1     #asm
2     .cseg
3     .equ oldpcos=pc
4     .org 0x2000
5     #endasm
7     void os_schedule(char mode)
8     {
9         os_thread *temp_thread, *top_thread;
11        #asm("cli");
13        temp_thread = g_usedthreads;
14        top_thread = g_currthread;
16        while (temp_thread != NULL)
17        {
18            if (
19                (temp_thread->state == THREADSTATE_RUNNING) &&
20                (temp_thread->sleep_duration == 0 || --temp_thread->sleep_duration == 0) &&
21                (temp_thread->priority <= top_thread->priority || top_thread->state != THREADSTATE_RUNNING || (top_thread->sleep_duration != 0))
22            )
23            {
24                top_thread = temp_thread;
25            }
26            temp_thread = temp_thread->next;
27        }
28        if (top_thread != g_currthread)
29        {
30            // we need to move the thread about to be run to front of chain
31            // this will allow 2 threads with same priority to alternate
32            if (top_thread != g_usedthreads)
33            {
34                if (top_thread->prev != NULL)
35                {
36                    // Hook left to right
37                    top_thread->prev->next = top_thread->next;
38                }
39                if (top_thread->next != NULL)
40                {
41                    // Hook right to left
42                    top_thread->next->prev = top_thread->prev;
43                }
44                // Put current at front
45                g_usedthreads->prev = top_thread;
46                top_thread->next = g_usedthreads;
47                g_usedthreads = top_thread;
48            }
50            temp_thread = g_usedthreads;
52            g_prevthread = g_currthread;
53            g_currthread = top_thread;
55            os_contextswitch();
56        }
57        else if (g_currthread != g_usedthreads)
58        {
59                if (g_currthread->prev != NULL)
60                {
61                    // Hook left to right
62                    g_currthread->prev->next = g_currthread->next;
63                }
64                if (g_currthread->next != NULL)
65                {
66                    // Hook right to left
67                    g_currthread->next->prev = g_currthread->prev;
68                }
69                // Put current at front
70                g_usedthreads->prev = g_currthread;
71                g_currthread->next = g_usedthreads;
72                g_usedthreads = g_currthread;
73        }
74        #asm("sei");
75    }
76    interrupt [TIM0_COMP] void os_timer0_comp(void)
77    {
78        #asm("cli");
79        if (g_threadcount > 0)
80        {
81            os_schedule(0);
82        }
83        #asm("sei");
84    }
86    /*
87     * This context swtiching algortim was borrowed from aOS by Anssi Ylätalo
88     */
89    void os_contextswitch(void)
90    {
91        UCHAR *new_swstack, *new_hwstack;
92        os_thread *curr_thread;
94        #asm("cli");
96        curr_thread = g_prevthread;             /* Get address to current TCB */
97        new_swstack = g_currthread->swstack;   /* Get highest priority ready tasks data stack */
98        new_hwstack = g_currthread->hwstack;   /* Get highest priority ready task's hw stack */
100       /*
101           Context switch.
103               ;  *dstk_highrdy -> Y+4
104               ;  *hstk_highrdy -> Y+2
105               ;  *curr_tcb -> Y+0
107           1. Save HW SP and data SP to current task's PCB
108           2. Load SP from highest priority task's TCB
109           3. Restore context and return to new task
110       */
112       #asm
113           ; Save all registers except SW stack pointer
114           PUSH  R0
115           PUSH  R1
116           PUSH  R2
117           PUSH  R3
118           PUSH  R4
119           PUSH  R5
120           PUSH  R6
121           PUSH  R7
122           PUSH  R8
123           PUSH  R9
124           PUSH  R10
125           PUSH  R11
126           PUSH  R12
127           PUSH  R13
128           PUSH  R14
129           PUSH  R15
130           PUSH  R16
131           PUSH  R17
132           PUSH  R18
133           PUSH  R19
134           PUSH  R20
135           PUSH  R21
136           PUSH  R22
137           PUSH  R23
138           PUSH  R24
139           PUSH  R25
140           PUSH  R26
141           PUSH  R27
142           PUSH  R30
143           PUSH  R31
144           IN    R0,SREG
145           PUSH  R0
147           ; Save current HW stack pointer, low first
148           LDD      R26,Y+0     ; hstk_current -> X
149           LDD      R27,Y+1
151           IN    R30,SPL    ; *hstk_current = SP;
152           ST    X+,R30
153           IN    R30,SPH
154           ST    X+,R30
156           ; Save current SW stack pointer, low first
157           MOV      R30,R28   ; LOW(Y) -> R30
158           ADIW  R30,6       ; Restore Y value (3 pointers * 2 bytes each)
159           ST    X+,R30      ; *dstk_current = Y;
160           ST    X,R29
162           ; Load new HW stack pointer, low first
163           LDD   R30,Y+2
164           OUT   SPL,R30
165           LDD   R30,Y+3
166           OUT   SPH,R30
168           ; Load new SW stack pointer, low first
169           LDD      R30,Y+4
170           LDD      R31,Y+5
171           MOV      R28,R30
172           MOV      R29,R31
174           ; Pop all registers except SW stack pointer
175           POP      R0
176           OUT      SREG,R0
177           POP      R31
178           POP      R30
179           POP      R27
180           POP      R26
181           POP      R25
182           POP      R24
183           POP      R23
184           POP      R22
185           POP      R21
186           POP      R20
187           POP      R19
188           POP      R18
189           POP      R17
190           POP      R16
191           POP      R15
192           POP      R14
193           POP      R13
194           POP      R12
195           POP      R11
196           POP      R10
197           POP      R9
198           POP      R8
199           POP      R7
200           POP      R6
201           POP      R5
202           POP      R4
203           POP      R3
204           POP      R2
205           POP      R1
206           POP      R0
207           RETI
208       #endasm
209   }
210   void *os_alloc_stack(UINT stkSize)
211   {
212       if (g_stkCurrent + stkSize <= g_stkEnd)
213       {
214           g_stkCurrent = (g_stkCurrent+stkSize);
215           return (void*)(g_stkCurrent);
216       }
217       return NULL;
218   }
219   void os_reset_stack(void)
220   {
221       g_stkCurrent = g_stkStart;
222   }
223   #asm
224   .org oldpcos
225   #endasm