Theremin Hero


Dave Liang (dl346)

Sam Johnson (swj4)

Date Completed:

Friday April 30th, 2010



1.      Introduction

2.      High level design

3.      Project design

4.      Results

5.      Conclusions

6.      Appendix

7.      References





The Theremin Hero game unit emulates the experience of Rock BandTM and Guitar HeroTM by enabling users to play a selection of famous songs via a hands free photoelectric Theremin.


The purpose of Theremin Hero is to match the pitch and volume of a photoelectric Theremin to song notes displayed on a television screen, earning points for timing and accuracy.   The user uses both hands to play the Theremin, controlling the volume with one hand and the pitch with the other hand through two photoelectric emitter/detectors.  The range of the Theremin is from C (~262HZ) to D# (~622Hz), which is played through the speakers via direct digital synthesis (DDS) of the converted sensor signals.  The game display features a side scrolling interface similar to the Rock BandTM and Guitar HeroTM interfaces, allowing the user to anticipate upcoming song notes and react accordingly.  The screen continually updates the current volume and pitch positioning of the user so that he or she may adjust their notes to align with upcoming song notes. Theremin Hero offers four different game modes, consisting of a practice mode and three preprogrammed songs of increasing difficulty.  All menu navigation is accomplished with the photoelectric sensors - allowing for completely hands free operation.  During game play the user’s score at the end of each round is retained if a new record has been established, and the high score is displayed at the main menu. 

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High level design:



The inspiration for developing Theremin Hero arose from one team member’s bad habit of being easily distracted by YouTube® videos instead of focusing on ECE4760 lab report write-ups.  Upon repeatedly watching both a Gnarls Barkley Theremin cover video and a cat ‘playing’ a Theremin video, it was decided that two enterprising young engineers could certainly construct a digital Theremin that would utilize the control of a mega644 microcontroller.  Rather than attempt to create a true Theremin with variable capacitors and two heterodyne oscillators, however, it was decided that recreating the experience of playing the hands free Theremin by integrating two photoelectric sensors would sufficiently simulate the Theremin experience.  The project was then expanded in scope beyond just a pitch and volume controlled Theremin - given the ease of implementing a digital Theremin that could play a range of DDS produced tones.  The video game was a natural expansion; the user would have visual feedback of his or her hand positioning, could play along to a few well-recognized songs, and would feel the thrill of competition as they strove for a new high score.


Background Math:

The photoelectric sensors utilized in the Theremin Hero game are nonlinear in their relationship between measured distance (4-30cm) and voltage (0-3V).  In order to make game play more intuitive, the sensor signals are linearized after being processed by the analog to digital converter (ADC).  The main functionality and reasoning behind the linearization process is explained in Project Design section, but the math behind the linearization function will be included below.


The sensors are ranged from 4-30cm.  Based on the non-linear voltage-distance curve illustrated in figure 1 below, a table was created that relates distances to voltages output to the ADC.  The options for the ADC reference bit AREF that were applicable to this range of values were either 2.5V or 5V.  Given that the sensors output from 0-3V and no cutoff from the sensors was desired, 5V was selected as AREF.  The values of the voltage output related to distance were normalized by 5V.   These values were subsequently normalized by 1024, based on the ADC equation ADC=Vin*1024/VREF.  The value from the ADC is a 10 bit value, but only the top 8 bits are retained in the register ADCH, since ADLAR is set to 1.  The values are divided by 2^2 to account for shifting by this value.  The normalized values are then rounded, and recalculated as their inverses (1/rounded value).  A plot of these values versus the range 4-30cm is included in figure 2 below.  In this manner the sensor measurements were linearized.  These values were scaled in an appropriate manner for volume and frequency control of generated sinusoids, as described in the program design section.

output characteristics.JPG

Figure 1. Distance vs. Voltage IR Sensor


Figure 2. Linearized Sensor Output

The ISR also controls the DDS, which generates a sinusoid based on values input from the user.  The DDS has a 32 bit adder called accumulator, in which the top 8 bits are used as an index to poll values from the sine sinetable in PROGMEM.  During every iteration of the ISR, an increment is added to the accumulator.  The value of the increment is determined during runtask(), and is the selected burst frequency multiplied by 272187.  Increment = (freq_out*2^32)/15780.  The index (top eight bits) will then generate a sinusoid via the sine table as the increment changes the value of the accumulator. 


Logical Structure:

The Theremin Hero game consists of 4 main components: the photoelectric sensors, the audio output, the video output/game generation, and the song encoding.  Each component is discussed in more detail immediately below, and illustrated in figure 3 below.


high level(2).JPG

Figure 3. High Level Structure


One photoelectric sensor is a dedicated ‘pitch’ controller, while the other is a dedicated ‘volume’ controller, each operated by adjusting the distance between the sensor and the hand of the user.  The sensors have a range of 4-30cm and typically produce an analog voltage of 0.0V-3V that is proportional to this range.  This analog signal is passed along to the MCU, where the ADC converts these analog signals into discrete values.  See the software tradeoffs section for a discussion of loss of precision in the ADC conversion stage.  The analog signal from the sensors is non-linear in nature; the values closest to the sensors are most sensitive to change.  It was desired that movement of the hands along the sensors' paths would produce a linear response so that frequency intervals and volume levels both had uniform step sizes. The digital values output from the ADC are processed with a linearization function in order to accomplish uniform step sizes.  See the software tradeoffs section for a discussion of the loss of precision associated with the linearization function.



The audio component uses the discrete pitch and volume values converted from the photoelectric sensors to output a monophonic tone of variable frequency and amplitude.  This tone is generated using direct digital synthesis (DDS), and a simple RC filter is used to low pass filter the generated signal.  The low pass filter circuit is discussed in more detail in the hardware details section below.  The Theremin has the ability to output a continuous range of frequencies between C (262HZ) and D# (622Hz), which are scaled to be linearly proportional to the user's range between 4 and 30cm from the sensors respectively.  The DDS function can only create a sinusoidal function with amplitude of 1 or less, so the max volume is set to an amplitude of 1 and subsequent decreasing volumes scale down to 0, scaled in a linearly proportional manner to the user's range between 30 and 4 cm, respectively.  A detailed discussion of this DDS implementation can be found in the software details section.


Video Output:

The third component of Theremin Hero is the video output and game generation.  The video output circuit is implemented exactly as in the lab 3 instructions, using a DAC to drive the video and sync inputs to the CRT.  This circuit is discussed in more detail in the hardware details section below.   The video game itself is generated in multiple incremental states to avoid timing issues associated with printing to the CRT.  The time taken to paint images on the screen is very time intensive and processing time and space is already taken for the ADC and DDS components.  Accordingly, extra effort was taken to find creative ways to print images only once and avoid having to erase those images as the game progressed.  These solutions are discussed in the software details section.  Ultimately, there are 8 states in the video game, providing fluid operation for a game that consists of a main menu, training mode, and three programmed songs.  The user selects options on the main menu by moving the ‘pitch’ hand to choose amongst options, and lowering the ‘volume’ hand to select the highlighted option.  In order to go back to the previous menu, the user must lower both hands so that the sensor values are minimized for a length of two seconds.  In game mode, users move their hands towards and away from the pitch and volume sensors and see immediate adjustment of the dots representing their range on the sliding bars.  This feedback is necessary so that the player can match the current pitch and volume governed by their own movement to the preprogrammed songs that are scrolling from across the screen.  See the images in the program design section for various menus and game modes. 


The final component of the Theremin Hero game is the preprogrammed song protocol.  The selected songs are ‘Ode to Joy’, the Titanic Theme, and ‘Greensleeves’, in increasing order of difficulty.  Sheet music was taken for each song and transcribed into binary; two bytes for each note, one byte representing the pitch of the note and one byte representing the volume.    There are sixteen discrete notes and sixteen discrete volume levels that can be printed to the screen, with encoding for note duration, pauses, crescendo and decrescendo, which the user must match with their Theremin playing abilities.  These bytes are stored in PROGMEM and read incrementally during the game mode.  A discussion of the encoded song protocol and the process for reading in this information during game play is discussed in the software detail section below.


Hardware/software Tradeoffs:

There were numerous tradeoffs during the development of Theremin Hero.  In general, preferred alternatives for every option were selected based on impact on budget, impact on limited time budget, and the effect on quality of experience that the end user would experience. 


The first choice was in the strength of the sensors versus the cost associated with improving the quality of infrared sensor.  For Theremin Hero, a 10-80cm sensor would allow for a generous range of DDS generated frequencies, but it was quickly realized that working with a 5” black and white CRT was a limiting factor to the broad range of the sensors.  Ultimately, the 4-30cm sensors were a sensible compromise between sensing range to be delivered to the ADC, and affordability.  The two sensors represented approximately 33% of the total allocated budget, and were a significant investment.  Fortunately, this was the most costly component of the hardware required to implement Theremin Hero.


The second tradeoff was choosing between linearizing the sensor or leaving the sensor output as a nonlinear function with respect to distance.  For the user, a more intuitive experience would call for a linear relationship between notes (although note that as higher notes are reached the distance between notes increases).  Linearizing the sensor output, however, meant artificially weighting the less sensitive component that existed at the very far edge of the sensor’s range.  Ultimately, it was determined that making the user’s experience of playing notes as similar to conventional instruments as possible was important.  Linearizing the sensor output is discussed in the program design section.


Another decision regarding the sensor output centered on selecting the reference voltage for the analog to digital converter (ADC).  Based on the values of REFS0 and REFS1, the AREF comparison voltage can be 5V, 2.5V, or 1.1V.  Given that the sensor voltage ranges from 0 to 3V, by using AREF at 5V the ADC output is limited to values ranging from 0 to 160, as opposed to values from 0 to 256 if the sensors ranged from 0 to 5V.  Although this reduced the working range of the ADC, the alternative was to set AREF to 2.5V.  This setting would exclude the values from about 5cm and closer to the sensor from being processed by the ADC.  The slight loss of precision associated with setting AREF to 5V was deemed appropriate given the overall resolution of the system.  See the calculated voltage and pitch tables in the program design section for an elaboration on how the 160 value range was utilized to produce the audio and visual output of Theremin Hero.


The final major tradeoff was the economic/time tradeoff decision that lay between utilizing the pre-existing STK500 as the MCU control board at significant cost versus soldering a custom PC board and risking crucial troubleshoot time associated with bringing the board into operation.  Due to the initial project proposal that called for two MCUs, the project costs closely approached the $75 limit.  In order to alleviate the proximity to this ceiling and provide more room for unseen contingencies, a custom PC board was constructed.  Two major issues befell the construction of the PC board, costing a significant amount of time in troubleshooting at the benefit of saving numerous dollars in STK500 and jumper cable rental.  See the hardware design section for an elaboration of the PC board issues.


Relationship to Standards:

One of the relevant standards related to this project is the NTSC standard for video signals in the US.  Theremin Hero implemented the same scheme for printing to a CRT as what was used in Lab 3 of ECE4760.  This scheme is different from the NTSC standard in that the NTSC standard uses interlacing and in this project interlacing was not used. However, in line with NTSC standards the video display is painted at the rate of 60 Hz.


Existing Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks:

At this time there is no commercial version of Theremin Hero, and accordingly there are no intellectual property issues to consider.  There are open source development projects for both traditional and digital Theremins, encouraging hobbyists to contribute new ideas to the world of hands-free instrumentation.

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Project Design:


Software Design:



The software design for Theremin Hero utilizes a single MCU to execute the following high level tasks: process analog signals from two sources through a single ADC, generate monophonic audio over a XX Hz range, generate a visual display on a CRT, and drive a game play state machine featuring an options menu and multiple stages.  Different components of the software include standard libraries, pre-supplied code, calculation tables, an Interrupt Service Routine, the main() routine, and main() subroutines. Each of these components is described in detail below.


Standard Libraries:

The following header files were included in the software for the following reasons:

#include <avr/io.h> - standard I/O definitions for the AVR board.

#include <avr/interrupt.h> - compiler specific interrupt code.

#include <avr/pgmspace.h> - support for accessing data in flash memory.

#include <stdio.h> - standard input/output operations used for displaying relevant info.

#include <stdlib.h> - general purpose standard library

#include <util/sleep.h> – support for the sleep function – wait reliably for specified interval

#include <avr/sleep.h> – support for the sleep function – wait reliably for specified interval

#include <inttypes.h> -printf and scanf support

#include <util/delay.h>- support for delay loops

#include <math.h> -support for sinusoidal calculations

#include <string.h> - support for string handling


Pre-supplied Code:

Components of the code used for both video and audio generation were adapted directly from labs 3 and 2, respectively.  The following sections detail code that was not changed from supplied programs. 



An important aspect of printing information to the television consists of predefining characters, numbers, and small images.  As part of the initialization for this program, all letters and numbers are predefined as two dimensional maps of high and low bits.  The routine byteblast() is included to write 18 bytes to the screen, using the macro asm().  All are unchanged from the supplied video_codeGCC644.c code.


In addition to predefined chars and numbers, Theremin Hero uses the following routines from the video_codeGCC644.c code: video_pt(), video_line(), video_putchar(), video_puts(), video_smallchar(), video_putsmalls(), video_set().  The purpose of these ancillary routines is to print various points, lines, characters, and strings of characters to the CRT.  These routines have not been altered in any way, but their importance to time-relevant printing makes their recognition worthwhile.


The timer 1 ISR from lab 3 has been modified, but was used as a design guide. See the ISR section below for further detail.


Static messages that are printed once, and left on the screen for a specified duration, are predefined and stored in progmem.  Examples of these predefined messages include the title “Theremin Hero” and “Titanic Theme”, which remain painted on the screen for entire duration of some states in the game.  To access these strings from memory, the function call pgm_read_byte, which was unchanged from the source code, was used to read each byte of the string.



Direct Digital Synthesis in Theremin Hero utilizes an identical algorithm to the process in lab 2, but is implemented in a slightly different manner.  As in lab 2, a sine table was calculated in advance for use in generating a sinusoid (see calculation tables section immediately below).  The accumulator and increment are the same from lab 2, and the manner by which sine values are taken from the table and used as part of the new value for OCR0A during the Interrupt Service Routine is the same as in lab 2.  The difference in this PWM code is that the value increment, which adjusts the frequency for the generated sinusoid, varies with the the values for pitch that are brought in from the ADC.  Similarly, the value vol_lvl that controls the amplitude of the generated sinusoid varies with the values for volume that arrive from the ADC.  Lastly, there is a toggle bit called 'sound' that allows for the generated tone to be turned off during select times, such as in the game menu.   


Altogether, although the high level practices for programming video and audio output were taken from labs 3 and 2, the actual implementation of these features for Theremin Hero required significant adjustment.


Calculation Tables:

In addition to the large tables of predefined characters that are used for video output, multiple tables of pre-calculated values were necessary to speed up time sensitive routines.


 A sine table calculated in Matlab and copied over was necessary for sinusoid generation in the ISR.  The values in the table are simply 256 samples of a sine wave generated in matlab that has amplitude 127.  The amplitude 127 represents the maximum amplitude that can be reached (and accordingly this is the max value in the pre-calculated linearized volume table, described below).  These values are used to recalculate 'increment' during the generation of a sinusoid.


In addition to the sine table, two arrays of length 161 were calculated to be used in linearizing the outputs of the photoelectric sensors processed by the ADC.  The arrays are indexed from 0 to 160.  This length was determined based on the fact that the sensor output ranges from 0 to 3V, while the AREF of the ADC is 5V.  The output of the ADC is 10 bits long, but only the top 8 bits in register ADCH are retained.  Accordingly, the maximum value of the ADC is Vin*1024/(Vref*2^2)=161.  The output of the ADC, which remains nonlinear in behavior, is fitted with a linearization function (as shown in the background math section) and these values are set in the precalculated pitch and volume tables.  During the game, the output of the ADC, which is between 0 and 160, is used as the index for accessing the scaled linear value that will be used in generating sinusoids and printing level indicators on the screen.


Interrupt Service Routine:

Both the audio tones and video display are managed within the timer 1 Interrupt Service Routine.  ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) catches the overflow of timer1.  The ISR is entered on the trigger of timer1, which occurs every 1018 ticks of the clock (at full speed). By triggering the ISR at this time, the entire video screen is updated 60 times per second. The main() routine ensures that sleep() has been enabled before the ISR is entered, thus ensuring that the sync pulses generated by the ISR are coordinated in time.  The process for managing the sync pulses via the variable linecount remain unchanged from lab 3. 


The Analog to Digital Converter is controlled in the ISR.  Every 1/60 seconds the variable linecount, which manages the sync pulses, reaches a value of 1 before being reset.  When linecount=1 the ADC will perform a conversion for either the pitch or volume sensor.  The variable ADChoice is toggled to ensure that each sensor is sampled in an alternating fashion, 30 times per second each.  The ADC converts the sensor voltage of between 0-3V to a value between 0-160, governed by the equation in the background math and tradeoff sections.  The ADC value is linearized, as discussed in the calculation table above, before being used to update the DDS generated sinusoid within the main section of the ISR. 


The DDS takes place in the main body of the ISR, meaning that OCR0A is updated 15780 times per second (60Hz*263lines/frame).  The DDS, as discussed in the pre-supplied code section, uses the linearized values taken from the ADC to calculate an increment value for frequency and a vol_lvl for amplitude.  The accumulator is incremented by the adjustable 'increment' value, allowing the speakers to play frequencies varying between 262 and 622 Hz.  The value assigned to OCR0A is multiplied by 'vol_lvl', which is scaled by the calculation table to allow the speakers to play sinusoids with an amplitude of between 0 and 1. 





The beginning of the main routine includes standard initialization of registers that are unchanged from the video display settings of lab 3.  The timer 1 control bits are set so that frames have a duration of 1/60th of a second.  The PWM variables are also initialized just as in lab 2, with port B3 set as the output port.  As a default, increment is initialized as 272178*440, representing a starting frequency of 440Hz.  As 272178= 2^32/15780, where 15780 is the number of times the ISR is triggered per second, 272178 represents the scaling factor used to generate the 440Hz tone in the ISR.  The vol_lvl variable is by default set to max at 127, which is scaled to 1 in the ISR - as discussed above.  Also included in the initialization portion of main() are initialized values for the ADC, static print content for the video display, and cleared variables for the game state machine.  Local variables required for the state machine include: state-keeps track of the current state, temp-used as a general dummy variable throughout each state, timer-used to delay the transition between states for both aesthetic and display management purposes, toggler-allows for alternation between printing pitch, volume, and scoring status for timing purposes , note_timer-holds the duration of a given note based on the note's encoding in progmem, and draw_timer-controls the frequency with which scrolling notes are displayed.  The coordination of these variables is discussed in the while(1) loop below.


while(1) loop-   

Within the repeating loop, the first command is 'sleep_cpu()'.  This call ensures that when the program enters the ISR the timing of the sync pulses for the video output will be accurate.  60 times per second, or when linecount=231, main() enters an extensive switch statement that serves as the main state machine.  There are 8 states in this switch statement: MENU, SELECT, DRAWMODULE, SONG1, SONG2, SONG3, THERMODE, and CLRSCREEN.  A summary of the state machine is illustrated in figure 11 below at the end of this section.  The initialized variable 'state' is set to MENU, in which the menu is printed using video_putchar().  The four options available are 'Ode to Joy', 'Titanic Theme', 'Greensleeves’, and 'Theremin Mode'.   See figure 4 below for an image of the menu state.


Figure 4. Menu State

  The state is then set to SELECT, which allows the user to select one of the four game modes by adjusting the pitch hand to select an option, and lowering the volume hand to select that option.  'temp' is used to determine which option the user is selecting based on the height of the pitch hand.  'temp' is set in proportion to 'increment', meaning that if the user holds the hand above a certain threshold they are selecting some option on the screen, and the cursor next to the selected option is adjusted accordingly.  Given a certain selection with the pitch hand, 'temp' is then assigned to the vol_lvl which is proportional to the volume hand's height.  If the hand has been lowered below 20 on a scale of 0-127 for the volume sensor, the user has selected that option.  Upon selection, the three other menu options are erased using video_putchar() of a blank space and the variable timer is set to 60.  Setting timer to 60, while the while(1) loop breaks out of sleep 60 times per second, means that the selected option is displayed for one second before the game begins painting the selected new state.  The state then progresses to DRAWMODULE. The drawmodule state consists of painting the components of the video display that are common to all four options: the pitch and volume indicators, the boxes framing those indicators, and the words 'FREQ' and 'VOL' written vertically next to their respective boxes.  Based on the selected option from SELECT, the state progresses to either SONG1, SONG2, SONG3, or THERMODE.  Not that although the name of these states are printed to the screen during a respective state, this had to be deferred to the subsequent state due to timing issues.  THERMODE is simply a practice mode in which the pitch and volume indicators are functional, sound is enabled, and the user may practice using the Theremin.  While growing accustomed to the digital Theremin, Theremin prints the note that the user is currently playing, giving the user a better idea of the range of the game.  Thermode is shown in figure 5 below.


Figure 5. Theremin Mode, playing High C

  In order to leave Theremin Mode and return to the main menu, the user must lower both hands to the lowest possible levels for one second.  States SONG1, SONG2, and SONG3 vary only in the type of song being displayed, so a generic SONG state will be described in detail.  In each SONG state the song title is printed only once in the center of the screen, the sound is enabled and local variables are reset to 0.  Of particular note is a new array called transitions[i], which holds information for four song notes to be displayed on the screen at one time.  Once this initial state occurs, there is a second clause that governs the song notes to be displayed for a given song.  Each of the three songs has the song stored in two arrays that separately hold the song's pitch and volume information.  Each note has one 8 bit byte encoding pitch and one byte encoding volume; figure 6 below illustrates the scheme.


Figure 6. Song Encoding

 The arrays are accessed by index number, with the first note being i=0.  For a given note, the two 8 bit bytes are read in from progmem and held in 'temp'.  The frequency bits are shifted by 8 bits to accommodate both bytes.  A switch statement reads the pitch byte for information about the song note, determining the duration of the note (whether whole, half, quarter, or eighth) and sets the duration of note_timer accordingly. The transitions[i] array is then shifted forward so in to transitions[0].  The index of the song tables is then incremented.  Following this processing, the SONG state then updates either the user's pitch position, the user's volume using the subroutines printfreq() and printvol() respectively, depending on the variable toggle.  The variable ‘toggle’ also controls when the current score is printed to the screen; printfreq(), printvol() and printing the score alternate in such a way that each are printed to the screen 20 times per second, as shown in figure 7 below.  This functionality of this state machine is explained in detail in the scoring section below.

scoring state machine.JPG

Figure 7. Scoring/Vol/Pitch Print State Machine



  Each of the three game play modes are shown in figures 8, 9, and 10 below.


Figure 8. Level 1 - Ode to Joy                                                                       Figure 9. Level 2 - Titanic Theme                                                              Figure 10. Level 3 - Greensleeves

  The variable  draw_timer is also incremented only when updating the user's indicators, causing the subroutine drawsong() to be called only 15 times per second.  Note_timer, the variable that stores the duration of the given note in transitions[0], is then decremented and a new note is not read in until note_timer decrements to 0.  This process repeats until the end of the song table index is reached.  The sound is then disabled, and the pitch and volume indicators are erased.  Lastly, SONG increments timer up to 60, at which point (one second later) timer is cleared and the state is progressed to CLRSCREEN.  The purpose of CLRSCREEN is simply to clear the screen - albeit in incremental stages that prevent timing issues that crash the game.  The information printed by DRAWMODULE is first erased, and one second later the song title is erased.  The state is reset to MENU, and the game starts anew. In summary, the main() repeating loop controls the state machine that drives game play.



Figure 11. State Machine Overview


The scoring system is implemented in the printfreq() and printvol() functions and in main within the state machine. While the song is being printed to the screen during states SONG1, SONG2, or SONG3, the functions printfreq and printvol will check to see if there is a line next to the square indicator drawn on the screen. This is done by using the provided function videoset(). This function returns a character value stating whether or not the selected pixel is being used (painted on). If there is a line, indicated by a white pixel, next to the pitch or volume indicator, then the correct frequency or volume is being played, respectively. In that case, one point will be added to the score. However, if both volume and frequency are being played correctly, a bonus will be added, and 4 points will be added to score.

A mini state machine controls this process within the states SONG1, SONG2, and SONG2 show below in figure 7 above. First, printfreq() is called. If the user input leads to the frequency indicator to be located at the correct location, then one will be added to point. On the next time through, printvol is called, and depending on whether or not the volume indicator is in the correct location, one could be added to point. On the next iteration of the main state machine, the points are added to score. First, it checks to see if ‘points’ is 2, if this is the case, then both volume and frequency are correct, so four is added to the score. Also at this time, the score is printed to the screen. If the score of the user exceeds the high score for the song, then the high score for the song is updated and also printed to the screen. Thus, if a high score is achieved, the high score updates automatically.



There are three subroutines utilized during the SONG states of main() to print relevant game play information to the screen:  printfreq(), printvol(), and drawsong().  printfreq() and printvol() are related to updating the indicator on the screen for pitch and volume, respectively.  These routines are simply extensive if-else clauses that determine which of sixteen discrete levels the pitch or volume (which is a near continuous value) lies within.  This range then sets the dummy variable i, which is used to first erase the existing indicator square and then repaint the indicator in its new level.


drawsong() is the function used to draw the notes and volume for the songs stored in progmem.  It is called in the SONG1, SONG2, and SONG3 states of the main state machine. The function knows where to print notes based on the array transitions[i]. In the state machine, when a new note is to be printed, it is added to the beginning of the array (index 0) by shifting all array elements up one index. In transitions[i] 3 pieces of information are stored: the note’s frequency (note), the note’s volume level, and the note’s boundary value (where on the screen the front of the line representing the note’s beginning exists). In the function drawsong(), a for-loop is used to go through all the values in the array. frequency and then volume are printed. For frequency, the past note’s frequency must be “deleted” so that the current note can be printed in that horizontal slot on the screen. Then, the frequency for the current note is printed as a line. More than just the exiting note is deleted, such that there is an extra gap to distinguish between notes. Each call of drawsong() advances the note by 5 pixels on the screen. To make sure that no notes go past the frequency indicator on the screen, the function only draws notes that have their beginning point greater than the horizontal position of 21 (the right most boundary of the indicator). Volume is treated differently since at the end of each note, the volume must be dropped down to the lowest level so that it can be distinguished as a separate note from the previous note. Instead of just deleting old lines and replacing it with the new value, more of the old line is deleted, and replaced with  a low level volume line.


‘note_timer’ is used to ensure that the timing for each note is executed properly.  This timer is set according to the length of the note from encoding scheme in PROGMEM. In each execution of the state machine, note_timer is decremented once. New notes are only added to the transitions[i] array once the note_timer has hit zero. Thus, the timing for the new notes works as it is supposed to. The value note_timer is set to when a new note is added is determined by a switch statement: Whole notes being twice as long as a half note, which are twice as long as a quarter note, etc.

To make sure that the notes move across the screen at a reasonable rate, another timer (draw_timer) is used. This timer controls how often the drawsong() function is called. It is incremented every execution of the state machine. In testing, it was determined that drawing the new lines for the song every 5 ticks of the state machine clock (12 times per second) produced an acceptable rate for the lines on the screen.



Hardware Design:


The hardware setup design for Theremin Hero was fairly simplistic, although complications arose during the implementation of the design.  There were four main components to the hardware: the sensors, the video output, the audio output, and the custom protoboard for the MCU.  The sensors are Sharp GP2D120 IR rangers, with a simple signal, Vcc, gnd contact scheme.  The contact configuration for the sensors is shown in figure 12 below.  The pitch sensor output is connected directly to port A0 on the protoboard, while the volume sensor is connected to port A1.  The sensors require 5V supply power, supplied by the protoboard.  The sensors' respective grounds are also made common to a common ground with all other hardware components.  An interesting design problem arose when it was realized that the sensors draw more current than is permitted by the voltage regulator of the protoboard.  This issue is discussed in more detail in the hardware description of the protoboard below. 



Figure 12. GP2D120 PINOUT


The video output circuit is identical to the circuit used in the lab 3 design.  This circuit is reused because the desired functionality of the CRT is identical to its usage in lab 3. The schematic is included in figure 13 below.  The circuit consists of one 330Ω resistor, one 1kΩ resistor, and one 75Ω resistor.  The port pin D5, which drives the video output, is connected to the 330Ω resistor, while the sync output on port D6 is connected to the 1kΩ resistor.  These two resistors are both made common with the 75Ω resistor, which goes to ground.  The video output is taken from the common point between the three resistors.


Figure 13. ECE4760 Video Output


The audio output circuit is a simple low pass filter used to clean up the synthesized tone before being amplified by the speakers.  The low pass filter is illustrated in figure 14 below, and is reproduced exactly as in lab 2.  The lpf consists of one 10kΩ resistor and one 10nF capacitor. The prefiltered signal from port B3 is fed into the resistor, which is connected to the capacitor.  The capacitor goes to ground, and the common point of the resistor and capacitor is the audio output to the speakers.   


Figure 14. Low Pass Filter Audio Output


The most complex and time intensive component of the hardware setup was the protoboard.  Soldering of components onto the board was completed as per Professor Land's instructions, and the board appeared to function correctly for test programs. Figures 15 and 16 below show the schematic of the board and an image of the completed board in the circuit.  The protoboard, however, did not function correctly in the Theremin Hero circuit.  The first issue with the protoboard was that the supplied voltage regulator, the LM340LAZ-5.0, was rated for the desired 5V but limited the supply current to 100mA.  After reviewing the sensor data sheets, it was realized that the sensors draw anywhere from 33 to 50mA each.  With the Mega644 drawing approximately 35mA, it was determined that a larger voltage regulator was necessary.  The LM340T5, with 5V regulation and 1A limit current, was soldered on to the circuit.  The video and audio quality improved noticeably, but the sensors continued to be unresponsive.  Further troubleshooting revealed that the ADC pin AREF was set to 0 volts on the protoboard.  When testing with the STK500 board, the ADC settings for REFS1 and REFS0 were such that an external Vcc reference was being used.  Without the Vcc reference, the ADC on the custom protoboard was non-functional.  By changing REFS1 and REFS0 to a setting that used Vcc internally, the ADC immediately became functional. 


Figure 15. Supplied PC board schematic


Figure 16. Soldered PC Board


Reused Circuitry/Code:


Circuitry and Code reuse is discussed in the software and hardware design sections above.


Failed Attempts:


The Theremin Hero game is almost identical to the tentative design in the project proposal, but for a few minute changes.  During the design phase it was realized that the two MCUs called for in the design would not be necessary if the software was designed to carefully consider timing issues.  Using only a single MCU, there were immediate problems with the timing associated with reading the sensors, creating an audio signal, and drawing to the screen concurrently. The first failed consideration was concerning the frequency of reading in two analog signals, the pitch sensor and volume sensor, in to a single ADC at every complete cycle of the video ISR (60Hz).  This caused the screen drawing to freeze, so the design was changed in the ISR so that the ADC alternates between sensors, and samples 20 times per second.


Another problem arose in the linearity of the sensors.  During Theremin Hero design it was not realized that the sensors are nonlinear with respect to the users’ hands from the sensor.  Although the sensors would still function correctly, intuitively a 1cm movement at either the near end or far end of the sensors range should translate to an equal change in pitch or volume. Wanting the game to be as intuitive as possible, a linearization function was fitted to the signals from the sensors.  This function, described in the software design section, caused a timing issue due to the time to compute the linearized values.  Precalculated tables were generated in Matlab that, like the sine tables for PWM, were used to quickly linearize the ADC values.  The tables resolved the timing issues.


The final timing issue arose during the implementation of the game on the video display.  The initial design called for a minimal number of states, such as menu, game one, game two, etc., that would progress intuitively.  Due to the small amount of time and finite memory allotted for printing to the screen, numerous intermediate states were introduced that would either draw or erase in incremental steps in order to avoid timing overflow.  This had the effect of complicating the game's state machine, but allowed for more relevant information to be printed to the screen.


Lastly, the most time consuming hurdles arose during the construction and implementation of the custom protoboard for the mega644.  The voltage regulator or (How I learned to stop worrying and love the mega644) was undersized for our design and had to be replaced with a larger model.  The larger model LM340T5 was rated for 1A at 5V output, as opposed to the 100mA rating for the LM340-5.0.  Additionally, the AREF control bits were configured in a manner that allowed for correct operation on the STK500 but not on the protoboard.  These difficulties are discussed in the hardware design section above.  

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Speed of Execution:

Managing timing constraints was the most important issue faced in the development of Theremin Hero.  Creating seamless game play with gapless audio and clean visuals came at the cost of extra complexity in the game's state machine.  Occasionally, transitioning between states, and having to clean the screen and move to a new screen, required intermediate steps that could perform the transition in stages.  These incremental states between enduring states are certainly noticeable, making the transition time non-negligible, but do not interfere with overall game play.  Otherwise, the game suffers from minimal audio noise, no flicker or artifacts on the CRT, and no lag between the user's movements above the sensors and the corresponding movement on the screen.  To the user, the game reacts instantaneously to any movement by the user, and transitioning between game modes and the main menu is hands free, flicker free, and intuitive. 



The entire purpose of Theremin Hero is to match notes displayed on the scrolling screen to played notes on the Theremin; accuracy is the main purpose of this game.  From a music generation standpoint, the song notes that are programmed into the game are precisely the sixteen notes between C at 262Hz and D# at 622Hz.  The user must align their pitch and volume sliders as accurately as possible to the song notes.  The pitch and volume indicators move up and down sixteen discrete levels, so it is possible that the user can show the pitch indicator as matching a given song note without the played note being exactly the same.  For example, the user may have 445Hz playing from the Theremin and thinking this is A at 440 Hz because the indicator sits at a level for a small range of frequencies.  This problem cannot be remedied unless the Theremin itself plays only 16 discrete notes instead of a continuous spectrum.  Although this option was considered during the design phase, it was decided that staying true to the original Theremin by keeping a continuous spectrum tone generator would be more appropriate.


Another measure of accuracy was the video signal timing.  The accuracy of the video display coordination with the rest of the game system can be seen by the quick response time for changing the user's hand position and seeing the corresponding change of the indicators on the screen.  As each sensor is sampled 15 times per two seconds, the user would view a very accurate and expeditious timing system.



From a safety perspective, Theremin Hero is arguably safer than any music-themed video game currently on the market.  Horror stories of drum sticks smashing through LCD television screens, guitars being wind milled into friends, and High-F notes shattering glass are not concerns with the hands-free Theremin.  With the exception of rotation at the elbow and wrists, the user may remain completely still while playing the game, minimizing the risk of strain or stress.  Safety was emphasized to an even greater degree by opting for the 4-30 cm sensors as opposed to the 10-80cm sensors.  Imagine the stress and strain of air windmills and jumping up to hit the High F!  The 4-30cm sensors keep the arms within a very manageable and safe 26cm vertical zone.



Theremin Hero is a non-transmitting, non-interfering system that did not experience any significant noise from other group projects, and does not interfere with any other groups.  The only potential source of interference would be sources of infrared light that may impede the rangers' measurements.  There did not appear to be any such source in the lab.



This game is highly useable.  The controls are simple and intuitive, making the game appropriate for people of all ages.  The game is actually very challenging for levels in which both pitch and volume adjust simultaneously; gamers who love a challenge will find this game very useable as they try to beat the saved high score. 


At this time, there is no significant adjustment in place for users with special needs.  Theremin Hero could be played by anyone, but special consideration will be necessary for the visually impaired and for those users who do not have two functioning arms.  The photoelectric sensors will sense any object in their line of sight, so it would be possible to play by extending any object over the sensor (for example, a prosthetic).  For the visually impaired, perhaps it would be appropriate to play the correct tone first before beginning the game, so the user has an idea of the desired notes.  Theremin Hero has not yet been implemented for the visually impaired. 

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Comparison to Expectations:

The final version of Theremin Hero features all of the attributes included in the initial project proposal, with a few additional features added that were not in the original scope.  Given that there was only a month to integrate all of the Theremin Hero modules, we set realistic milestones for ourselves in planning the development of the game. Goals for the project included having two fully functioning photoelectric sensors that would control the pitch and volume of a generated tone and of two indicators on the CRT.  The game would feature a menu that the user could navigate using pushbuttons, and feature challenging levels of game play that would be simply to understand but difficult to master.  A high score for each level would create a sense of purpose for the user.  The game includes all of these attributes, but modified the goal of using pushbuttons by finding novel ways to navigate forward and backward through menus with the sensors alone.  Additionally, the initial proposal called for the use of two communicating MCU units.  After careful consideration, all of the game functions were implemented on a single MCU.  This required a substantial effort to make the program as lean as possible, and create numerous intermediate states to avoid timing and computation issues.  In summary, the Theremin Hero game not only met all key attributes described in the project proposal, but improved upon many components of the initial design.


Compliance with Standards:

Theremin Hero is a closed system that does not transmit or communicate with any peripheral devices or systems.  The only near-applicable system for the game was the NTSC standard for producing video output, but because the scheme from lab 3 was used for displaying the game (a scheme that does not use interlacing) the NTSC standard was not followed.  However, to avoid flickering on the screen the refresh rate of the CRT was 60Hz, as per the NTSC standard.


Intellectual Property Considerations:

At this time there is no commercial version of Theremin Hero, and accordingly there are no intellectual property issues to consider.  Further, as there are no commercial versions of this game there are no patent or trademark concerns.  There are open source development projects for both traditional and digital Theremins, encouraging hobbyists to contribute new ideas to the world of hands-free instrumentation.


Given that the Theremin community encourages open source development and collaboration, it would be a slight to the memory of Leon Theremin to patent and commercialize this unit.  This would, however, be a fun and relatively simple project for hobbyists to implement if our program was published and made available online.  Then again, if there are dollars to be made perhaps it is time to give Nintendo a call.


Ethical Considerations:

Given the ubiquity and influence of technology in today's society, the IEEE code of ethics is a crucial ethos for an organization that has such a direct connection to the quality of life for much of the world's population.  Accordingly, it is of high importance that our decisions regarding the design and implementation of Theremin Hero aligned with this code.  Although Theremin Hero obviously does not affect the livelihood or safety of others in a significant way, we recognize the importance of learning these tenets now as we prepare to transition into the professional engineering community.


As per the first guideline, we kept the safety of the 'public', in this case the game user, in mind while designing the unit.  The sensors are kept isolated from the unit's main circuitry by long leads.  Further, by their very nature the sensors are inherently safe as the user does not ever need to place their hands on the game.  Voltages are maintained at safe levels (on the order of 5-12VDC), and there are zero moving parts that may harm the user.  Lastly, the game does not transmit interference, and so cannot interfere with communication devices.


As per the third guideline, this report was written in a truthful and transparent manner.  The source program is included in the appendices, as has been unedited from the working version programmed on the MCU.  Shortcomings of the system are discussed throughout the report, and claims are neither overstated nor deceptive.


As per the fifth guideline, this project allowed us to broaden our understanding of many facets of microcontroller design and implementation.  Troubleshooting and making incremental changes were our preferred methods of figuring out how and why different methods worked in different manners, thus broadening our understanding of technology. 


As per the seventh guideline, we have made a strong attempt to keep the TA's and Professor Bruce aware of our progress and be as transparent as possible with our work over the past few weeks, welcoming criticism and help as we achieved key milestones.  Further, credit has been given to the source code that was used as a framework for parts of Theremin Hero in the main body of the report.


Legal Considerations:

It must be illegal to have this much fun playing Theremin Hero!  As discussed in the results section, this device does not transmit or communicate with external systems, and so does not infringe on any guidelines or restrictions.  Further, there are no known patents/trademarks that prevent the legal development of this design.

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Theremin Hero Budget


Part #

Manuf. #







ECE4760 Lab



Power Supply



ECE4760 Lab



Custom PC Board



ECE4760 Lab






ECE4760 Lab



Audio Speakers



ECE4760 Lab






ECE4760 Lab



Alligator Clips



ECE4760 Lab



Port Pin Headers



ECE4760 Lab



IR Sensor GP2D12*





Total Cost






Total Budgeted







Division of Labor




Circuit Construction



Integration of Video and Audio output code



ADC linearization functions



Encodings songs into progmem



State  machine design



Implementation of State Machine



Soldering of custom PC board



Troubleshooting insufficient components



          of custom PC board



Design and implementation of scoring algorithm and display



Composition of final report



Mastery of Theremin Hero*



*THE BAND - Dave on the pitch sensor and Sam on the volume sensor


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Data Sheets-

Mega644 Data Sheet


LM340T5 Voltage Regulator


GP2D12 IR Sensor


Vendor Sites-


Code borrowed from ECE 4760-

PWM from Lab 2


Video Code Generation from Lab 3


Background Sites-

Gnarls Barkley Theremin Cover


Cat playing Theremin


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