We begin at the main menu
From the main menu, we can go to the Date/Time menu
At the Date/Time menu, we can view the current date and time...
Or we can set the time...
Or we can set the date
Also from the Main Menu, we can locate the nearest city
If we are in Manual mode, we must first type in our current coordinates...
Otherwise, the nearest city is displayed along with the distance and direction to get there
The third Main Menu option gives directions to a city
If we are in Manual Mode, we must enter our coordinates again
Then, we must select an arrival city...
Then the directions from your nearest city to the arrival city are displayed, one step at a time
First, you are told how to get to the nearest major city...
Use A (up) and B (down) to scroll through the directions...
Also from the Main Menu, you can get directions between any two cities
This time, you first choose a departure city...
And then choose an arrival city...
And then the directions are displayed in the same manner as before
There is also a feature to get the actual distance between any two cities
Simply choose a departure city and an arrival city as before
And the distance between them is displayed...
If you have a GPS receiver to connect to the device, you can choose to operate
in NMEA mode and your coordinates will be automatically updated
This can be done by choosing "Select Input Mode" from the Main Menu...
The final option from the Main Menu allows you to view your current coordinates...
These will either be the coordinates you last entered (Manual Mode) or the
coordinates obtained via your GPS receiver (NMEA mode)