Results And Conclusions

             As it stands, our project is quite successful. The game itself is quite user-friendly, requiring only a basic knowledge of joystick operation, with 2 extra buttons for reset and music toggling. We implemented almost all of the functions we wanted to, and everything that's in it is working fine, with no artifacts or flicker. Our version of Space Invaders looks and feels enough like the original to fool the undiscerning eye.  While working within the limitations of the chip was sometimes difficult, our project chugged along nicely.         

            The hardware should pose no safety risks, running off only a few D batteries at low voltages (~6V).  Ethically speaking: We copied the Atari graphics for the game directly, but have no intention of selling or distributing our code.  This game is purely for our own personal enjoyment. 

            Atari's Space Invaders had twice the screen resolution, played both in black-and-white and color, used a 1MHz chip, had over 100 gaming modes, and was coded entirely in assembly.  I guess the old saying is true: you can't beat the original.  But you'll have fun trying.

            Thanks for a good semester.


If We Had More Time:

- Add Color using an RGB chip

- Put the circuit board inside an Atari-like enclosure

- Add 2-player functionality

- Add splash screens for title screen and death screen

- Extra game modes like invisible invaders, moving obstacles, etc (assembly probably req.)


Special Thanks:

We would like to thank everyone for all their help:

Bruce Land
Derek Brader
Paul Grzymkowski
Nitin Gupta
Sean Keller
Andre Kozaczka
Chris Kung
Nick Liu,
Peter Wang



Space invaders logic and screen interaction: Tom

Sound and music generation code: Joe

Components procurement: Tom

Circuit board design + building: Tom

Troubleshooting/play testing/debugging: Tom and Joe

Web page design/construction: Tom and Joe



Atari website:

Bruce Land’s course web page:

Ethical credit goes to Atari - this game is not for sale!!!