Background Mathematics
According to its data sheet, when 5V Vdd is applied to the accelerometer, approximately 1g of acceleration will result in 0.3V fluctuation from the center (0g = 2.5V) output. When we were trying to do the inertial positioning system, we had built a circuit to amplify and re-center the signal leaving the accelerometer. We found that the circuit worked, but added a bit of noise prohibiting the accuracy we required. When interfacing with the ADC on the microcontroller, we found that we could squeak some accuracy out of it by lowering the Aref from 5.0V to 3.5V. This essentially scales all of the input values and amplifies them as well while not adding any additional noise (the best of both noise). So for example with the Aref at 5.0V the following values emerge from the ADC:
Output(0g) = 2.5V
ADC(0g) = 512
Output(+/-1g) = 2.2V – 2.8V
ADC(+/-1g) = 451 - 573, range = 122
with the Aref at 3.5V the following values emerge from the ADC (note that the +/-1g range is higher resulting more accurate measurement):
Output(0g) = 2.5V
ADC(0g) = 731
Output(+/-1g) = 2.2V – 2.8V
ADC(+/-1g) = 644 – 819, range = 175