Cornell University
Electrical Engineering 476
CodeVision 1.24.6 Debugger
for Atmel Mega32 microcontrollers


This is an attempt to make a debugger which is easy to link with a target program and which allows interactive exploration and modification of the state of the target program. There are commands to read/write i/o registers, data registers and memory, read variables on the fly, and to determine the locations of the Codevision data stack and hardware stack.

The intent was to make a system in which a student could debug any C program (the target program) with very minimal modification. The debugger is small and designed to minimally interfere with the target program.

Using the Debugger

There are only a few changes that have to be made to the target C program to run it with the debugger:

There are keyboard commands available which you can use at the db> prompt (appearing on the PC hyperterm window) and there are various debug statements which you embed in your target program. The two tables below explain the commands and statements.

Interactive Commands:

The interactive, db> prompt commands are in the first table table. The Backspace key works at the debugger command line, but does not echo the erased characters. After backspacing, new characters type over old characters. No error checking is done at the command line. Unrecognized commands are ignored. Poorly formed parameters (e.g. letters in a number) default to whatever C does to them, which is usually to return a zero.

Prints a short version of this table (disabled if you comment the verbose define).
Exits the command shell and run target program
Stops the target program and enters command shell with DebugID=255. NOTE: you must uncomment a define near the beginning of debugger.c for this command to work.
Forces a RESET of the MCU and trashes the state of your program! This is implemented using the watchdog timer reset function.
i ioregAddress
Reads an i/o register. The register address is entered in hexadecimal. The result displayed in in hex.
Example: i 13
Reads the state of the pushbuttons attached to PINC.
I ioregAddress iodata

Writes to an i/o register. The register address and data are entered in hexadecimal
Example: I 18 f0
Turns on LEDs 0 to 3 attached to PORTB (If DDRB=0xff).

r datareg
Reads data register. The register number is in decimal. The result displayed is in hex. The .map file generated by the compiler will show you where variables are stored. Note that Codevision can store varibles in SRAM or in registers. You have to look at the map file to verify where a variable is stored. Registers 1 to 15 are available for global variables. Registers 16 to 21 can store local variables. Registers 22 to 31 store state information for Codevision. Normally, no user information should be in these registers.
Example: r 16
Displays the value 55 if the demo program is running and button one is pressed to enter the command shell. This is because the running program writes a 0x55 to data register sixteen just before it calls the debug(3) macro.
R datareg data
Writes task data register. The register number is in decimal. The data is in hex.
Example: R 0 aa
Writes 0xaa to register 0. The debugger does not allow you to modify registers 22 to 31 because of the dynamic contents of these internal C registers make it hard to predict the results of a modification. If the demo program is running, it stops with debugID=1 just after reset time. There are six local variables in registers when it stops.
m address

Reads memory. Address is given in hex. The .map file generated by the compiler will show you where variables are stored. Remember that by default, Codevision stores the first few variables you define into registers.
Example: m 7d0

M address data
Writes data to memory. Address and data are in hex.
Example: M 7d0 aa
Writes 0xaa to address 7d0. Remember that there is NO memory protection, so you can easily trash the system with this command.
l, lc, ld
View a logged variable. The l command shows a log, if any is stored. The lc command clears a log and the ld command lists the logged variable, but in decimal. To use these commands, you must first insert loginit and logV commands into your code (see table below).
Reads the memory location of the top of the hardware stack. This is mostly useful to make sure that you have not overrun the space allocated to the hardware stack. The value reported by this command is the stack location before the context switch to the debugger stores 32 bytes on the stack. The hardware stack grows downward from the top of memory, which in the Mega32 is 0x85f. Mega32 RAM organization diagram. Codevision RAM use diagram.

Reads the memory location of the top of the data stack. This is mostly useful to make sure that you have not overrun the space allocated to the data stack. If you are looking for local variables, remember that Codevision puts the first six bytes of local variables defined in a function in data registers R16-R21. After that they are placed on the data stack. The example program stops with debugID=1 at reset time. The data stack has 6 stored bytes, then six local variables in registers. The software stack grows downward from a location set in the Project...Configure dialog box, which defaults to 0x260. Mega32 RAM organization diagram. Codevision RAM use diagram.


Reads the processor status register (SREG). Output is in hex.
Bits in SREG: I T H S V N Z C
See the complete instruction set document for information on which bits are set by each instruction.

bit7 I master interrupt enable This is set/cleared by sei/cli and by leaving/entering an ISR
bit6 T user settable bit Use this for whatever you want (in assembly language) using set/clt/bst/bld/brts/brtc
bit5 H half-carry Carry-out from bit 3 of last arithmetic result (for binary coded decimal arithmetic)
bit4 S sign bit Sign of last arithmetic result
bit3 V 2-complement overflow bit Overflow of last arithmetic result
bit2 N negative bit Indicates that last arithmetic result was negative
bit1 Z zero bit Indicates that last arithmetic result was zero
bit0 C carry bit Carry-out from bit 7 of last arithmetic result (for extended precision arithmetic and for ror/rol roll instructions)



Statements inserted in target program:

The following table has the statements which can be inserted into the target program. All of the report statements slow down the MCU while printing to hyperterm. The time overhead is about 1mSec/character printed, including spaces and carrage returns. This time overhead is not too important if the commands are in a task which executes every 500 mSec, but they should not be used in any fast ISR. A short demo shows how the commands work. The logging commands are much faster (about 3 microseconds) but use memory. A big log may crash the software stack.

#define nullify_debugger
Completely eliminates the debugger, while allowing debug, report and log statements to remain in the program. Use this when you are ready to make a production code.
Stop target program and enters command shell with debugID:255. This command is actually interactive, but is included here for completeness. NOTE: you must uncomment a define near the beginning of debugger.c for this command to work.
debug(char debugID)
When used in the target program being debugged, this macro enters the command shell with the specified debugID. The debugID can be used as an error code. The valid range is 0<debugID<250.
Example: debug(4)
Display the contents of data register regnum while the program is running. The output register number is in decimal and the contents is in hex. Time overhead is 6 or 7 mSec.


Display the contents of i/o register ioregnum while the program is running. For example, reportI(0x3f) returns the value of SREG. The output register number is in hex and the contents is in hex.Time overhead is 6 or 7 mSec.
Display the contents of memory location address while the program is running. The output address is in hex and the contents is in hex.Time overhead is 7 to 10 mSec.
Display the contents of variable name var in hexadecimal while the program is running. This command will show the value of char and int variables, as well as i/o registers (e.g. TCCR0) defined in the mega32.h header. Time overhead is 7 to 10 mSec.
Display the contents of variable name var in decimal while the program is running. This command will show the value of char and int variables, as well as i/o registers (e.g. TCCR0) defined in the mega32.h header.Time overhead is 7 to 10 mSec.
Initialize a storage area for logged variables. The log is created below the software stack and grows upward. A big log may crash the software stack. The max parameter sets the maximum size of the log and must be less than 256. The variable name is stored for interactive use and must be less than 16 characters. If you use logV(var) more than max times, you will enter the debugger with debugID:254.
Record a variable of name var to be displayed later in the debugger with the l command. The variable must be only 8 bits (type char). You must call logInit once before using this statement. If you use logV(var) more than the maximum number of times set in the logInit command, you will enter the debugger with debugID:254. Time overhead of logV(var) is about 3 microseconds with a 16 MHz clock (49 cycles).

Details of using the debugger

The debugger attempts to change the state of the MCU as little as possible:

When you enter the debugger, the three MCU timers are frozen, but interrupt state is not changed. If you don't like this particular behavior, you can hack on the following macro debug (in debugger.c) to change the defaults. The saveitall and loaddatareg functions are asm routines to make it easier for the debugger to get the SREG, stack pointers and data register values. You can treat the debug ID as an error code for your program.

#define debug(id) \
	do{      	\
	db_t0temp = TCCR0;  \
	db_t1temp = TCCR1B; \
	db_t2temp = TCCR2;  \
	TCCR0 = 0;  \
	TCCR1B = 0; \
	TCCR2 = 0;  \
	saveitall(); \
	db_break_id = id;  \          
	cmd();     \ 
	loaddatareg(); \
	TCCR0 = db_t0temp;	\
	TCCR1B = db_t1temp;\
	TCCR2 = db_t2temp;	\

If you want to be able to enter the debugger with a <control-c> from hyperterm, uncomment the following line near the beginning of the debugger.c file. But note that your main is entered with interrupts enabled! Also, the target program should not disable interrupts for a long period of time when using this option. NOTE: If you turn on this option, then you cannot use the debug statement in any ISR unless you explicitly set the I-bit in the ISR.

//#define use_rxc_isr

If you want to save 400 bytes of flash memory you can comment the following define, however you will lose the interactive help command.

#define verbose

If you want to disable on-the-fly reporting of variables to the terminal, comment out the following to save 100 words of flash.

#define use_reporting

If you want to disable on-the-fly logging of variables to memory for later inspection, comment out the following to save 150 words of flash.

#define use_logging

When you are done debugging and want to try out the final code, insert the line
#define nullify_debugger

just before the debugger include statement. All debug statements can stay in the target program, but the program acts as if they are removed and there is no code size (or timing) overhead.

Older versions of the debugger are available, but are bigger and slower.

Copyright Cornell University Jan 2007