
Syntax: SHIC value;
sets the high bound address of the hardware list of coefficients for
MAC to be the value of an immediate operand – which can be a decimal
number or a label.
Implementation: HighBoundCoefReg <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
5.6.7. SIAC:
Opcode: 40
Syntax: SIAC value;
sets the initial address of the hardware list of coefficients for MAC
to be the value of an immediate operand – which can be a decimal number
or a label. It also sets the CurrentCoefAddress register, which is used
for controlling the flow on the hardware list of coefficients for MAC.
Implementation: InitialAddressCoefReg <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
CurrentCoefAddress <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
5.6.8. SLOD:
Opcode: 41
Syntax: SLOD value;
sets the low bound address of the hardware list of data (audio samples)
for MAC to be the value of an immediate operand – which can be a
decimal number or a label. It also sets the EndOfCounting register,
which is used for controlling the flow on the hardware circular list of
data for MAC. The EndOfCounting register is set both in this and in the
SHID instruction in order to get the right value for its content when
both LowBoundDataReg and HighBoundDataReg are correctly set (before
being set, the content of these registers is zero by default).
Implementation: LowBoundDataReg <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
EndOfCounting <= HighBoundDataReg - ImmediateOperand[9:0];
5.6.9. SHID:
Opcode: 42
Syntax: SHID value;
sets the high bound address of the hardware list of data (audio
samples) for MAC to be the value of an immediate operand – which can be
a decimal number or a label. It also sets the EndOfCounting register,
which is used for controlling the flow on the hardware circular list of
data for MAC. The EndOfCounting register is set both in this and in the
SLOD instruction in order to get the right value for its content when
both LowBoundDataReg and HighBoundDataReg are correctly set (before
being set, the content of these registers is zero by default).
Implementation: HighBoundDataReg <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
EndOfCounting <= ImmediateOperand[9:0] - LowBoundDataReg;
5.6.10. SIAD:
Opcode: 43
Syntax: SIAD value;
sets the initial address of the hardware list of data (audio samples)
for MAC to be the value of an immediate operand – which can be a
decimal number or a label. It also sets the CounterData,
CurrentDataAddress and NewDataAddress registers, which are used for
controlling the flow and the data updating on the hardware circular
list of data for MAC.
Implementation: InitialAddressDataReg <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
CounterData <= 10'd0;
CurrentDataAddress <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
NewDataAddress <= ImmediateOperand[9:0];
5.6.11. MAC:
Opcode: 44
Syntax: MAC;
performs the MAC operation – multiplies the current coefficient on the
coefficient hardware list with the current data on the data (audio
samples) hardware list and sums the result to the current content of
the DSP accumulator. Being the most architecturally complex instruction
of SuperProcessor’s instruction set, this instruction requires two
cycles and combinational logic to be executed. On the Fetch state, the
address registers of data memory are set with the addresses of the
coefficient and of the data to be multiplied (for better understanding
how data memory works, refer to section 2.1.1). As soon as the correct
values of the coefficient and of the data are available on the outputs
of data memory, they are combinationally multiplied. Since the
multiplication result is available before the transition to Execute
state, the Execute state is used for adding the multiplication result
to the current content of the DSP accumulator. The Execute state of
this instruction is also used for manipulating the flow control
registers of both of the hardware lists (coefficients and data).
1st cycle (Fetch cycle): DataAddressPortA <= CurrentCoefAddress;
DataAddressPortB <= CurrentDataAddress;
Combination logic:
Multiply Mult(DataReadPortA,DataReadPortB,MultiplicationReg[31:0]);
2nd cycle (Execute cycle): DSPAccumulator <= DSPAccumulator + MultiplicationReg;
if (CounterData == EndOfCounting)
if (InitialAddressDataReg == HighBoundDataReg)
NewDataAddress <= InitialAddressDataReg;
InitialAddressDataReg <= LowBoundDataReg;
CurrentDataAddress <= LowBoundDataReg;
CounterData <= 10'd0;
NewDataAddress <= InitialAddressDataReg;
InitialAddressDataReg <= InitialAddressDataReg + 10'd1;
CurrentDataAddress <= InitialAddressDataReg + 10'd1;
CounterData <= 10'd0;
if (CurrentDataAddress == HighBoundDataReg)
CurrentDataAddress <= LowBoundDataReg;
CounterData <= CounterData + 10'd1;
CurrentDataAddress <= CurrentDataAddress + 10'd1;
CounterData <= CounterData + 10'd1;
if (CurrentCoefAddress == HighBoundCoefReg)
CurrentCoefAddress <= LowBoundCoefReg;
CurrentCoefAddress <= CurrentCoefAddress + 10'd1;
5.6.12. RND:
Opcode: 45
Syntax: RND;
if overflow or underflow is detected on the content of the DSP
accumulator, this content is updated with the largest or smallest
representable value accordingly. If there’s no overflow or underflow on
the content of the DSP accumulator, this content is rounded.
overflow/underflow detection is implemented through the guard bits
technique. In this technique, the 10 most significant bits of the DSP
accumulator are “guard bits”: they are all supposed to be equal to the
MSB of the DSP accumulator. If they are all equal to the MSB, no
overflow or underflow occurred. However, if they aren’t all equal to
the MSB, there are two possibilities: if the MSB of the DSP accumulator
is 1, an underflow has occurred. If it’s 0, an overflow has occurred.
rounding technique used on this instruction consists in adding up the
truncated (but still holding the guard bits) content of the DSP
accumulator to the most significant bit discarded on the truncation.
Looking at the implementation (ahead on this section) can clarify this
This instruction is implemented using two cycles: on the
first cycle, the content of a register – called RoundingReg – is
updated with the most significant bit to be discarded on the truncation
of the DSP accumulator. On the second cycle occurs the
overflow/underflow detection and the subsequent saturation or rounding
on the DSP accumulator.
1st cycle (Fetch cycle): RoundingReg <= {24'b0, {DSPAccumulator[14]}};
cycle (Execute cycle): if (DSPAccumulator[39:30] !=
if (DSPAccumulator[39] == 1'b1)
DSPAccumulator[39:30] <= {(10){1'b1}};
DSPAccumulator[29:0] <=
DSPAccumulator[39:30] <= {(10){1'b0}};
DSPAccumulator[29:0] <= {(30){1'b1}};
DSPAccumulator[39:15] <= DSPAccumulator[39:15] + RoundingReg;
DSPAccumulator[14:0] <= 15'b0;
5.6.13. UPLI:
Opcode: 46
Syntax: UPLI;
updates with new data the data memory position containing the oldest
data in the hardware circular list of data (audio samples) for MAC.
due to the behavior of the Altera M4K module, used to build both the
data and program memories and explained on section 2.1.1, this
instruction is executed in two cycles. So, we have the following
1st cycle (Fetch cycle): DataAddressPortB <= NewDataAddress;
DataWritePortB[15:0] <= StereoInputLeft;
2nd cycle (Execute cycle): DataWriteEnablePortB <= 1'd1;
On this single stereo channel implementation, we’ve arbitrarily chosen to use the left stereo channel.
order to explain the syntax of the Assembly language designed for
SuperProcessor, let’s study an example code that implements an infinite
loop that keeps counting from 100 to 200 in steps of 2:
OneHundred 100
TwoHundred 200
Two 1 2
; Now R1 contains 200
LD R2,
; Now R2 contains 2
; Now R0 contains 100
Addition: ADD R0, R2;
CMP R0, R1, ResetR0;
JMP Addition ; Keeps adding 2 to the content of R0
of all, the Assembly language of SuperProcessor is not case-sensitive,
and commas and semicolons are disregarded on the assembler. Comments
must be written after a ; symbol.
Now referring to the example
code, we see that it has 3 blocks, delimitated by the tokens DEFINE,
DATA and CODE. The DEFINE block is where the definitions occur, with
the syntax shown on the example code.
The DATA block determines
the data to be used on the program through the following syntax: after
the DATA token, the number of the first position of the current
program’s data space must be indicated. On the subsequent lines of the
data block we determine the data space of the program, where in each
line the first token is the label of the data, the number after it
determines how many positions it occupies, and the following numbers
are the contents of this data.
The CODE block is the program to be
executed. As we can notice on the example code, it’s possible to label
instructions for convenience using the presented syntax.
On this section, we’ll describe the structure of the assembler of SuperProcessor and how to adapt it to new instructions.
Assembler is based on three state machines that handle the blocks of
code and a special section to handle the creation of output files.
Before describing these modules let’s define two critical variables,
token and opcode:
token: current information being processed by the assembler.
matrix that contains the specifications of every instruction that
SuperProcessor handles. For each instruction, it has a line with the
information about its operands that is used to create the binary
translation of the given instruction.
And now, back to the modules of the assembler,
The Define State machine.
This state machine creates a table for the definitions included in the
assembly code. Each definition corresponds to a line on this table,
with the first column containing the label and the second one
containing the value. This table is called def.
The Data State machine.
This state machine creates a table for the data described in the
assembly code. Each data corresponds to a line on this table, with the
first column containing the label and the second one containing the
value. This table is called data.
The Code State machine. This
is a more complex state machine whose output is another table with the
exact information needed to create the instruction words. Each
instruction corresponds to a line on the table, and each line has the
following columns: Opcode, Operand Register 1 , Operand Register
2 and Immediate Operand. This table is called CodeLine.
The last
module handles the creation of the files that must be generated for
Quartus so the code can be loaded onto the board. It uses the tables
and several auxiliary functions that make the correct binary
conversions and write the data file and the code one, both in .mif
order to adapt the assembler to the insertion of a new instruction on
SuperProcessor, you just have to create a new line on the opcode matrix
on the assembler code. The first column of this line must contain the
opcode of this instruction. In order to fill the second, third and
fourth columns, you must look at the implementation of this new
instruction on SuperProcessor. The second column refers to the use of
OperandRegister1 on this instruction, the third column refers to the
use of OperandRegister2 on this instruction, and the fourth column
refers to the use of an ImmediateOperand on this instruction. For each
of these columns, using the corresponding operand is indicated by “yes”
and not using it is indicated by “no”. For instance, the ADDI
instruction uses OperandRegister1 and ImmediateOperand on its
implementation, so you must fill the corresponding opcode line with
“ADDI”, “yes”, “no”, “yes”.
This section is a collection of general advice for debugging the Super Processor.
you want to probe a signal on the Super Processor from the assembler,
the best way to do it is assigning it to a “hidden” register – the
registers numbered from 15 thru 19 and 25 thru 30 are reserved for
this. An example is the SincLR signal on Register 31, used to synchronize the state machine on the filter example.
Several outputs were left on the code to facilitate the future debugging, these include LEDR, GPIO and the Hexadecimal display.
We strongly advise you to keep a neat version control. This includes the assembly, the Quartus project and your assembly codes.
9. Conclusion:
Project was an amazing experience to explore several concepts of
computer architecture, overall project integration and audio
processing. Even thought it
still presents some challenges – the “random” glitch and fitter
problems – it is still capable of processing stereo channels on 128
steps filters in real time, as shown in the videos on the sample
section of the website.
And the most important part, it was FUN!
About Us
de Souza and Luisa Jorge Zigmantas are undergrad students from
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, majoring in Computer Engineering and
Electrical Engineering respectively. The SuperProcessor project was
developed in 2013 while studying abroad in Cornell University, with the
orientation of Professor Bruce Land.
Contact Information
Several sources were used on this project. The most recurrent ones are the ones that give us information on: Microprocessor design and Digital Filtering