The Ultimate Alarm Clock


The alarm clock combined many different subjects learned this semester, while adding other designs we researched independtly. It made use of devices which we were well familiar with such as the LCD and the keypad, applying them to new applications. We also became familiar with a few new components by reading data sheets and figuring out how the items worked. Utilizing the real-time clock on the AVR took some data sheet research and programming of new code, which effectively extended our understanding of the features of the 8535 MCU. Additionally, we learned how to use an LED display, which was better for display in this application due to the need for visibility from a distance and in low light conditions. By combining these new designs with our well established knowledge, the alarm clock proved to be a fitting project to demonstrate the knowledge gained during our participation in EE476.

Webpage created by Joel Avrunin ('01) and Philip Weiss ('00).
Created May 4, 2000. Last updated May 6, 2000.