PCB-SMT adaptor boards
All the really good integrated circuits are in surface mount packages. The
adaptors shown below allow prototyping on standard 0.1 inch headers or with
The boards
We used ExpressPCB software to design
the boards and produce them. To open the dsign files, you will need to download
software from ExpressPCB. The red and green images below are screen captures
from the ExpressPCB design software showing all the connections, text, and header
vias. Approximate cost is $59 for three of the boards shown. The cost per adaptor
is very competitive.
- Adaptor for Analog devices ADXL 202/203 accelerometers.
Each board has 12 copies of the adaptor.
The following image shows the minimal connections for the ADXL203. The ADXL202
requires a 1Meg (or so) resistor on the pads to the left, and two capacitors
on the pads to the right to set the time constant of the PWM and analog output.
- Mixed adaptor board. This board has adaptors for
(top row) SOIC-16 wide/narrow, TSSOP-16, (second row) Radiotronix RCT-433
transmitter, (third row) SOT-23-3 and SOT-23-6, and (fourth row) accelerometer
as above. Note that there is improved version of the transmitter adaptor below.
Each adaptor in the top row can be used for three different packages, but
only one at a time.
- Mixed adaptor version 2. This board has adapts
SOIC-16 wide/narrow, TSSOP-16, and SOT-23-3 and SOT-23-6.
- Adaptor version 3. All are SOIC-16 wide/narrow and
- Mixed SOIC version. There are SOIC16 wide/narrow, SOIC28, SSOP28, SSOP16, and SOIC8. Each adaptor has two 1206 component mounting pads for bypass capacitors or other components..

- Improved transmitter board. This board adapts
the Radiotronix RCT-433 transmitter. There are pads for a bypass capacitor
and thru-holes for an antenna decoupling capacitor. I strongly recommend inserting
an RF choke in the Vcc line near the transmitter. For 433 MHz, the antenna
should be about 18 cm long. See the Radiotronix documents application
notes, wireless
101, antennas
An expanded view is shown below. Put a 0.1 uf capacitor on the pads to bypass
the power supply.