TAP THE DANCE    Para Para

ECE 476 Final Project --  Spring 2003


  The outcome of our design met our expectation very well.  We are able to implement a sensible buttons detection and scoring system.  The overall game logic is good and resemble the real game "Dance Dance Revolution" that we try so hard to emulate. 

Although the design of our game is quite satisfactory, we still have several ideas which we cannot implement due to time and hardware constraint.  The detail discussion of these improvement issues can be found in our Improvements section.


  • Intellectual Property Issues:  As described in Program Design page, we have two sources to assist us in designing our game:  1) Video Generation with AVR for the display code, and 2) Russian Bloc Game Code for the sound code.  The details of the usage can be found in the Program Design page.  Special thanks given to Konami whose product, "Dance Dance Revolution" series inspires us to work on our game design.


  • IEEE Code of Ethics:  As Computer and Electrical Engineering students, we are entitled to follow the IEEE Code of Ethics.  To ensure we follow the code of ethics closely, we take extra care towards the following 5 points when we develop our game.
  1. We accept the responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment.  We make sure our game will not hurt any player who play this game and make sure the game will not produce annoying sound and audio which affect other non-players nearby. 

  2. We are honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data.  We base our decision to developing the game based on realistic estimation of our capability.  Also, we document the development and description of our game without any exaggeration.

  3. We reject bribery in all its forms.  We will not any form of bribery to disclose any details of our game or disclose any interest of our related parties.

  4. We seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others.  We seek help from our professors of the class and also our teaching assistants for help in designing our game.  We also include the reference of the code and design that we use in our game design.

  5. We treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin.  We do not discriminate against any persons involve in the game design and game usage in any form.