Fully-Commented Main Code Module

  1 ////////////////////////////////////
  2 // clock AND protoThreads configure!
  3 // You MUST check this file!
  4 #include "config.h"
  5 // threading library
  6 #include "pt_cornell_1_2.h"
  8 // Configure digital potentiometer to be writeable
  9 #define Digipot_config_chan_A 0b0000000000000000
 10 // === thread structures ============================================
 11 // thread control structs
 12 // note that UART input and output are threads
 13 static struct pt pt_cmd, pt_input, pt_output, pt_DMA_output ;
 15 volatile SpiChannel spiChn = SPI_CHANNEL1 ;
 16 volatile int spiClkDiv = 4 ; //run spi at 10 MHz
 19 // === Command Thread ======================================================
 20 // The serial interface
 21 //Primary use of microcontroller is to control all of the various circuits 
 22 //used in the circuit (literal controller).
 23 static char cmd[16]; 
 24 static int value;
 26 static PT_THREAD (protothread_cmd(struct pt *pt))
 27 {
 28     PT_BEGIN(pt);
 29       while(1) {
 31             // send the prompt via DMA to serial
 32             sprintf(PT_send_buffer,"cmd>");
 33             // by spawning a print thread
 34             PT_SPAWN(pt, &pt_DMA_output, PT_DMA_PutSerialBuffer(&pt_DMA_output) );
 36           //spawn a thread to handle terminal input
 37             // the input thread waits for input
 38             // -- BUT does NOT block other threads
 39             // string is returned in "PT_term_buffer"
 40             PT_SPAWN(pt, &pt_input, PT_GetSerialBuffer(&pt_input) );
 41             // returns when the thread dies
 42             // in this case, when <enter> is pushed
 43             // now parse the string
 44              sscanf(PT_term_buffer, "%s %d", cmd, &value);
 48               if (cmd[0]=='d' ) {
 49                 //set mux to DSP chip
 50                 mPORTAClearBits(BIT_4);
 51                 mPORTBClearBits(BIT_13);
 52                 mPORTASetBits(BIT_4);
 53                 mPORTBClearBits(BIT_3 | BIT_7 | BIT_8 | BIT_9);
 55                  if(((value << 6) & (0x0040))){
 56                      mPORTBSetBits(BIT_3);
 57                  }
 58                      //select sound effect
 59                  mPORTBSetBits(value << 6);
 60                  }
 61              if (cmd[0] == 's'){ //distortion
 62                  //set mux to Distortion
 63                 mPORTAClearBits(BIT_4);
 64                 mPORTBClearBits(BIT_13);
 65              }
 66              if (cmd[0] == 'n'){ //normal: only tone stack
 67                  //set mux to channel 0
 68                 mPORTAClearBits(BIT_4);
 69                 mPORTBClearBits(BIT_13);
 70                 mPORTBSetBits(BIT_13);
 71              }
 72              //pots
 73              if (cmd[0] == 't'){ //treble
 74                 // CS low to start transaction
 75                 mPORTBClearBits(BIT_4); // start transaction
 76                 deliverSPICh1Datum(value);
 77                 // CS high
 78                 mPORTBSetBits(BIT_4); // end transaction
 79              }
 80              if (cmd[0] == 'b'){ //bass
 81                 // CS low to start transaction
 82                 mPORTAClearBits(BIT_0); // start transaction
 83                 deliverSPICh1Datum(value);
 84                 // CS high
 85                 mPORTASetBits(BIT_0); // end transaction
 86             }
 87             if (cmd[0] == 'v'){ //level
 88                 // CS low to start transaction
 89                     mPORTAClearBits(BIT_2); // start transaction
 90                     deliverSPICh1Datum(value);                              
 91                      // CS high
 92                     mPORTASetBits(BIT_2); // end transaction
 93             }
 94             if (cmd[0] == 'm'){ //mid
 95                 // CS low to start transaction
 96                 mPORTAClearBits(BIT_3); // start transaction
 97                 deliverSPICh1Datum(value);
 98                 // CS high
 99                 mPORTASetBits(BIT_3); // end transaction
100             }
102             // never exit while
103       } // END WHILE(1)
104   PT_END(pt);
105 } // thread 3
107 //instead of writing SPI code repeatedly, made a function.
108 //Used various chip selects on the same channel to change
109 //values of various different digital potentiometers
110 void deliverSPICh1Datum(int datum){
111     // test for ready
112      while (TxBufFullSPI1());
113      // write to spi2
114      WriteSPI1(Digipot_config_chan_A | datum);
115     // test for done
116     while (SPI1STATbits.SPIBUSY); // wait for end of transaction
117      // CS high
118     // mPORTBSetBits(BIT_4); // end transaction
119 }
121 // === Main  ======================================================
123 int main(void)
124 {
126   // === config the uart, DMA, SPI ===========
127   PT_setup();
129   // == SPI ==
130   //enable SPI at 10 MHz clock to meet digital potentiometer specifications
131   SpiChnOpen(spiChn, SPI_OPEN_ON | SPI_OPEN_MODE16 | SPI_OPEN_MSTEN | SPI_OPEN_CKE_REV , spiClkDiv);
133   // === setup system wide interrupts  ====================
134   INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt();
136   // === set up i/o port pin ===============================
137   //Port B bits, 3,7,8, and 9 are used to select digital output
138   //Port B bit 4 is used as chip select for treble digital potentiometer
139   //Port B bit 13 is used as a select signal for output effect selection multiplexer
140   //Additional functionality would use the TFT to display which output was being
141   //selected
142   mPORTBSetPinsDigitalOut(BIT_4 | BIT_3|BIT_7 | BIT_8 | BIT_9 |BIT_13);    //Set port as output
144   //Port A Bits 0,2,and 3 are used to configure digital potentiometers (chip selects). Port A bit 4 is used
145   //for multiplexing whether to have input from Digital effector chip, distortion,
146   //or pure tonestack sound
147   mPORTASetPinsDigitalOut(BIT_0 | BIT_2 | BIT_3 | BIT_4);
148   // === now the threads ===================================
150   // init the threads
151   PT_INIT(&pt_cmd);
152   PT_INIT(&pt_time);
154   //==Digipot spi stuff
155    // SCK2 is pin 26 
156     // SDO1 (MOSI) is in PPS output group 1, could be connected to RB5 which is pin 14
157     PPSOutput(2, RPB5, SDO1);
158     // control CS for DAC
159     //mPORTBSetPinsDigitalOut(BIT_4); //CS
160     mPORTBSetBits(BIT_4 | BIT_6);
161     //===
163     mPORTASetBits(BIT_0 | BIT_2 | BIT_3 | BIT_4); //CS pins active high
164     mPORTAClearBits(BIT_4);
165     mPORTBClearBits(BIT_13);
166     mPORTBSetBits(BIT_13);
169   // schedule the threads
170   while(1) {
171       //cmd used as command center for all effects
172     PT_SCHEDULE(protothread_cmd(&pt_cmd));
173   }
174 } // main