ECE 4760: Homework 1
- Read all of Lab 1. You should come to lab with a good first draft of the
code assignment, but the code is not part of this homework.
- Go to the Human Benchmark site and measure your reaction time. What is your average? For an insanely fast reaction time see this video.
- Refering to the protoboard design page (and, of course, the Mega644 datasheet), describe the function of each of the components connected to pins 9, 10, 30,31,32 of the MCU.
- Estimate the Thevinin equvalent output resistance of an i/o pin from the
Mega644 data sheet. Can you drive an LED directly (you may need to look up the I-V curve for a red LED)?
What is the value of the best current limiting resistor?
- Read the Hints on Debugging page.
- The following code sets up timer0 to interrupt at a uniform interval.
Explain in detail what each statement does and why it is necessary.
What is the interval?
TIMSK0= (1<<OCIE0A);
OCR0A = 249;
TCCR0B= 3;
TCCR0A= (1<<WGM01) ;
February 13, 2012