Hardware/software projects
2022 - ...
- rp2040 Microcontroller
My projects include:
- Basic setup of the pr2040 and WIFI.
- The task threader
- VGA graphics and graphics input devices
- External memory (FRAM, SD card, USB stick)
- Networking using WIFI (TCP, UDP, web server, NTP)
- USB host conrollers for mouse, keyboard, USB drives.
- DSP, sound synthesis
- PIO use
- Interpolator use
- rp2350 Microconttoller
Projects specific to rp2350:
- Basic toolchain setup now handled by VScode extension
OpenOCD docs are also useful.
- Protothreads 1.3 just works.
BUT you need a 10 mSec sleep upon entering main.
- VGA graphics port requires minor timing changes in the low-level driver.
And more memory means more graphics possibilities.
- Fixed point and floating point arithmetic are about the same speed, but fixed
is slightly faster in some cases.
- Analog
- Older rp2040 work with Micropython and Adruino/MBED
- Stepper motor conrol
- NTSC television generation
- CEPSTRAL extraction of vowel format frequencies
Copyright Cornell University
November 7, 2024