By: Tom Gowing (teg25) and Brian Pescatore (bhp7)


            The overall goal of our project was to recreate the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) using Atmel Microcontrollers.  We decided early on the adding audio to the mix was likely going to be too much work in the time that we had to complete the project.  Therefore, we decided to leave all audio aspects out of the mix.  Therefore, our focus became emulation of the modified MOS6502 processor that the NES used as the CPU and the generation of the video.  It was determined, however, that the video generation that was done by the Picture Processing Unit (PPU) was too complex to be entirely done in software, or even used limited hardware (See below for a discussion on the methods of the NES PPU).  Therefore, what remains of our project is the 6502 emulation, cartridge reading, controller input, and memory mapped I/O synchronization.  The lack of video, however, was not something that we wanted to settle with, so we decided to show off some of the video tactics that were utilized by the Nintendo.  Our video outputting scheme must fully comply with NTSC standards.  We achieved this compliance by using a specialized chip (AD724) to convert Red/Green/Blue into NTSC.

Development of the NES 6502 Emulation

            The 6502 was an evolutionary microprocessor that was widely used for one reason: it was absolutely dirt cheap compared to the rest of the functional microcontrollers on the market.  The modified version of the 6502 that the NES uses was also quite cheap to produce, which is why ten years after production of the product Nintendo was still asking for the far outdated 6502.  The main differences between the two chips involve the I/O line designations as well as the addition of the pseudo-Audio Processing Unit (pAPU).  The added I/O lines include five that are devoted to obtaining data from the controllers and two that are used as audio output channels. 


            The interesting part of the NES 6502's operation is that there were absolutely no additions to the instruction set available to the programmers of the NES games.  The raises the obvious question: how does one read from the controllers or generate the newly supported audio?  The answer to that lies in the memory mapped IO which is the basis for nearly all communication on the NES.

            The memory-mapped IO is a series of memory addresses which, when written to or read from, produce side effects in other aspects of the hardware.  The basic set of IO ports are listed below, and it should be noted that additional IO ports can be added via use of Memory Mapping Chips (MMCs) which would be hardwired into the game cartridge to expand the capabilities of the NES. (This project does not deal with interfacing to any particular MMC but rather passes most all addressing out to the cartridge where any present MMCs are given the opportunity to react to the programmed signals.  Therefore, we will not discuss the MMCs any further, but point interested parties to the references at the end of the document.)

Memory Address



PPU Control Register 1


PPU Control Register 2


PPU Status Register


  Sprite-RAM Address Register


Sprite-RAM I/O Register


Video RAM Address Register 1


Video RAM Address Register 2


Video RAM I/O Register

$4000-$4013, $4015

pAPU (Audio) Control Registers


Sprite Direct Memory Access (DMA) Register


Controller 1 Access Register


Controller 2 Access Register


            The registers listed above are merely "views" at data registers contained within other hardware (PPU registers being hardwired address correlations to the video processor and audio registers being internal latches in the NES 6502 that output to specific audio generating hardware.  These registers will be referenced directly in points hereafter, at which time the uses of all imperative registers will be explained.
Of course, behind the intertwined hardware and IO connections, at the heart of the NES 6502, is the slightly modified version of the original 6502, and therefore emulation of this hardware is the forefront of the project. 

            The general method of emulating a processor is to completely replicate the functions of each individual operation that the processor can handle.  The 6502, while the 8 bit opcode could support up to 256 instructions, only 151 of the 256 available opcodes has defined behavior (In fact, using other instructions opcodes not necessarily produce no operation, but may in fact send your program into complete disarray.)  Furthermore, these 151 opcodes only actually support 56 distinct operations, with specific opcodes merely varying the addressing mode utilized by the operation (see addressing modes below).

Along with successful emulation of all instructions, we must establish successful emulation of all registers.  The registers present on a 6502 are as follows:

    Status Register Layout (Bit7 - Bit0)










Decimal (use BCD for arithmetic)


Interrupt (IRQ disable)





(Note that the modified 6502 used in the NES did not support BCD mode, but did not bother to remove the opcodes that set and clear the flag, therefore providing another conditional flag which can be set and branched upon at will.)

            Of the above registers, the only one that requires more than a variable in the program is the stack pointer.  Along with the stack pointer is the need to implement a stack directly into the data memory of the Atmega644.  For the NES, this stack was located in the memory, addressed from $100 to $1FF.  In addition, the 6502 did not contain and safeguards on the length of the stack, and if one was to push over 256 elements onto the stack, they would wrap around and start trashing the lower bytes of data.  In emulation, in is not pertinent to worry about this overflow either because this fact is known by the programmers and was either avoided, or in extremely rare cases, used to the programmers advantage.

The available opcodes operate on the aforementioned registers.  They are broken down into a few sets of operations:

For a full list of operations, see the table at the end of the document.
Emulation of the 6502 requires working with the 13 different addressing modes.  These addressing modes work as follows:


            There are many instructions in the 6502 processor that have "implicit" targets, such as "Clear Carry Flag" (CLC) and "Set Interrupt Disable" (SEI), meaning that the operation is only defined to work at those specific points.  This allows implicit instructions to take up only one byte of program memory.


            Accumulator addressing means that the instructions work directly upon the accumulator register.  In a sense, these are also implicit by nature, with the only exception being that the implicit address is always the same.


            Immediate addressing allows the use of an 8-bit immediate offset by the programmer directly in the code itself.  Instructions using immediate addressing take two bytes of memory.

Zero Page

            Zero Page addressing mode is the most efficient way of accessing actual memory.  Addressing in this manner simply means that the address is located in memory $00XX, and therefore will only take two bytes of memory because only one 8-bit address is required for addressing.

Zero Page, X

            Zero Page, X addressing will essentially restrict your memory field to only the first page of memory (256 bytes).  It first takes the zero page address and then it adds the X register to it to produce a 8 bit address.  Note that the address cannot exceed 8 bits, and therefore will always wrap around from $FF to $00 rather than $100 (which of course is no longer on page zero of memory). Like Zero Page, this is a two byte instruction.

Zero Page, Y

            Zero Page, Y is essentially the same as Zero Page, X except that the two are not interchangeable.  The only instructions that use Zero Page, Y are the LDX and STX instructions, load and store X register to/from memory.  The only reason that Zero Page, Y is used rather Zero Page, X is because the instructions cannot modify the contents of X. Also a two byte instruction.


            Relative addressing is used for branching.  It specifies the value which should be added to the PC upon a true evaluation of the branch condition.  This is a two byte instruction.


            Absolute addressing is when a full 16 bit address is provided ( LSB first) in the two bytes following the opcode.  The specified address is a direct lookup into the memory.

Absolute, X

            Similar to Absolute addressing, Absolute X addressing provides a 16 bit address, but additionally adds the value of the X register to it before accessing the memory.

Absolute, Y

            Identical to Absolute X, replacing the X register with the Y register.  (Three byte instruction)


            Indirect addressing is only used by jump commands.  Essentially, the two bytes after the opcode specify an address in memory which contains the LSB of another 16 bit addressing.  It is this address that is the desired destination of the jump instruction.

Indexed Indirect

            Indexed Indirect addressing adds the X register to the supplied 16 bit address and then works exactly as Indirect addressing works.

Indirect Indexed

            Indirect Indexed addressing retrieves the 16 bit value stored at the address specified in the two bytes following the opcode.  It then adds the Y register to the retrieved 16 bit value and uses this value as the jump location.


            Now to discuss how the 6502 was specifically emulated.  The main goal is to obviously recreate program control, but the real catch is that we need to maintain control of the timing elements native to the NES 6502.  The NES cpu ran on a 1.79 MHz clock, which compared to the 16 MHz clock we used for the Atmega644, gives us approximately 8.5 cycles per native 6502 instruction.  Yet there is still an added bonus to this because the 6502 ran on a base 2 cycle system, meaning that no instruction took fewer than 2 cycles, and some took as many as 7 cycles to complete.  This means that our base timing level is at 17 cycles.  Now if the 6502 had only 2 cycle instructions then we would need to improve the speed of the program in a few places.  However, if we amortize the time taken by a series of instructions in general we are looking at a very well balanced and time synced emulation. 

            This is all made possible via a near exclusive use of #define coding style.  Working in this manner, while it does make the code significantly larger due to the replication of code in many places, it saves a bunch of instructions on every single operation.  We also need to be careful when working with code in this manner.  When using #defines as a method of increasing the speed of the code, then you must try to only pass in either a single variable or an immediate variable into them.  If you are careless in their use, you may end up replicating code along the lines of variable increments or memory lookups.  These kinds of bugs also manage to hide themselves to a level of total obscurity due to the similar appearance of a function and a #define.

            First, we grab the opcode from the cartridge (The first address of the program is addressed inside of the cartridge at $8000.) and use that as an offset for a jump command.  This jump is done by executing the jumper function.  We use a function for this because we need to gain access to the internal program counter.  We do this by popping two bytes off the stack which by the nature of function calls is the program address to which the function will return.  We then add the opcode to this value two times to account for the fact that a jump instruction occupies two words in memory.  The result is pushed back onto the stack and the function is allowed to return to the desired place within the jumplist.  This jump command will land us somewhere in the jumplist, which is 256 consecutive jump commands.  These jump commands will direct our program to individual sections that handle each instruction. 

            At these commands, we need to indicate three things.  First, we need to indicate the size of the instruction in bytes. Secondly, we need to indicate the addressing mode which is used.  And, finally we execute the actual instruction which the opcode specified.

            Indicating the size of the instruction is a simple enough operation.  The instructions can be either one, two, or three bytes.  The first byte is the opcode, so if the operation only needs one byte, then we are already done at this point.  If the operation requires any more bytes, then we must retrieve a few more bytes from the cartridge.  These bytes are stored into the instr_byte array (in the 1 and 2 positions, because the opcode takes instr_byte[0]) and are used in determining addressing.

            In order to accurately setup the addressing methods and to allow the addressing modes to exist completely independent of the instructions that are calling them, we need to define a few variables which will consistently be used, no matter what the instruction is.  This allows us to keep all of our code inside of the main function and makes the #define method more efficient.  While functions would clearly clarify the code, getting into and out of the functions would waste far too much time.  The variables that we used were rOP(char) and rOPA(int), named for operand and operand address.  Essentially, most addressing modes have both an address setup routine as well as an extraction routine.  The address setup routine places the address which we intend to work upon into rOPA.  The extraction routine, internally calls the addressing routine and retrieves that value from the address in rOPA, storing it into rOP.

            As stated before, prior choice of rOP and rOPA make almost all other instructions easy to implement by simply working with the value in rOP or rOPA.  The exceptions to this are rotate shift operations, which need a post-step to place the value back into memory or reapply rOP to the accumulator, depending upon the addressing mode.  All other instructions, after making a call to an addressing routine, simply make a call to the actual instruction routine that was indicated and it will be carried out.  Once completing this, it jumps back to top of the program to grab a new instruction.

            As I mentioned previously, most instructions involve obtaining a value from memory.  Yet, these memory addresses refer to the memory actually present on the NES.  Where exactly is that memory going to reside considering we need to maintain stack space for the emulation to run within.  Initially, this looked to be an issue because the memory addresses were 16bit addressable, meaning 64K of memory.  However, looking further into the NES memory design, it turns out that many of the address bits are either no connects or enable bits for various features, such as selecting the cartridge rather than the memory chip.  Here is the full memory layout:
            If you look at the values on the right, you see many sections of the memory which are indicated as "Mirrors."  These addresses literally mean that using lower bit wraparounds (i.e. higher bits are no connect), these addresses actually refer to lower memory values.  If we count out the mirrored values, then we will note that the memory really only exists in a two sections:  2K for RAM (Stack and Zero Page included) and a large section of memory contained on the cartridge itself (Save RAM, Expansion RAM, and Program Rom).  Since the cartridge is intended to be fully self-contained, all we need to worry about is the 2K of internal RAM, which easily fits inside of 4K of RAM included on the Atmega644.  Therefore, the easy solution to the memory issue is to allocate 2K worth of NES memory on the heap (keeping space between the emulation variables and the memory just in case something goes very wrong involving the memory).

            From here, whenever a call to memory is made, we call a function (inlined, of course) which will make a few address checks.  First we check if the address is within the bounds of the cartridge, and if so we set the out ports to the desired address, and await the value on the data pin on the next cycle. 

            If the address is not above the cartridge threshold ($4020), then we move ahead to check if we have an I/O register.  The first I/O register check is a direct check against the $4000 - $4017 addresses.  Reading or writing to each of these registers has slightly different behavior, but in general the written values are stored into the IO_register array and read out later.  These values are synced up with other hardware during writes by means of a two byte SPI protocol.  First, the lower byte of the address is sent, and upon completion of that transmission, the new value to be written is sent.  Since we have multiple destinations for the SPI commands, the lower byte will never conflict on the given hardware.  The same idea applies to the $2000-$2007 addresses, except that here we need to worry about the mirrored memory, and therefore we look up the value of our array by means of a bitwise AND on the address to obtain the zero to seven index we need into the PPU_register array.

            All other addresses correspond to an address of NES memory.  These addresses are once again subject to a bitwise AND in order to obtain the lower $7FF of the address as the index into our memory allocation.  Notice, that the emulation, nor the 6502 prevents the user from accessing any value of the memory, stack included, meaning that the stack itself is a completely viable set of memory.

            Getting back to the SPI synchronization, some of the I/O registers require special attention and care to certain details.  For example, since we were not emulating the audio systems, we only store the values of the audio registers, but do not bother to sync them via SPI across to other hardware (If we were to have done audio, it would have been included on the controller polling circuit, which can be seen below).  In fact, only three registers in the $4000+ range actually matter to this project.  Two of these are the $4016 and $4017 registers which pertain to controller reading, and the other is $4014, which is the sprite direct memory access register.

            The controller addresses have extremely specific methods in which they need to be dealt with.  Writing any value whatsoever to $4016, initializes a controller poll for both controllers.  In our case the controllers are polled constantly and a write to $4016 will simply entail an SPI synchronization of the two controller states.  Reads from the controllers are returned only in a bit at a time on the NES.  The low bit of $4016 and $4017 corresponds to an active low signal for a button press.  In order to obtain readings from all buttons of the controller one must read the low bit 8 times, once for each button, as immediately after reading a bit, the next value is shifted in from an external shift register.  The button order is A, B, Select, Start, Up, Down, Left, and Right.  The upper bits of the controller registers correspond to functions that this emulation was not going to cover (i.e. "NES Zapper" light gun).  Since we do not support the values in those upper bits, we simply send the polled values from the controllers, in flipped order, such that after a read from the low bit of the controller, we will simply shift the value right by one and overwrite the old value.

            The details that are important regarding sprite memory transfer to the PPU pertain to I/O registers $2003, $2004, and $4014.  These registers are some of the most important values of the NES system.  Use of these registers enables the cpu to access Sprite RAM, which essentially is how movement is created across the screen.  Sprite RAM is a 256 byte memory bank that is internal to the NES.  The value in $2003 is the address that will be written to on the next write.  Register $2004 allows reading and writing from the address in $2003.  A write to Sprite RAM via this port will also cause an post-increment of the address in $2003, but reads do not have any effect on this. 

            Register $4014 is an extremely special register that dramatically increases the speed of the memory transfers.  Essentially, when you write a value into $4014, that value is used as the upper byte of an address in the cpu memory space (cartridge or internal), and memory is copied at a rate of two cycles per byte from cpu memory (starting at the specified address) into Sprite RAM on the PPU starting at the value indicated at $2003.  This process is crucial because it allows the transfer of a full set of new sprites to the PPU while only requiring one action from the 6502 and only needing 512 cycles worth of time.  This allows the 6502 to continue with other work so long as it keeps the data bus clear (meaning it can only use internal memory for 512 cycles).  Also, $4014 will only be written to during a period where the video is disabled.  This enables the PPU to wait to complete the entire memory transfer, and to forget about synchronizing the screen.  In order to emulate this "hands off" process with Atmega644, we start by sending the first byte of data via SPI and then set a counter to 255, which is the number of bytes remaining to be transferred.  Immediately before pooling for the next instruction, the length of this variable is checked to see if it is greater than zero.  If so, the next byte is sent, but we do not wait for the completion flags because we know that by the time we finish the next instruction enough time will have passed.  Each SPI write decremented such that when it reaches zero, all of Sprite RAM will have been written.  As one would expect, the address in $2003 is incremented as each step in this process is completed (this would be done by the PPU, not the 6502).

            The 6502 is also entitled to write to Video RAM by use of the $2005, $2006, and $2007 registers.  Writing to Video RAM is also restricted only to times of blanking for the video, but does not require that the screen be disabled.  In fact, nearly all games use a version of writing to these registers during a horizontal blanking in order to produce split-screen scrolling affects (more on scrolling in the PPU section).  The true functions of each of these registers is more applicable to the PPU's workload, and will be discussed at that point.

            The remaining registers are $2000-$2002.  The first two allow the 6502 to write certain information regarding video specifics to the PPU.  The most important thing that must be noted of these two registers as far as the 6502 is concerned is the 7th bit of $2000.  Setting this bit to 1 enables the generation of Vertical Blanking Interrupts, which are known as Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMIs).  These interrupts, unlike Interrupt Requests(IRQs), are not prevented by setting the Interrupt Disable bit in the Status Register.  Therefore, the only way to stop the PPU from sending interrupt signals every time there is vertical blanking is to set this bit to zero.  This is handled in emulation immediately before we grab a new instruction.  Essentially, if this bit is set, and an external pin is reading low (the blanking signal from the ELM304) then we push the Status and PC onto the stack and jump to the address stored in memory at ($FFFB..$FFFA).  We then execute the code located in the interrupt and at the end of the interrupt, the last instruction it will execute will be the Return From Interrupt(RTI) Instruction, which will pull the PC and the status off of the stack and resume operation at the prior location (IRQs will jump to the address at ($FFFD..$FFFC), and Break Commands, which are generated by software, will jump to ($FFFF..$FFFE)).

Picture Processing Unit (PPU)

            While we were unable to create a PPU that could run in real-time with the 6502, we still managed to process a subtle video program which works in ways that are identical to those of the PPU.  First, however I will discuss the data available to the PPU and the methods it utilizes in creating video.

            In general, the PPU processes a 32 character wide, 30 character high screen, where each character is an 8x8 block of pixels.  It has a color palette that supports 64 colors (9 of which are infinitesimally different shades of black), however can only have 25 onscreen at any given time.  It supports a full background of screen and additionally supports up to 64 sprites (with a maximum of 8 per scanline).

The PPU is heavily dependent on multiple sources of incoming memory:

Each of the elements contained within memory has a very specific and pertinent purpose.

Pattern Tables -
            The Pattern Tables contain the defining bitmaps for the individual characters of video.  Each pattern table ($0000, $1000), contains memory for 256 characters, each requiring 16 bytes of memory.  The first 8 and second 8 serve a slightly different purpose.  Each bit of the first 8 bytes (total of 64 bits), corresponds to the 0 bit of the color palette selection for that pixel, and the second 8 bytes similarly define the 1 bit of the palette selection.  One table is designed for use as background tiles, the other is defined for use by the sprite tiles (This is indicated by a bit in the $2000 I/O register).  Combinations of the these bits that produce a zero offset are considered transparent

Name Tables / Attribute Tables -
            Each of the four name tables is a 960 byte area that essentially stores the 960 characters that make up the background of the screen.  This data is stored in the form of indexes that offset into the pattern tables by increments of 16.  Each name table has a corresponding attribute table.  The attribute tables contain 64 bytes, with each byte storing the bits 2 and 3 of the palette color selection for pixels.  Each individual byte is mapped to a 4x4 character selection, and each two bits of this byte are further divided to be used for 2x2 sections.  (Attribute bytes are one of the more complicated things to understand about the PPU, and therefore I direct those interested to the NES references at the end of this document.)  All of these values are filled by the 6502 during blanking moments of the frame.  The memory map states that there are 4 name tables and attribute tables, however the NES only has enough memory to store 2.  Therefore, it is quite common to have 2 of the tables map back to 2 others.  Some cartridges provide additional RAM in order to have enough memory for them.  In order to produce these mirrorings of name tables, address lines from Video RAM are routed through the cartridge and pack to the PPU such that the cartridge can internally change the state of address bit 10 and/or 11 as deemed necessary.

Image / Sprite Palette -
            The palettes define the 25 colors that will be on screen at any given time.  These values can be changed by the 6502 by writing to Video RAM through the I/O Registers.  These palettes are the values that get indexed to by the resulting values of combining the pattern tables, attribute tables, and name tables.  Also, it should be noted that the value at palette entry 0 is the background color and is so important that it is mirrored every 4 bytes such that "transparent" pixels can be used no matter what the attribute table memory has stored.

Video Scrolling -
            Video Scrolling is done by means of $2006 and $2005.  These registers take on different purposes during the frame because the NES intentionally uses them internally as the offset in the name tables.  Essentially, every time a screen is started, an initial byte value in the name tables will be specified, along with an addition bit offset, which determines exactly where the screen starts and ends.  In addition to this, as you draw pixels across the screen it is almost inevitable that you will cross one name table onto the other.  It is by the use of different name tables that the screen is scrolled, because at any given time, you will be writing the contents to a certain value of the name table memory which is considered an off screen portion, and as the video wraps around the name tables, over and over again, you will continually draw the contents of the screen to come about half a screen before it is actually displayed.

            The demo program that we have included on this page, has values hard-coded into it that define the sprite character of Mario from the original Super Mario Brothers game.  The data for the sprite was obtained by extracting data from the pattern tables using a program designed to solely read from a cartridge.  We defined the four colors which we knew Mario to be made of and simply ran pattern table after pattern table until we found the tiles that we needed.  These tiles were not too hard to find because once one was found, all of the others were quite local.  We then go ahead and calculate the image in the exact same way that an the sprite would have been processed by the NES PPU.

            The software that generated video used an external pin interrupt on the rising edge from the ELM 304.  To make sure that we entered the interrupt with consistency, we slept the CPU in main such that only the interrupt could awaken it.  Once in the interrupt, we checked if the ELM was outputting white raster, or if it was in a blanking stage.  If it was in white raster, then we went ahead and pushed pixels out onto the screen.  If it was blanking stage then we set the line counter to zero and returned.

            Drawing pixels onto the screen using the AD724 requires an AC-coupled signal.  To produce this, we would alternate our signal to DAC between the color pixel that we wanted to display and zeroes.  Doing so essentially modeled an AC signal and produced the expected output color.  The color pixels that we implemented occupied an entire byte and were composed of 3 red, 3 green, and 2 blue bits, which were all passed into a DAC.  To make the screen a total of only 16 x 16 pixels.  First we would draw the same color onto the screen for 16 consecutive pixels rather than just one and secondly, we used every 16 lines as an offset into our image, meaning that line shifted right by 5 produced the pointer to the memory we wanted to use as our 16 byte line.  Selection between images to create motion was done using a timer which incremented every time we entered the interrupt.  After about 1000 counts of the counter, we would increment to the next image, and reset the counter.

            The reason that we could not complete a full emulation of the PPU is strictly a timing issue.  Extracting data from the pattern tables is a task that simply cannot be done without additional hardware or a faster CPU.  The NES natively makes 170 memory accesses during a single scanline.  Making these accesses is not the bottleneck that prevented us from continuing, because when we run at 20MHz, we have enough time to execute just over 1200 cycles per scanline.  The real issue is just figuring out what each pixel needs to be and storing a full 256 x 240 pixels (64Kbytes) onto external memory.


            The hardware in this lab is fairly complex, but relatively straightforward.  There are three different MCUs involved, the NES Cartridge, external RAM, and a couple of video outputting chips.  We have had several different circuit configurations throughout this project.  In our final version, we have circuits for the individual parts, and one complete circuit for the entire system.  Unfortunately, we were never able to complete the full product, so the final circuit was never assembled, but the schematics for it are attached in the appendix.  Below, we will step through the various circuits, how they are assembled, and the theory behind their design.


            The CPU code needs to interface with the NES Cartridge.  We bought a 72-pin connector from to interface with the cartridge.  This way we could solder connections to the various pins.  Our original approach was to just use an original NES connector, but we found it far too bulky and we didn't want to solder onto it because we didn't want to ruin it.  We got a pinot of the cartridge ( so that we knew which pins interfaced to specific parts of the game.  For the CPU portion of our project, we chose to read from the Program Memory on the cartridge, and execute the instructions.  The hardware here is very straightforward, we just needed to connect all the signals necessary to access the Program Memory.  This would include pins 1-15 and 37-50.  We wired these up to the various ports on the MCU, so that we could manipulate them as necessary.

            For this circuit, we used a large solder board.  We soldered in the 72-pin connector, and the appropriate wires.  Then we jumped these wires over to the protoboard, and soldered them into the preferred ports.  The address takes up two ports, the data only one port, and the various other signals are on the fourth port.  It doesn't matter which port is which, just whatever is easiest to wire.  We had originally tried wiring this circuit on a breadboard, but it quickly turned into an unstable rats nest, so we had to solder it down.


PPU / Video Output

            The emulation of the PPU was probably the most difficult part of our project.  There is some good documentation on the web, but not as much as for the CPU.  The major issue that we ran into with the PPU is that it is too specialized.  This made it near impossible to emulate the PPU entirely in software.  The NES has other hardware in the system with likely off loads some of the work.  To be able to do this all in software, we would need a significantly faster clock than the AtMega644 can handle.  If we had more time, we may have been able to make more progress on the PPU, but in merely 5-6 weeks, we couldn't completely emulate it.

            So what we decided to do was show an example of decoding some sprites, and display them on the screen.  Using software, we set up the screen so that it was a 16x16 grid.  Sprites are 8x8, and most characters are made up of either 4 or 8 sprites.  We could only display characters of 4 sprites, so we chose to display small Mario, from Super Mario Brothers.  Our program shows Mario standing still, then he starts running to the right.  We have set up a push-button which will tell Mario to change directions.  There are 10 different screens involved in this animation.  There is a set of 4 sprites for each of the following screens: standing facing right, 3 for running to the right, and 1 for turning from right to left.  We take the same 5 frames from before and decode them differently to obtain the flipped versions, so that he may run in the other direction.

            The Hardware consists of a few specialized chips to help us generate a color NTSC signal.  First of all, there is the ELM 304, we use this chip to generate our SYNC pulses, and to tell us when to write the screen.  We run the ELM304 in "100% White" mode.  This way if V1 and V2 are high, we know that we are in the visible screen.  We can also use the V1 signal as our SYNC pulse to send to the AD724.

            The AD724 is a RGB to NTSC converter.  This takes in three color inputs, one for each of Red, Green, and Blue.  Through these three inputs we can make various colors.  The output is a pure NTSC color signal, which we send through a 75 Ohm resistor to the TV.  We send the color data to the AD724 directly from the Microcontroller.  This is through a DAC to bring our 5V output down to an acceptable level of 714mV peak to peak.  The input must be AC, which we accomplish by rapidly changing the input between 5V and 0V, then passing through the DAC.  We use a capacitor to remove the AC-couple the signal.  Much of this hardware is very similar to previous 476 projects, specifically we took a large amount of information from a Project from 2006, "Higher resolution TV" by Keith Jamison and Morgan Winer.


Controller Polling

            The circuit for controller polling is fairly simple.  We have two controller connectors which we purchased from parallax (  We found the controller pinot various places on the Internet, and connected wires to the 5 pins that are used.  The 5 lines are Vcc, Ground, Pulse, Latch, and Data.  We cut two sockets out of an old piece of PCB to hold the two connectors in place, so that they would be kept stable.  We used hot glue to secure all the physical connections, so that nothing could get dislodged due to transport.

            We have the controllers wired up to PINA on an AtMega644, each taking three pins. The software sends various signals to the controller to poll for its contents.  First, we send a signal on the "latch" line to the controller telling it to latch its current state.  Then we send 8 clock pulses on the "pulse" line, initially high, and when they toggle to the low state the controller pushes out a bit on the data line.  The data from the controller is combined into one byte, one bit for each button, active low.  Then we can display on the LEDs the status of the various buttons, so that the user can see a response when they interact with the controller.  To effectively use the controller with the rest of our system, we would interface via SPI.  Using SPI we can display the status LEDs on an STK500, while running our controller code on a protoboard.




            For the most part, all of our circuits lived up to their expectations.  Everything executes with a good speed.  The only circuit that we've had performance issues with is the video output circuit.  The Video executes quickly enough, but it has some visual artifacts.  We could generate a fast screen that had no artifacts if we did an 8x8 grid.  When we extended it to a 16x16 grid, we had to only worry about speed, so the visual quality went down a bit.  We have visible lines vertically on the screen, between pixels.

            There were no safety issues to worry about with our design.  Nothing about our project is easily harmful to anyone.  Our design also doesn't interfere with any other systems.  There is nothing about our project that should have usability issues.  The controller is fairly standard, and the only other user input is a push button for the video code.


Design Analysis
            The major failure of our project was that we were unable to create an entire NES, which was our initial goal.  All along we knew that this was a lofty goal, and that many people have tried it in the past and failed.  For some reason we still held on to the hopes that we could do it.  Early on, it truly looked like we would be able to pull it off, the CPU code came together well, and we successfully read the cartridge on the first try.  Unfortunately this luck didn't last long enough.  We tried emulating the PPU in a couple of different ways, and after each change we thought the new design would work, but it never did.  Emulating the PPU was just too difficult.  If anyone reads this hoping to make a NES, I strongly suggest that you focus on the PPU alone, and use our code as a reference for everything else.  I hope that sometime someone can complete the entire system for a final project.

NTSC Standard

            Our design needed to output NTSC video signal to a Color TV.  We achieved this by using the AD724 RGB to NTSC converter.  We also had an ELM304 for our sync pulse generation.  These two working together, created our NTSC signal.  This way we knew that we would conform to the standard.


Intellectual Property
            We used reference code and discussion from previous projects: Higher Resolution Color TV by Keith Jamison and Morgan Winer, and Apple II Emulator by Brian Rudo and Tyler Orchowski.  No code from the public domain was used, and therefore no Open Source license agreements exist.  Since our project was a recreation of the system created by Nintendo, we needed to be sure that we did not break any copyrights.  In order to minimize the chances, we decided that using the cartridges would be a sufficient way to ensure that no copyrights were broken, because we would not be running ROM files, which would be pirated software. We did not need to sign any Non-Disclosure agreements for the samples we were given.  There are no patent or publishing opportunities.

Ethical Concerns
            For this project, we kept the ethical considerations close at mind while working.  Our project, contained minimal presence of danger to any user at any time.  The most dangerous piece of our project was the power supply, which was quite well contained and it would be almost impossible for it to harm anyone.  After being in lab and working on our own project for so long, it is quite natural for us to find interest in other groups projects.  There were many times where I would go ask others what they were doing and what problems they had been running into, and if I had any clue on the topic that they were having issues with, we would try and give them as much advice as possible.  All of the projects are extremely interesting and often from discussing ideas for algorithms and implementations with others, we gained invaluable insight into our own efforts.  In our time in lab, we never made any decisions that would put the groups around us at risk in lab.

That being said, I don't think we would really do anything differently.  It was fun to try and make a NES, and while we were unable to complete our goal, it was fun to attempt it.

Commented Code:

ColorVid.c (20 MHz crystal)






Part #





72-pin connector


Electronic Surplus

72-pin Edge Card Connector 0.1”



Analog Devices






UART Cable




2 Breadboards

1 Free, 1 $6



Large Solder Board




3 Crystals




Resistors, Caps, etc.

Free in lab



Lots of Wire








Color TV

Free (previously owned)



NES Controller

Free (previously owned)



Power Supply




1 MCU Socket




5 Machine Pins




2 Controller Sockets



NES Controller Socket

SOIC pad




2 AtMega644’s

Free Sample












6502 Code – Brian
Cartridge Hardware – Tom
Controller Polling/SPI Code – Brian
Controller Hardware – Tom
Video Output Code – Tom & Brian
Video Output Hardware – Tom & Brian

Higher Resolution Color TV by Keith Jamison and Morgan Winer
Apple II Emulator by Brian Rudo and Tyler Orchowski
6502 Instructions
6502 Instruction Set
NES Specifications
Nintendo Entertainment System Documentation

Data Sheets
ELM304 - NTSC Signal Generator
AD724 - RGB to NTSC Video Converter
DS1245AB - Non-volatile RAM (Chip not used in final design)