
Design Analysis
Both our hardware and software designs allowed us to make everything we achieved work correctly. It was only a matter that we didn't plan ahead enough and in the end we didn't have enough time to complete our game. The hardware design didn't need any changing except that we could have had a more comfortable controller. Otherwise, connections were solid and interfaces worked correctly. On the software design side, although the coding in assembly was krazy, it was needed to do the time-critical software needed to run a TV program. By just using some common sense rules to code and plenty of commenting, coding in assembly was bearable and probably much more efficient than anything any C compiler for the AVR could have produced. There were routines in the code that code have been streamlined and some sections of code could have been facilitated with routines. However, there are some sections of code that were purposefully written in expanded form in order to cut down on the number of cycles needed to run them. In the future, we will first take a much larger scale look at the project first in order to gauge what needs how much work.

Specifically we would have worked longer to include (in order of importance):
- Megapills and the chance to chase and eat ghosts
- Audio! We already have several samples of the music and sound effects converted to sheet music form. We just needed an extra port pin.

extracted from the introduction music by NoteWorthy Composer

- A boot screen, score and text messages
- A warp tunnel to go across the screen from right side to left side
- Porting this code to a faster chip
- Finding a way to include a better controller with the existing port pins available

Intellectual Property Consideration
The only intellectual borrowing we did was to play the game Pac-Man on the Commodore 64 and take screenshots to get the dimensions of the sprites and the map. We also played the game to see how Pac-Man and the ghosts behaved. The video generation code is based on the code from the TV lab but otherwise, the code to make our Pac-Man was built from the ground up in pure assembly. No reverse-engineering was performed and there will probably be no patents on yet another Pac-Man game :).

Ethical Considerations
Our work on this project has followed the guidelines set in the IEEE’s Code of Ethics. The following are some of our
thoughts on a few of the Codes of Ethics.

3. to be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data;
We ensure to the fullest extent that our project and report are true based on the information we have collected and

4. to reject bribery in all its forms;
We were not paid or obliged in any way to take on this project. We choose to do this design project for the pure
enjoyment and challenge.

5. to improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential consequences;
The purpose of our project was to provide us with a better understanding of video game coding with hardware
limitations. We hope we can share our experiences with other groups in the future or help Sony on designing a
Handheld version of the PSOne.

8. to treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national

The people we came into contact with while working on this project was treated with the utmost respect and courtesy.
We believe all men are created equal.

9. to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action;
During our work on this project we followed strict safety precautions for working with electrical circuitry and
computers in order to ensure the safety of ourselves and the people that surrounded us. To our greatest knowledge,
our project is safe and not obscene in anyway.