EE 476: Homework 5
Due At the start of your 5th lab.
- For the simple DAC circuit shown in Lab 4, each port output pin can be
at Vcc=5 volts or at zero volts.
- Show that if the port output is 0x80 that the voltage going to the oscilloscope
equals 2.5 volts.
- Show that if the port output is 0x40 that the voltage going to the oscilloscope
equals 1.25 volts.
- Show that the 16 table values for sine wave amplitude given in the example
program are correct to 8 bits.
- Refering to the
CodeVisionC library for LCD displays,
explain how how the routine _lcd_ready
works in terms of the
LCD display hardware
commands. Do this by providing an expanded comment for each line of assembler
code and a paragraph explaining what the routine must do.
Copyright Cornell University Feb 2002