import Queue from collections import deque, Counter import os import pyttsx from scipy.signal import convolve2d import serial from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.svm import SVC import struct from threading import Thread import time import cPickle as pickle import itertools as it import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np pass # ============================================================================= # CLASSES # ============================================================================= class DataSet: def __init__(self, savePath): self.savePath = savePath = {} @staticmethod def load(filePath): with open(filePath, "rb") as f: dataSet, dataTuple = pickle.load(f) = dict(dataTuple) return dataSet def save(self): with open(self.savePath, "wb") as f: everything = [self,] pickle.dump(everything, f) def add(self, classType, vector): if classType not in[classType] = [][classType].append(vector) def combine(self, otherDataSet): for k, values in if k not in[k] = [][k].extend(values) def getLabelsAndInstances(self, labels=None): """ Returns a list with each of the labes and a list with each of the instance groups in an array format. """ if labels is None: labels = sorted( instances = [np.array([l]) for l in labels] return labels, instances def getLabelsAndInstances2(self, specificLabels=None): """ Returns two arrays. One contains the labels and the other contains all of the instances, whose labels can be found in the initial array. """ # Format into two continious lists/arrays labels, instancesGrouppList = self.getLabelsAndInstances(specificLabels) labels2 = [] instancesGrouppList2 = [] for i in range(len(labels)): instT = instancesGrouppList[i] instancesGrouppList2.append(instT) labels2.append([labels[i]]*instT.shape[0]) return np.hstack(labels2), np.vstack(instancesGrouppList2) class SerialWrapper(Thread): HEADER = struct.pack("BBBB", 0xA1, 0xB2, 0xC3, 0xD4) FORMAT = "BBBB" + "hhhhhh" + "HHHHH" + "BB" + "H" def __init__(self, port): super(SerialWrapper, self).__init__() self.ser = serial.Serial(port) self.ser.flushInput() # self.packer = struct.Struct(self.FORMAT) self.packetLen = self.packer.size self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.running = False self.freq = {"freq":0, "lastT":time.time()} def getPacket(self): if self.queue.empty(): return None else: return self.queue.get() def run(self): self.running = True headerSize = len(self.HEADER) unprocessedData = "" while self.running: try: unprocessedData += unprocessedData += except: print "Serial was closed?" break # Extract all packets while True: hLoc = unprocessedData.find(self.HEADER) if hLoc == -1: break unprocessedData = unprocessedData[hLoc:] if len(unprocessedData) < self.packetLen: break packetStr = unprocessedData[:self.packetLen] unprocessedData = unprocessedData[self.packetLen:] if packetStr[1:].find(self.HEADER) != -1: continue packetT = self.packer.unpack(packetStr)[headerSize:] # Checksum receivedSum = packetT[-1] calculatedSum = 0 for i in range(4, len(packetStr)-2): calculatedSum += ord(packetStr[i]) if receivedSum == calculatedSum: self.queue.put(packetT[:-1]) # ######################### # print "Checksum..." # print packetStr.encode("hex") # print unprocessedData.encode("hex") # print packetT # print receivedSum, calculatedSum # Frequency check t = float(time.time()) self.freq["freq"] = 1/(t-self.freq["lastT"]) self.freq["lastT"] = t def close(self): self.running = False self.ser.close() print "Closed serial port..." def clear(self): self.queue = Queue.Queue() class DataGather(Thread): def __init__(self, port, dataSet, startDelay=0): super(DataGather, self).__init__() self.glove = SerialWrapper(port) self.dataSet = dataSet self.signToGather = "" self.startDelay = startDelay self.running = False def setSignToGather(self, sign): self.signToGather = sign def run(self): time.sleep(self.startDelay) self.running = True self.glove.start() while self.running: packet = self.glove.getPacket() if packet is not None: self.dataSet.add(self.signToGather, packet) print "Num of instances: ", len([self.signToGather]) else: time.sleep(.001) def stop(self): self.running = False self.glove.close() pass # ============================================================================= # EXECUTION FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================= def gatherNSamples(serialObj, n): gathered = [] while len(gathered) < n: inst = serialObj.getPacket() if inst is not None: gathered.append(inst) print len(gathered) return gathered def gatherData(port, dataSet): message = "Type 's' to continue and add the new data to the data set" message += "\n" message += "Type 'd' to trash the new data" message += "\n" message += "Type 'delete full sign' to erase all data for this sign\n" # Request sign sign = raw_input("Which sign will you be recording?") tempDataSet = DataSet("temp.pickle") dg = DataGather(port, tempDataSet, startDelay=2) dg.setSignToGather(sign) dg.start() # # Print frequency # fThread = Thread(target=_printFreq, args=(dg.glove,)) # fThread.isDaemon() # fThread.start() raw_input("Hit Enter to stop...") dg.stop() decided = False while not decided: result = raw_input(message) if result == "d": decided = True elif result == "s": dataSet.combine(tempDataSet) decided = True elif result == "delete full sign": print "Deleted {} instances".format(len([sign]))[sign] = [] decided = True else: print "\nUnkown command...\n" if sign in print "Total data for this sign: ", len([sign]) else: print "Sign was not stored in data set" def gatherAlphabet(port, dataSet): totalPerLetter = 500 totalPerIteration = 100 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" alphabet = [l for l in alphabet] + ["nothing", "relaxed"] message = "Enter to accept and gather \n" message += "Type 'quit' to discard data \n\n" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- tempDataSet = DataSet("temp.pickle") glove = SerialWrapper(port) glove.start() # Start gathering data gatheredPerLetter = 0 while gatheredPerLetter < totalPerLetter: np.random.shuffle(alphabet) for l in alphabet: # User input while True: messageT = message + "Recording {} samples of '{}'\n".format( totalPerIteration, l) result = raw_input(messageT) if result == "": # Record data glove.clear() instances = gatherNSamples(glove, totalPerIteration) if raw_input("Type 'd' to discard\n") == 'd': continue else: [tempDataSet.add(l, inst) for inst in instances] break elif result == "quit": # Destroy data return else: print "Unkown input...\n" gatheredPerLetter += totalPerIteration # Decide to store message = ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" message += "Type 'save' or 'discard' \n" message += ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" while True: result = raw_input(message) if result == "save": dataSet.combine(tempDataSet) return elif result == "discard": return else: print "Unkown command" def simpleTrainAndTest(dataSet): percentTest = .2 # Format into two continious lists/arrays labels, instances = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() labels2 = [] instances2 = [] for i in range(len(labels)): instT = instances[i] # instT = windowData(instances[i], 10) instances2.append(instT) labels2.extend([labels[i]]*instT.shape[0]) instances2 = np.vstack(instances) instances2 = np.vstack(instances2) scaledInstances = normalizeData(instances2) # Separate training from test labelsTrain, labelsTest, instanceTrain, instanceTest = train_test_split( labels2, scaledInstances, test_size=percentTest) # Train and test clf = SVC(), labelsTrain) result = clf.score(instanceTest, labelsTest) print "Test and train results was:" print result def trainSVM(instanceAndLabels=None, dataSet=None, windowSize=10): """ Put in either instanceAndLabels or a dataSet """ if dataSet is not None: # Format into two continious lists/arrays labels, instanceGroupsList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() labels2 = [] instancesGroupsList2 = [] for i in range(len(labels)): instGroupT = windowData(instanceGroupsList[i], windowSize) instancesGroupsList2.append(instGroupT) labels2.extend([labels[i]]*instGroupT.shape[0]) labels = labels2 instances = np.vstack(instancesGroupsList2) elif instanceAndLabels is not None: instances, labels = instanceAndLabels # Normalizer scaler = StandardScaler() # Train clf = SVC() scaledInstances = scaler.transform(instances), labels) return clf, scaler def testSVM(clf, dataSet): labels, instances = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() predictionsLoL = map(clf.predict, instances) numWrong = 0 numPred = 0 for i in range(len(labels)): l = labels[i] predList = predictionsLoL[i] wrongList = it.ifilter(lambda x: x!=l, predList) numWrong += len(wrongList) numPred += len(predList) print "Wrong: ", numWrong print "Predicted: ", numPred print "Percent: ", float(numWrong)/numPred def gestureToSpeech(port, dataSet): buffSize = 10 countThresh = 9 speechEngine = pyttsx.init() clf, scaler = trainSVM(dataSet=dataSet, windowSize=1) glove = SerialWrapper(port) glove.start() pBuffer = deque(maxlen=buffSize) prevOutput = None while True: # Read and predict packet = glove.getPacket() if packet is None: time.sleep(.001) continue else: instance = scaler.transform(np.array(packet)) [prediction] = clf.predict(instance) pBuffer.append(prediction) # ############################## # print packet, prediction # Filter output and debounce [(mostCommon, count)] = Counter(pBuffer).most_common(1) # ######################### # print mostCommon, count if count > countThresh: if mostCommon != prevOutput: # print "======" # print mostCommon prevOutput = mostCommon if mostCommon == "relaxed": print " " elif mostCommon != "nothing": print mostCommon # Speech if mostCommon != "nothing" and mostCommon != "relaxed": speechEngine.say(mostCommon) speechEngine.runAndWait() pass # ============================================================================= # GRAPH FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================= def plotClasses(dataSet): labels, instanceGroupList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() instanceGroupListW = [windowData(instanceArray, 10) for instanceArray in instanceGroupList] allInstances = np.vstack(instanceGroupList) # allInstances = np.vstack(instanceGroupListW) scaledInstances = normalizeData(allInstances) print labels imageplot = plt.imshow(scaledInstances.T, aspect="auto") plt.colorbar() def plotSensor(dataSet): _, instanceGroupList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() allInstances = np.vstack(instanceGroupList) for i in range(allInstances.shape[1]): print "Sensor ", i sensor = allInstances[:,i] plt.plot(range(sensor.size), sensor) pass # ============================================================================= # TEST FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================= def windowData(instanceArray, windowSize): window = np.ones((windowSize, 1)) windowed = convolve2d(instanceArray, window, mode="valid") return windowed[::windowSize,:] def normalizeData(instanceArray): scaler = StandardScaler() return scaler.transform(instanceArray) def test(port): s = serial.Serial(port) print'hex') def test2(port): serWrap = SerialWrapper(port) serWrap.start() print "aaaaa" time.sleep(50) serWrap.close() def _printFreq(serialWObj): while True: time.sleep(1) print "Freq: {}".format(serialWObj.freq["freq"]) pass # ============================================================================= # REPORT FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================= def signGroups(dataSet, saveFolder=None): _, allInstanceGroupList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() allInstances = np.vstack(allInstanceGroupList) scaler = StandardScaler() # A, B, C, D _, instanceGroupList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances(["a", "b", "c", "d"]) scaledInstances = scaler.transform(np.vstack(instanceGroupList)) plt.imshow(scaledInstances.T, aspect="auto") plt.title("Sensor Readings for A, B, C, and D") plt.xlabel("Instances") plt.ylabel("Sensors") plt.colorbar() if saveFolder is not None: plt.savefig(saveFolder+"/abcd.png", bbox_inches="tight") # K, P _, instanceGroupList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances(["k", "p"]) scaledInstances = scaler.transform(np.vstack(instanceGroupList)) plt.imshow(scaledInstances.T, aspect="auto") plt.title("Sensor Readings for K and P") plt.xlabel("Instances") plt.ylabel("Sensors") plt.colorbar() if saveFolder is not None: plt.savefig(saveFolder+"/kp.png", bbox_inches="tight") # I, J, Nothing _, instanceGroupList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances(["i", "j", "nothing"]) scaledInstances = scaler.transform(np.vstack(instanceGroupList)) plt.imshow(scaledInstances.T, aspect="auto") plt.title("Sensor Readings for I, J, and Nothing") plt.xlabel("Instances") plt.ylabel("Sensors") plt.colorbar() if saveFolder is not None: plt.savefig(saveFolder+"/ijnothing.png", bbox_inches="tight") def individualSensors(dataSet, saveFolder=None): names = ["X-Accel", "Y-Accel", "Z-Accel", "X-Gyro", "Y-Gyro", "Z-Gyro", "Thumb", "Index", "Middle", "Ring", "Index", "Side", "Top"] _, instanceGroupList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() allInstances = np.vstack(instanceGroupList) for i in range(allInstances.shape[1]): sensor = allInstances[:,i] plt.plot(range(sensor.size), sensor) plt.title("Sensor Readings for " + names[i]) plt.xlabel("Instances") plt.ylabel("Sensor Readings") if saveFolder is not None: plt.savefig(saveFolder+"/{}.png".format(names[i]), bbox_inches="tight") def accuracyOverTime(dataSet, saveFolder=None): instanceCountList = [1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400] testOn = 100 testsPer = 10 labels, instanceGroupList = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() numInstancesPer = instanceGroupList[0].shape[0] results = [] for count in instanceCountList: # Multiple times to use average scoreList = [] for i in range(testsPer): print "Debug: ", (count, i) # Get training set and testing set indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(numInstancesPer), size=testOn+count, replace=False) testIndices = np.sort(indices[:testOn]) trainIndices = np.sort(indices[testOn:]) testLabelGroupList = [[l]*testOn for l in labels] trainLabelGroupList = [[l]*count for l in labels] testInstanceGroupList = [instanceG[testIndices] for instanceG in instanceGroupList] trainInstanceGroupList = [instanceG[trainIndices] for instanceG in instanceGroupList] testLabels = np.hstack(testLabelGroupList) trainLabels = np.hstack(trainLabelGroupList) testInstances = np.vstack(testInstanceGroupList) trainInstances = np.vstack(trainInstanceGroupList) # Train and predict scaler = StandardScaler() clf = SVC(), trainInstances))) scaledTestInstances = scaler.transform(testInstances) scaledTrainInstances = scaler.transform(trainInstances), trainLabels) scoreList.append(clf.score(scaledTestInstances, testLabels)) results.append(scoreList) # Average and plot results averages = np.average(np.array(results), axis=1) plt.plot(instanceCountList, averages) plt.title("Accuracy of Variable Size Datasets") plt.ylabel("Mean accuracy for all labels") plt.xlabel("Instances per label") if saveFolder is not None: plt.savefig(saveFolder+"/accuracy.png", bbox_inches="tight") def confusionMatrix(dataSet, saveFolder=None): testPercent = .2 labels, instances = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances2() scaledInstances = normalizeData(instances) # Separate training from test yTrain, yTest, xTrain, xTest = train_test_split( labels, scaledInstances, test_size=testPercent) # Train and predict clf = SVC(), yTrain) yPred = clf.predict(xTest) cm = confusion_matrix(yTest, yPred) labels, _ = dataSet.getLabelsAndInstances() plt.matshow(cm, aspect="auto") plt.ylabel("True label") plt.xlabel("Predicted label") plt.yticks(range(28), labels) plt.xticks(range(28), labels, rotation=90) plt.colorbar() plt.grid(True) if saveFolder is not None: plt.savefig(saveFolder+"/confussion.png", bbox_inches="tight") def voltageDividerPlots(saveFolder): vcc = 5 resitances = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30] flexValues = np.linspace(11, 27, 10) for r in resitances: voltages = map(lambda x: float(x)/(x + r)*vcc, flexValues) plt.plot(flexValues, voltages) labels = ["Resistance: {}".format(r) for r in resitances] plt.ylim((0,5)) plt.legend(labels, loc=4) plt.title("Flex Sensor Output Ranges") plt.xlabel("Flex Sensor Resistance") plt.ylabel("Virtual Ground Output") if saveFolder is not None: plt.savefig(saveFolder+"/resitances.png", bbox_inches="tight") def getAllReportPlots(dataSet, saveFolder=None): signGroups(dataSet, saveFolder) individualSensors(dataSet, saveFolder) accuracyOverTime(dataSet, saveFolder) confusionMatrix(dataSet, saveFolder) voltageDividerPlots(saveFolder) pass # ============================================================================= # MAIN # ============================================================================= # Tests # test() # test2("/dev/ttyUSB0") # while True: pass if __name__ == "__main__": print "Starting..." port = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # dataSetPath = "alphabet.pickle" # dataSetPath = "alphabet_mon.pickle" dataSetPath = "alphabet_rob.pickle" # dataSetPath = "small_set.pickle" # dataSetPath = "test.pickle" # Make or load data set if os.path.exists(dataSetPath): print "Load data set" dataSet = DataSet.load(dataSetPath) else: print "New data set" dataSet = DataSet(dataSetPath) # --------------------------------- # Gather data # gatherData(port, dataSet) # gatherAlphabet(port, dataSet) # --------------------------------- # Print data set print "\nData Set Size:" for label, instanceList in sorted( print label, len(instanceList) # Plotting # plotClasses(dataSet) # plotSensor(dataSet) getAllReportPlots(dataSet, "/home/robert/temp") # --------------------------------- # Learning # simpleTrainAndTest(dataSet) # clf = trainSVM(dataSet) # testSVM(clf) # --------------------------------- # Continious Prediction # gestureToSpeech(port, dataSet) # --------------------------------- print "Done"