Cornell University ECE4760
Direct Memory Access weird machine
Bruce Land and Joseph Primmer
DMA on PIC32
DMA uses memory controllers separate from the CPU to accelerate data movment between memory locations, or between peripherials and memory. The PIC32 has 4 DMA controllers which can stream an agregate of about 3.2 megabytes/sec without affecting CPU performance, in many cases. There are a huge number of options available to set up a DMA transfer. You can think of a DMA channel controller as a separate, programmable, processor with the main job of moving data. Memory on the PIC32MX series is arranged as a bus matrix with five memory bus control masters and three memory bus targets accessed by the masters see (Refence Manual chapter 3, section 3.5).
Here we use the DMA subsystem to produce a complete computing system, independent of the main PIC32 CPU. The DMA weird machine makes use of memory-copy ability, transport_triggered operations, and self-modifying code. The code consists of a sequence of DMA block descriptors. The implemented operations are Turing Complete, but probably too slow for general computing. About 200,000 DMA blocks/second can be fetched/executed. The operations may be useful as glue-logic to link together peripherials. For instance, the existing PIC32 hardware allows you to trigger an ADC conversion from timer3, but not timers 1, 2, 4, or 5. Using DMA sequential machine you could trigger from any timer, then send the sample by SPI, using zero CPU cycles.
Fetch/execute DMA weird-machine functions:
All functionality must be based on memory copy operations. (see also x86 mov is Turing-Complete) The way to use memory copies to make more general operations is to execute a sequence of memory copies, where some of the copy operations modify the contents of the DMA control blocks for operations later in the sequence. The basic fetch/execute machine uses DMA0 to load a sequence of DMA2 block images, each of which is initially defined in a large array. By carefully modifying DMA2 control block images in the array, just before they are transfered to the hardware DMA2 control block, we can perform addition, increments, conditional jumps, and/or/not logic operations, and any other operations required. Program branching is implemented by using DMA2 to load a new DMA0 block. There are program labels coresponding to the index of the next block in the array. The labels are necessary for general branch support. When modifying addresses for DMA blocks, some care is necessary because on the PIC32 all C variable addresses refer to virtual memory addresses, but the DMA system works in physical address space. The PLIB DMA constructors do the conversion for you, but when hacking addresses directly you need to do the conversion yourself. The implemented operations are Turing Complete, with the limitation of a maximum of ~100 DMA blocks available, one byte variables and modulo 256 addition.
In addition to a straight copy operation, there are a few transport-triggered operations in the PIC32 DMA system:
The DMA test program performs several operations using only DMA-logic. the DMA machine is completely asynchronous and independent of MAIN, once started. MAIN sets up the DMA machine program, defines tables for the machine, then prints the results of an ADD and NOR operation on the serial console. No other microcontroller resources are needed (except memory, of course) to make the machine run. The execution speed is about 200,000 blocks/sec.
The DMA weird-machine program:
Fetch/execute machine details:
The syntax given below assumes that DMA0 or DMA2 block images can be built by defining them using PLIB DMA commands, then copying the blocks (in the perparation stage) to the large array or arrays of block images. Macros hide the actual preparation and abstract the preparation to specifying the source address, destination address, source length (in bytes), destination length (in bytes), and the cell transfer length (in bytes). For example:
make_DMA2_block(LED_pattern2, (void*)&LATB, 64, 1, 64);
constructs and stores a block destined to be copied to the DMA2 control block which moves 64 bytes from a memory array, in a burst of 64, to the 1 byte
port B output latch. The effect is to generate a burst of output transitions on the port, when the block is later loaded into the DMA2 control register and executed.
Direct Digital Synthesis -- A possible practical use for the DMA machine (and optimizing execution)
DDS uses a table-lookup to send sine values to a SPI-attached DAC. It is possible to do DMA transfer to the SPI using framed mode, which autogenerates a chip select on the channel slave-select line. However, the chip select is limited to one pin and there can only be one peripherial on the channel. The serial DMA machine allows you to define an arbitrary chip select pin and manipulate it. The downside is that the maximum speed for the transfer is around 11.4 Ksamples/sec (when using the standard 192 byte full DMA block definition). The example code waits for a timer event, toggles the chip select, sends two bytes through SPI to the DAC, increments an array pointer, then auto-loops back to wait the beginning for a timer event. To turn off the machine, just freeze timer3 so that another SPI device can access the bus. The demo code does this with a serial command.
The rate-limiting step in the DMA weird machine execution is loading the 192 byte blocks for every operation. Careful consideration of the contents of the DMA control block suggests that the last two words are not needed for this machine (unless you try to use transport-triggered compare). This shaves 32 bytes off. Another 12 bytes can be pulled off the end because each control register has three shadow registers for transport-triggered logic operations. The first word of the block is constant and can be set once, saving 16 bytes. The net result is 132 byte transfers which speeds up execution by about 1.5 times. The sample rate jumps to 18 Ksamples/second. Code.
-- Just running the DAC transfer as fast as possible with NO time-trigger control speeds up the sample rate to 23 Ksamples/sec. The speed up happens because the block size is cut to 100 bytes (minimum). The minimum size does not include the ability to set up a time trigger using the DMA block interrupt detect hardware. Code.
-- Changing the code to use 2-byte transfers to the SPI channel requires a modified increment table which limits the maximum sine resolution to 128 samples/cycle. The scheme makes a table in which the increment is two, rather than one. The effect is to remove two blocks from the DMA-block DDS loop, and raising the maximum synthesis frequency to 23.6 KHz (still with timer control). For the DDS sinewave this gives a frequency range from 2.95 Hz for a 8-sample sine to 184 Hz for a 128-sample sine. The 23.6 KHz synthesis rate corresponds to a timer interval of 1700 cycles. This means that changing the sample rate allows frequency control of better than 0.1%. Changing the length of the sine table by one sample yields frequency control of 1/(sine_table_size).
Code. <<use this version for DDS>>
Pseudorandom or random sequence generation
This example uses the CRC hardware module to generate a pseudorandom 16-bit
number sequence. OPtionally, reading a floating ADC input adds some entropy to make the sequence truly random, but not cryptograhic quality. The sequence is output through the SPI DAC interface for spectral analysis. If the ADC is used, it is read every eighth interation of the LFSR, with 8-bits of the ADC reading XORed with the lower 8-bits of the LFSR seed. Running the CRC LFSR, emitting the SPI data, computing the conditional ADC read all runs at about 10KHz. The code needs a 16-bit SFR to use as a 16-bit ALU. The OCR5 set/reset registers were used. This version of the code optimizes for speed by eliminating possible timer control, so the system just runs as fast as it can. Eliminating SPI output would speed up random number genration about 30%. Eliminating the ADC read would speed it up by about 25%, but makes the sequence completely repeatable, and dependent on the initial seed chosen. The output noise spectrum drops with a 3db point at about 25% of the sample frequency and a minimum at the sample frequency at least 30db down.
Code (with ADC read every three LFSR operations)
Spectrum of DAC output with no ADC reads. Sample rate is about 16.8 KHz.
Older versions:
Time synced operation:
It is possible to sync overall machine operation to a timer by modifying one DMA2 block definition to trigger a transfer on a timer event. Note that this is a blocking-wait, which kills DMA execution until the timer event. The could be useful for a small program that, for example, sends a word to the SPI channel on a regular schedule to run a DAC. The sequential machine would wait for a timer event, drop the chip-select line, transfer a word to the SPI buffer, raise the chip-select line, then loop to wait for the next timer event. The DMA2 block definition which waits, then executes a NOP could be:
DmaChnOpen(2, 0, DMA_OPEN_AUTO);
DmaChnSetTxfer(2, &inc_value, &bit_bucket, 1, 1, 1);
DmaChnSetEventControl(2, DMA_EV_START_IRQ(_TIMER_3_IRQ));
DmaChnSetEvEnableFlags(2, DMA_EV_CELL_DONE);
memcpy(DMA_blocks+length_of_block*N, &DCH2CON, length_of_block);
code runs the main DMA loop at 100 Hz by waiting for timer3 event.
Optimizing test code execution speed
-- The execution speed of the DMA machine is limited by the need to load a 192 byte control block for each operation. By reducing the felxibility of the machine, certain chunks of the DMA2 block do not need to be reloaded each time. An optimized version with about 1.4 speed-up minimizes DMA2 block updates, but still allows full functions described above. optimized code.
The minimum execution time for one block dropped from 10 µsec to 7 µsec because the bytes per block were reduced from 192 to 132.
It is possible to optimize further, but the ability to trigger a block from an outside source (perhaps a timer) is lost. By eliminating the copy of the interrupt control registers, the copy count drops to 100 bytes, and the minimum block execution time drops to 5.5 µsec. The general test code above still runs, but time sync is much harder. The DCHxSSA, source address, register is the first address copied and the DCHxCSIZ, cell size register, is the last (see datasheet page 52).
A different (and probably inferior) way to run the Fetch/Execute cycle
The method used above is optimal in terms of wasting no cycles because the fetch/execute cycle is asychronous. As soon as an operation finishes, then next one can start. However, all four DMA channels are needed to make the machine run. One channel is the fetch unit, another is the execute unit, and two others are just used to clear interrupt flags in the first two channels.
If a timer and output compare unit are used to generate two time-synched interrupt flags, then the two (fetch and execute) DMA channels can be triggered by the interrupt flags. The up side of this scheme is that it frees up two DMA channels. The down side is that the slowest operation determines the execution rate of the machine. Most operations are fairly fast, but add is much slower and branch is a little slower. Including add operation drops performance by a factor of 10. Branch operation drops performance by a factor of 2.5. Tuning becomes quite dificult. But for reference, a running code (without add operation) is included which runs about 0.4 as fast as the async code. Code.
Copyright Cornell University March 27, 2021