EE 476: Laboratory 4

Serially controlled, 8-channel DVM.


You will produce a digital voltmeter which is controlled and read over an RS-232 serial line connected to a PC window. The DVM will be 8-channel, with 3 digit accuracy, reading 0.00 to 5.00 volts.


You should wire a voltage divider using the 150 ohm resistor packs to produce eight voltages between 0 and 5 volts for testing the eight analog inputs. Connect the eight voltage divider outputs to A/D inputs, port0.0 through port 0.7 respectively. The resistor packs are arranged as eight separate 150 ohm resistors. Once all the input channels are connected to the voltage divider, you may want to check the voltages with a separate DVM.

As explained in the Users Guide, the 10-bit A/D result is in two separate registers which also contain the channel number. The following code fragment sets up the conversion, waits for completion, then assembles the 10-bit result. The byte variable, ch_num, is set by the program containing a number between 0 and 7. The word variable, v, contains the 10-bit result.

	addb	ad_command, ch_num, #8h	;set A/D ch and trigger conversion
wait:	bbs	ad_result_lo,3,	wait	;wait for result
	ldb	v+1,	ad_result_hi	;read top bits result
	ldb	v,	ad_result_lo	;read low bits result
	shr	v,	#6h		;shift out channel info
After you read the 10-bit voltage, you will need to figure out how to convert the result into a 3 digit, ASCII formatted number.

One way of handling the serial i/o is to have interrupt routines for transmit and receive functions. This scheme allows the fast cpu to perfrom other functions while waiting for the slow serial interface. The program you are being asked to write does not have enough to keep the cpu busy between messages sent, so you will have to write some sort of synchronization scheme so that one message is completely sent before the next is started. A code fragment below shows basic transmit and receive interrupt routines.

	rseg at 20H

mes_ptr:dsw	1		;pointer to text message
m_end:	dsw	1		;end of the text message
busy:	dsb	1		;serial Tx busy
	cseg at 2080H
start:	ld	sp, 	#100h	;stack pointer
	clrb	busy		;Tx is not busy now
	di			;disable interrupts
;setup serial port
	ldb	ioc1,	   #20h	;enable Tx pin
	ldb	int_mask1, #3h	;enable xmit & recx intrrupts
	ldb	int_mask,  #0h	;disable the rest
	ldb	sp_con,	   #9h	;standard serial mode & read enable
;next two bytes MUST be loaded in this order
	ldb	baud_rate, #77d	;9600 baud rate
	ldb	baud_rate, #80h	;rate upper byte
	ei			;enable interrupts
;send the 'voltage=' message

wait1:	jbs	busy,0, wait1		;wait for clear buffer
	ld	mes_ptr, #message	;message location
	ld	m_end,	#mes_end	;message endbyte
	ldb	sbuf,	[mes_ptr]+ 	;send first byte
	;transmit interrupt will now occur after each char is sent
	incb	busy		 	;set busy flag 
; --- more program goes here ----
;transmit interrrupt
int08:	pusha
	cmp	mes_ptr, m_end		;end of message?
	bne	writeit			;if not, write char
	clrb	busy			;else clear busy and leave
	br	return
writeit:ldb	sbuf,	[mes_ptr]+	;trigger next char
return:	popa
;receive interrupt
int09:	pusha
	ldb	temp,	sbuf	;get a single char
;Constant strings
message:dcb	'Voltage='
mes_end	equ	$
crlf:	dcb	0dH, 0aH	;CR, LF
go:	dcb	'g'
stop:	dcb	's'
decimal:dcb	'.'
zero:	dcb	'0'	;Useful for generating ASCII digits

  • I suggest putting the command interperter in the receive interrupt routine, but it is your choice.
  • Be sure that Vref for the port0 A/D converter inputs is set to exactly 5 volts.
  • The 186KBs serial port (connector P2) should be connected to COM2 of the PC. You should use a simple terminal program on the PC connected to COM2.
  • You will need to make another include file which is modified to allow (at least) the serial transmit (int08) and receive (int09) interrupts. In the code fragment above, I called it


    Write a program which will repeatedly:

    For extra credit, add the ability to sample several channels, rather than just one at a time. The command string from the PC might be 145(CR) signifying that channels 1,4 and 5 should be sampled.

    When you demonstrate the program to a staff member, you should exercise all the keyboard commands typed from the PC and show that the voltages displayed in the PC window are correct.

    Your written lab report should include:

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