Figure 1. 3D-1 brcketed OL-system tree For more pictures. Click Here.
Start sting="F"
Change string="F [- & < F][ < + + & F ] | | F [ - - & > F ] [+ & F ]"
Set View: Off Diagonal
In this project,I use the L-system to generate plant. The L-system were conceived as a mathematical theory of Formal Lanauage, and in this project,its emphasis was on plant topology ,that is , the neighborhood relations between cells or large plant modules.
The purpose of my Master Project in Computer Graphics is to
automatically generate realistic trees for use in computer
generate pictures. Using the method of Formal Language and
beautiful plant, along with some personal additions, realistic
trees can be created and include for images.
The goal of this project is to create a C module (named tree)
for IBM Data Explorer [3].
This module takes a number of parameters as input, such as
initial string, change string,the angle of the branch, and the
size(depth of recusive) of the plant. The output is a field,
consisting of segments,that build the tree. Using Data Explorer,
the output combined with other objects and rendered. For ease of
use, the module is an Outboard module.
The basic idea of turtle interpretation described by Prusinkiewicz[2] is given
below. A state of the turtle is defined as a triplet state
(X,Y,Alfa), where the Cartesian coorfinates(x,y) represent the
turtle's position , and the angle Alfa ,called the heading ,
is interpreted as the direction in which the turtle is facing.
Given the step size N and the angle increment angle Delta ,the
turtle can respond to commands represented by the symbols :
F , + , and -.
However, the three symbols can only generate 2 dimensional
graphic trees. If we want to generate 3 dimensional graphics,
these two operators are not enough.
Therefore ,for 3D graphics, We have to change the tutle's state
to (X,Y,Z,Angle_U,Angle_L,Angle_H).
In addition, there are seven operators to deal with the freedom
of the 3 dimensions graphics space, such as turn left or right,
pitch down or up,and roll left or right, and turn around.
All these operators are used to generate the graphics not only
in flat plant but also in 3D space.
Angle_U,Angle_L and Angle_H are the three free angle in space,
and we increase the number of operators to seven symbols:
+ , - , & , ^ , < , > , |. In 3D,the key concept is to represent
the current orientation of the turtle in space by three vectors
H,L,U, indicating the turtle's heading, the direction to the
left and the direction up.These vectors have unit length, are
perpendicular to each other ,and satisfy the equation H cross L = U.
Rotatations of the turtle are then expressed by the equation:
[H' L' U' ] = [ H L U]R
where R is a 3*3 rotation matrix. Specifically, rotations by angle Alfa about vectors U ,L ,H are represented by the following matrices:
| cos(Alfa) sin(Alfa) 0 | R_U (Alfa ) = | -sin(Alfa) cos(Alfa) 0 | | 0 0 1 |
| cos(Alfa) 0 -sin(Alfa)| R_L (Alfa ) = | 0 1 0 | | sin(Alfa) 0 cos(Alfa)|
| 1 0 0 | R_H (Alfa ) = | 0 cos(Alfa) -sin(Alfa)| | 0 sin(Alfa) cos(Alfa)|
All these symbols are described as following :
Figure 3. 2D brcketed OL-system (page 25)Ref[2]
Figure 4. 2D brcketed OL-system (page 25)Ref[2]
Figure 5. Koch curve (page 10) Ref[2]
Start with the default count and increase it slowly. The table below shows how
execution time depends on Count.
The following examples are correspond to the images shown in
this document. For each of these examples,there are control
panels to easily change the inputs. Be sure to load these files
before you use it.
In this module, all plants generated by the same deterministic L-system are
identical. To extend the module function, we can use the concept of the probability, we can generate
different tree graphics. It is necessary to introduce specimen-to-specimen
variations that will preserve general aspects of a plant but will modify its details.
For example, F-->F[+F][F] (P=0.33) and F-->F[-F][F](P=0.67).
Moreover, if we introduce more Variables, not only F variable
,for example, the following variables: A,B,C,D,E,F...., we will generate more
complicate trees in space.
[2] Prusinkiewicz,Przemyslaw [1990], "The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants", pp 1-50.
[3] IBM Visualization Data Explorer 4th Edition, User's
Guide and Programmer's reference. For more information, click
This angle (Delta) is used to set the angle of the branch.
(For example, " + " is to
turn left by angle Delta. " ^ " is to pitch up by angle Delta. " < "
is to roll left by angle Delta.)
The default value is "22.5", but you can change it.
This iuput sets the size of tree you want. The recommendation of this value is 3 to 5.
(warning) If the value is too large, the resolution of this graphic will be worse or cause error
because the memory space is not enough.
The default value is "3", but you can change it.
Figure 2. 3D-2 brcketed OL-system tree
Start sting="F"
Change string="F [ & + F] F [ - > F][- > F][& F]"
Set View: Front
--------------------------------------------------------------------Start sting="F"
Change string="F[+F]F[-F]F"
---------------------------------------------------------------------Start sting="F"
Change string="FF-[-F+F+F]+[+F-F-F]"
---------------------------------------------------------------------Start sting="F-F-F-F"
Change string="FF-F-F-F-F-F+F"
There are three source codes written in C language for this module. It will be
necessary to edit the Makefiles to reflect the locations of libraries on your
system, then compile the code.
These programs as follows are Makefile, plant.c, and plant.mdf.
Be sure to load module descriptor(plant.mdf) before you
use this module.
The only difference between the 3D and 2D tree are theoperators
and the unit vector.
Example: Start sting="F"
Change string="F [< F] F [> F][ F ]"
Angle="23.5" Time: n= 1 --> 2.71 sec
n= 2 --> 2.78 sec
n= 3 --> 3.10 sec
n= 4 --> 3.15 sec
n= 5 --> 5.37 sec
n= 6 --> 16.14 sec
n= 7 --> 61.40 sec
in a IBM RS6000/560
3D Tree Examples
2D Tree Examples
Complicate Graphics Example
The 2D version is a special case of the 3D code. The Unit Vector we use is [0 1 0]
to let the tree growing in the Y direction. However, if we use the
pair operators (+,-) or (<,>), we can generate same trees in different directions
in 2D space.For example,the input string:F[+F]F[-F] on
XY-Plane, and the
input string: F[<F]F[>F] on YZ-Plane,
except direction, the shape of two trees are no difference.
Therefore, if we define the different Unit Vector, and use the different pair
operators, We can generate same trees in different directions.
My faculty advisor,Bruce Land, helped me develop the
initial idea and gave me direction throughout.
[1] John E. Hopcroft, and Jeffrey D. Ullman [1979],
"Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages,and Computation.", pp 55-100.