


 When we started this project, we set milestones in the following order and were able to meet all of them but the last two to our satisfaction:

  1. Plot angle and distance.

  2. Allow free-draw.

  3. Plot numbers, letters, and some punctuation.

  4. Make user-friendly, easy to navigate menu.

  5. Draw a house.

  6. Power-saving feature.

  7. Configuration allowing user to choose motor step-size, stepping time. 

The top 6 goals were major features, and the last two were small features which could have been easily implemented given time.


In the future, we would implement the power-saving feature and the configuration feature.  In terms of our design procedure, we are satisfied with the way in which we approached and implemented the project.  If repeating this project, we would use a much larger board so that our project would have a larger coverage area.


Our idea for the project and most of the mathematical background came from a project (the Vertical Plotter) from the Spring 2001 ECE 476 course.  Because this project is listed in the public domain and we are crediting the designers in the reference section, we are comfortable using it.  Although we started this project by using code from this project, it grew to be a very separate piece of software as we developed our own features and adapted it for our design.


We have followed the first item in the IEEE code of ethics by making our design as safe as possible and warning user about the overheating problem in the motors.  We also addressed the third item by informing users that the plotter only works accurately within a small region.  In doing this project, we had to respect the seventh item since we needed ideas and advice from Bruce Land about many aspects of the project.  The most interesting item to us in the code of ethics is number eight, which states that no person should be discriminated against.  This was very important for us to follow since we have differences in our genders and national origins.  We are happy to report that these differences did not interfere with our work in any way and we respected each otherfs opinions throughout the project.  Lastly, we both followed number ten by supporting each other and encouraging any ideas either person had.  We believe we followed the IEEE code of ethics as it pertains to our project to the best of our abilities.